8 month old baby anorexia physiologically

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Anorexia is very common in young children. There are many causes of anorexia in children, of which physiological anorexia is an important cause. Physiological anorexia stage in 8-month-old children is one of the common stages. An 8-month-old baby with anorexia physiologically needs appropriate remedial measures to avoid affecting development.

1. Physiological anorexia stage in 8-month-old children

8 months old baby is at the stage of getting used to a variety of foods. This is also a vulnerable period for anorexia due to changes in the body, digestive system and nutritional needs. The causes of anorexia include physiological anorexia, pathological anorexia, psychological anorexia, and anorexia due to improper diet.
Physiological anorexia in 8-month-old children is mainly due to changes in the body's homeostasis during development, for example: teething, crawling, walking, sitting,... In which, growing Teeth are the cause of the baby's anorexia and loss of appetite most, because teething will make the gums swollen and painful, causing fever.
8 month old anorexic will have some symptoms such as:
Baby does not want to eat, does not want to eat and does not ask for food. Baby fusses or vomits when he sees food. Baby sucks food for a long time without swallowing. Each meal takes longer than 30 minutes.

Mọc răng là một trong những nguyên nhân chính khiến bé 8 tháng tuổi biếng ăn
Mọc răng là một trong những nguyên nhân chính khiến bé 8 tháng tuổi biếng ăn

2. Factors aggravating physiological anorexia in 8-month-old children

Some factors aggravate the physiological anorexia in 8-month-old children such as:
Long duration of each meal. Anorexic children often have a very long eating time, more than 30 minutes. In order for the baby to eat all the prepared foods, many parents are willing to feed the baby for more than 1 hour. That will make the baby no longer focus on the meal, the baby refuses to swallow or cry, ... making the physiological anorexia in 8-month-old children worse.
Snacking before meals Eating snacks such as cakes, candies, soft drinks, ... especially before the main meal will make children feel full, giving them a bad habit, making the baby's condition 8. Physiological anorexia month is more serious.
Forcing food that the baby does not like 8 months old baby has a taste and interest in food. For foods that do not like, the baby will not eat much, even refuse to eat. At this time, if the baby is forced to eat, it can easily affect the psychology, making the baby anorexic. Instead, parents should learn the child's preferences and change the menu accordingly.
Eating while watching TV, phone or playing games Letting children eat while watching TV, phones or playing games will make children not focus on eating, or sucking on food, not feeling the taste of food. Therefore, from an early age, parents should let the baby sit on a high chair, while eating, do not watch TV or phone to form good habits for the baby.
Unbalanced nutritional composition Many parents, because they want their baby to gain weight and grow up quickly, only focus on adding some nutrients such as calcium and protein, leading to a deficiency of other substances, especially micronutrients. Lack of micronutrients leads to appetite, reduced organ function, retardation of physical and intellectual development.

Có nhiều yếu tố góp phần làm nặng hơn tình trạng biếng ăn sinh lý ở trẻ 8 tháng tuổi
Có nhiều yếu tố góp phần làm nặng hơn tình trạng biếng ăn sinh lý ở trẻ 8 tháng tuổi

3. Measures to improve physiological anorexia in 8-month-old children

The period of physiological anorexia in an 8-month-old child can be transient or prolonged. If the physiological anorexia is caused by teething, the baby can eat normally after a few days or a week. However, if the 8-month-old child has anorexia physiologically for many weeks, it is necessary to find out the cause and take early remedial measures to improve the physiological anorexia in 8-month-old children.
Continue to breastfeed babies because breast milk is an important and safe source of nutrition for babies under 1 year old (about 60-70%). Meals provide nutritional needs for children about 30-40%. It is necessary to ensure a varied and adequate diet of 4 important groups of nutrients: protein (10-15g/meal) from meat (chicken, pork, beef), fish, eggs, milk; carbohydrates (50 – 80g/meal) from rice, oats, cereals, potatoes, sweet potatoes; fat (35g/day) from animal fat (pork, fish) or vegetable oil (olive oil, peanut oil, sesame oil); fiber, vitamins and minerals (20-30g/meal) from vegetables, tubers, fruits such as mushrooms, carrots, tomatoes, amaranth, spinach, spinach, water spinach, collard greens, cauliflower , kohlrabi, avocado, banana, pear, apple,... Feed your baby according to the principle from liquid to solid, from little to a lot, from sweet to salty. The number of meals for an 8-month-old child is from 4-5 meals/day. Including 3 main meals and 1-2 snacks. The main and side meals are alternated and spaced about 3-4 hours apart. Create healthy eating habits for children: sit in the dining chair, do not eat while watching TV or phone, arrange meals at fixed time frames. Each baby's meal only lasts a maximum of 30 minutes. The menu as well as the way the food is prepared is varied and changes daily. Choose fresh, daily food. Avoid pre-cooked foods. It's best for your child to eat when he/she cooks that meal. Limit reheating food many times will lose nutrients Do not give your baby fast food or junk food before the main meal because the baby's stomach is full, making the baby full, no longer feel hungry and give up food. meal. Do not threaten, scold or force the child to eat, This has a negative effect on the child's psyche, making them more and more afraid every time it comes to meals. Instead, parents should create a comfortable and happy atmosphere for children when eating, and often encourage and motivate children to arouse children's interest in food. Dishes are colorful, eye-catching, with funny shapes, so that children feel excited about food. It is necessary to find out the preferences and tastes of children to combine a variety of foods. This can both ensure adequate supply of necessary nutrients and help children not feel bored. Let children eat with the whole family to create a habit of eating on time and familiarize them with eating movements. For 8-month-old children with anorexia, malabsorption, and growth retardation, parents should supplement children with supportive products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help meet their needs. meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well. Parents can simultaneously apply dietary supplements and functional foods derived from nature for easy absorption. The most important thing is that improving your baby's symptoms often takes a long time. Combining many types of functional foods at the same time or changing many types in a short time can make the baby's digestive system unable to adapt and completely not good. Therefore, parents must be really patient with their children and regularly visit the website vimec.com to update useful baby care information.
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