7 month old baby: Physical, motor, cognitive and emotional development

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The article is professionally approved by Master, Doctor Dang Huy Toan - Pediatrician - Neonatologist - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Nha Trang International General Hospital

7 months old baby achieves certain physical, motor, cognitive and emotional development. Therefore, questions such as: What is the normal and standard weight for a 7-month-old baby, and what is the level of communication and social skills development of a 7-month-old child? Many parents are interested and want to learn.

1. How much does a 7 month old baby weigh?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the height and weight of a 7-month-old baby should be between 65 - 69cm and 6.8 - 8.6kg (for girls) and 67 - 71cm and 7.4 - 9.2kg (for boys).
2. How does a 7 month old baby develop? 2.1 Level of motor development of a 7-month-old child The motor skills of a 7-month-old child have developed significantly. In particular, the gross motor skills (the ability to control and coordinate large muscle groups) were performed more smoothly.
At the same time, children begin to develop fine motor skills (the ability to control and coordinate fingers and hands). Here are some skills that a 7-month-old baby can do and parents also need to monitor and observe to encourage their child to develop these skills.
Use and coordinate the index finger and thumb to grasp and grasp small objects or long pieces of food. Bringing food and objects to the mouth to lick and throw. Pick up objects or toys, throw them away, and then pick them up again. Reaching for nearby objects with one or two hands, grasping objects more firmly with one hand. Turn over to lie on your stomach or back. When a 7-month-old baby repeats this movement, it can signal that the baby is ready to crawl. Therefore, parents need support so that the baby can crawl in the following months. Children can sit up on their own

Trẻ 7 tháng tuổi có thể tự ngồi dậy được
Trẻ 7 tháng tuổi có thể tự ngồi dậy được

2.2 Level of Cognitive Development of a 7-month-old Baby's brain during this period develops at an extremely fast rate and faster than physical development to help the child acquire certain skills to adapt to the environment and external influences. Parents will see children develop awareness with the following specific levels:
Recognize the existence of objects around such as children's toys. Therefore, children love to play "peek-peek" or look for hidden toys and objects. Children know how to show their love for eye-catching objects and toys. many colors and try to get them. Children also show more curiosity about things around them and about the outside world. Children can move their eyes and follow moving devices and objects. Children can recognize their voice as well as detect their name when someone mentions it. A 7-month-old baby can also babble and make vowel sounds like "a" or "o". In addition, children understand communication is talking to each other. As a result, children either babble to their parents or they also try to imitate the words their parents, grandparents or caregivers say to them. Children understand and use sounds or gestures to get attention when there is a need or desire to communicate. 2.3 Level of emotional development of 7-month-old babies Emotionally, 7-month-olds can achieve the following levels of development:
Distinguish between familiar people and strangers or just meeting them for the first time. Children will appear happy or excited when meeting people they know, and at the same time show fear and fear towards strangers. Express your feelings and know what you like and don't like. Children express emotions more clearly than in previous months such as laughing or upset, ... Children observe the emotions of those around them and try to imitate, for example, cry when other children are crying, or laugh when others are crying. see parents smile. Cognitive and emotional development of 7-month-old babies is quite strong and faster than physical to help them adapt to outside life early. At this stage, the baby's motor skills also have a great change, the baby can sit on his own and show signs of preparing to crawl.

Trẻ 7 tháng tuổi với mức độ phát triển cảm xúc mạnh mẽ
Trẻ 7 tháng tuổi với mức độ phát triển cảm xúc mạnh mẽ

In addition to children who develop normally at this stage, children often encounter diseases related to the respiratory tract, infections, slow speech, slow movement; problems of rickets, malnutrition, anorexia, slow weight gain... Therefore, parents need to be really concerned, once they see that their children have abnormal symptoms, they need to take them to reputable medical facilities. examination and treatment.
In addition, 7-month-old children need 5mg of elemental zinc/day to eat well, reach the correct height and weight and exceed the standard. Zinc plays a role in affecting most biological processes taking place in the body, especially the breakdown of nucleic acids, proteins... Organs in the body when zinc deficiency can lead to a There are a number of diseases such as neurological disorders, irritability, etc. Therefore, parents need to learn about the role of zinc and guide them to appropriate zinc supplements for their children.
In addition to zinc, parents also need to supplement their children with other important vitamins and minerals such as lysine, chromium, B vitamins,... errands.
Please regularly visit Vinmec.com website and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.

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