A patient’s guide to surgery Chapter 1 - Preparing for surgery

This document was written by Ms. Susana Gabriel Garcia, who has been working as a Nurse at Operating Room Unit, Vinmec Times City International Hospital.

Preoperative preparation is extremely important. At this time, the patient needs preparing both physically and mentally for the surgery. It is also necessary that the patient have clear understanding of surgical procedure for optimization of care services, preventing factors that can affect the risks of surgery or general anesthesia. The Vinmec Patient’s Guidelines for Operation preparation contains 16 sections providing full information about Surgical procedure at Vinmec International Hospital, coming up with preoperative, operative and post-operative preparation procedure, from which customers may have necessary preparation and reduce their worry.

Part I: One week before surgery

Physical Condition: For any changes in your condition, please contact the hospital number and follow the voice instructions.

Medications: The prescription form will be given upon consultation.

Laboratory: The laboratory investigations will be done, prior to your scheduled operation.

Activity: The physician will advise your day-to-day activity prior to your operation.

Avoid Smoking: You may have breathing problems during or after surgery, and you are at greater risk of developing pneumonia. Smoking reduces blood flow, which slows healing, so your surgical incision is more likely to become infected.

Avoid drinking Alcohol: It will impede your recovery and will thin your blood. The thinning of your blood can cause additional problems such as prolonged bleeding or infections, as alcohol can reduce the effectiveness of your autoimmune system.


  • It is recommended that you decrease or stop your consumption of alcohol and cigarettes at least one week before surgery.
  • Avoid taking medication that can cause bleeding such as aspirin or anti-inflammatory (example Advil, Motrin, Entrophen, Novasen, etc.) for at least seven days before surgery, unless otherwise instructed by your doctor.
  • We recommend that you contact your Insurer to find out what coverage you have in effect under your insurance policy.
  • Please bring a form regarding your absence from work or school, if you don’t have, then please inform your nurse to provide you with one.
  • For safety as well as for legal reasons, arrange to have an adult to accompany you home. He or she must be available at all times.
  • Leave your jewelry at home. Please bring only what is needed for payment and other expenses.
  • Do not wear makeup and nail polish.
  • If you have fever or a cold the day before the surgery, please call the hotline.

Avoid using aspirin like aspirin or anti-inflammation minimum 1 weeks before surgery, unless further instructions from the doctor
Avoid using aspirin like aspirin or anti-inflammation minimum 1 weeks before surgery, unless further instructions from the doctor

Part II: Confirmation/Cancellation/ Physical preparation

We will call you the day before surgery or send you a text message regarding your appointment. We will inform you regarding what time to arrive at the hospital and the time of your surgery, otherwise please note that you must arrive approximately 2 hours before your scheduled surgery.

If you need to cancel your surgery, please call our hotline and follow the voice instructions.

1. Hygiene

The evening before surgery, you can to bathe with normal soap or Bactericidal soap or soap with Chlohexidine 2%

The day before surgery (1 hour before going to the OT), re-bathe like the evening before surgery. In addition, you can brush your teeth as long as it’s not contraindicated.

2. Shaving

It is important not to shave the area of your operation for seven days (one week) before the surgery as it can create an entry point for bacteria.

Do not shave body before operation day because it may raise the risk of infection
Do not shave body before operation day because it may raise the risk of infection

For any information, please contact our Hotlines:

  1. Vinmec Times City International Hospital: (+84) 2439743556
  2. Vinmec Central Park International Hospital: (+84) 2836221166 or (+84) 2836221188
  3. Vinmec Da Nang International Hospital: (+84) 2363711111
  4. Vinmec Nha Trang International Hospital: (+84) 2583900168
  5. Vinmec Hai Phong International Hospital: (+84) 2257309888
  6. Vinmec Ha Long International Hospital: (+84) 2033828188
  7. Vinmec Phu Quoc International Hospital: (+84) 297398558

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