Abdominal distention in children when to do tests?

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Posted by Doctor Ma Van Tham - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology, Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital

Bloating and distention are the most commonly reported bothersome symptoms in patients with bowel dysfunction. It is often difficult to diagnose the cause and target the correct treatment of abdominal distention.

1. Diagnosis of abdominal distension in children

Before a patient with abdominal distention, we must first rule out all surgical causes of abdominal distention such as: intussusception, intestinal atrophy, anal stenosis, intestinal obstruction due to other causes... Currently, thanks Advances in understanding of the pathogenesis, especially regarding the role of diet, malabsorption of fermentable sugars, dysbiosis of the gut microbiota, altered gut sensitivity, reflexes Abnormal bowel has brought about progress in treatment. Most notably, a diet low in poly, double, and fermentable monosaccharides significantly reduced symptoms and increased quality of life.
==> See more advice from Specialist I Trieu Thi Hong Thai - Neonatologist - Neonatology Department - Vinmec International General Hospital: Baby fussy due to bloating after birth, what parents should do ?

Lồng ruột là nguyên nhân ngoại khoa gây chướng bụng
Lồng ruột là nguyên nhân ngoại khoa gây chướng bụng

2. When to get tested?

Several organ conditions can accompany or cause bloating (table 1). Although rare, these cases should be considered carefully. Bloating is an unpleasant but usually benign symptom, and expensive tests are not necessary unless there are warning signs (weight loss, rectal bleeding, and nocturnal symptoms). ..) However, endoscopy in young patients without the above warning signs is not necessary. A patient with a family history of celiac disease or findings suggestive of celiac disease should be screened by serological diagnosis. If the patient has a family history of ovarian or breast cancer or has had a change in the recent menstrual cycle, a pelvic ultrasound is recommended. All patients should be screened for psychological factors that may contribute to their symptoms.

Đầy hơi là triệu chứng thường gặp ở trẻ nhỏ
Đầy hơi là triệu chứng thường gặp ở trẻ nhỏ

Bảng 1: Nguyên nhân đầy hơi được xem xét khi quyết định chiến lược thăm dò.
Bảng 1: Nguyên nhân đầy hơi được xem xét khi quyết định chiến lược thăm dò.

A straight abdominal radiograph to evaluate fecal mass is valuable for the evaluation of patients with persistent symptoms. Although dietary fermentable sugars (FODMAPs) and small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO) may contribute to persistent symptoms, there is little convincing evidence that the hydrogen breath test is diagnostically diagnostic. reliable or make a significant contribution to treatment. These cases should be clinically evaluated and treated empirically.
=>>See more advice from Doctor Ma Van Tham - Pediatrics - Neonatology Department, Vinmec International General Hospital: Diet for children with bloating
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