8 signs that your baby is hungry

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Phan Ngoc Hai - Pediatrician - Neonatologist - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatal - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.
Newborn babies' stomachs are small, so they need to eat many small meals throughout the day. Accordingly, parents also need to know the signs when the child is hungry, asking for food, ... although not in the previous chronological order to ensure nutrition to help children develop comprehensively.

1. Signs of hunger and fullness in babies under 6 months old

For some first-time mothers, feeding/breasting can also become overwhelming for them. When a baby is fussy or has difficulty breastfeeding, the mother may be depressed, sad, or stressed. Children who do not eat well also lead to slow weight gain and may be less resistant. Besides, the pressure from family and relatives also increases the stress of the mother.
1.1. Children begin to feel hungry When children start to feel hungry they will show the following symptoms:
Licking lips Sucking tongue, hands, feet or clothes Covering mouth Child's mouth opens and closes repeatedly Turns head to search However, Some babies may not show any of these symptoms at all, so you can adjust the amount of milk and the time it takes to breastfeed.
1.2. Signs the baby is more hungry Crying Moves, stirs more with a continuous frequency If the child is too hungry but the mother still does not realize to feed the baby, they will show discomfort and fuss. Accordingly, when the baby is crying because he is too hungry, it will be difficult to feed the crying baby. Therefore, mothers should watch for signs that the baby is starting to feel hungry to feed the baby in time.
=>>> See more Are sucking babies hungry?

Khi đói trẻ có biểu hiện quấy khóc và cựa quậy nhiều hơn
Khi đói trẻ có biểu hiện quấy khóc và cựa quậy nhiều hơn
1.3. Signs that a baby under 6 months of age is full When a child under 6 months of age is full, they may have the following symptoms
Close their mouth Turn their head away from the breast or bottle nipple Hands begin to relax One Some babies can sleep right after they are full See more: How to know if your baby is full?
2. Signs of hunger and fullness in babies over 6 months old 2.1. Signs of hunger in children over 6 months of age Children from 6 months of age and above when hungry may show the following:
Reaching for food Opens mouth wide when bringing spoon or food near Shows excitement When he sees food, he may use hand or mouth signals to let his mother know that he is hungry. 2.2. Signs that a child over 6 months old has eaten enough When a child over 6 months old is full and then the child may have the following symptoms:
Pushing food away Closes mouth when being fed Turns head away from food Maybe baby will use hand or mouth signals to let you know that your baby is full.

Trẻ ngậm miệng lại khi được cho ăn cho biết đã ăn no
Trẻ ngậm miệng lại khi được cho ăn cho biết đã ăn no
Each child has different hunger and satiety cues. Most importantly, mothers need to observe the children's expressions to feed them promptly in the next time. In addition, the mother should not force the child to eat too much, because it can lead to the child having gastroesophageal reflux syndrome, the child will become more prone to vomiting. At that time, feeding children will become stressful because they often vomit.
It is very necessary for mothers to recognize early signs that the baby is hungry or that the baby is full, to promptly provide nutrition and help relieve the baby's hunger. This will help calm the baby and make it easier to latch on to the breast. When the baby has cried loudly is the last sign that the baby is hungry so it will make it more difficult for the baby to calm down and breastfeed.
To prevent diseases that babies often get, parents should pay attention to nutrition to improve children's resistance. At the same time, add supporting foods containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, B vitamins,... snacks and less digestive problems.
Parents can learn more:
Why do you need to supplement Lysine for your baby?
The role of zinc - Guidelines for reasonable zinc supplementation
Please visit the website Vinmec.com regularly and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.
Reference sources: babycenter.com, cdc.gov
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