7 month old anorexic what to do?

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7 months old is a period of strong development both mentally and physically. At the same time, the baby is now eating solids more stably than in the previous period. However, many families encounter an anorexia situation of 7-month-old children, which significantly affects the baby's development. So what should a 7 month old anorexic child do?

1. Reasons why 7-month-old babies are lazy and anorexic

1.1. Age change

The first cause of 7 month old anorexia is probably due to the change in age. Before entering the stage of 7 months old, the main source of nutrition for babies is breast milk, babies have just gone through the stage of getting used to solid foods. Because just getting used to the weaning diet can make children confused, not have time to adapt and lead to lazy eating.

1.2. Babies start teething

Some 7 month old babies have teeth early, tooth tissues begin to emerge. This condition inadvertently makes the gums of the child painful, uncomfortable and significantly affects eating. Therefore, this is considered as a reason for the 7-month-old child to be lazy to eat.

1.3. Unsuitable weaning diet

Parents always want their children to eat as much as possible, which leads to forcing them to eat. However, this view is completely wrong, especially for 7-month-old babies. The reason is because at this age children are just starting to get used to solid foods, so the amount of food provided to them needs to be scientific and suitable for each baby in parallel with breastfeeding habits. Parents forcing children to eat too much leads to the opposite effect, making children always feel full, full of stomach, indigestion ... and if prolonged, will form a state of fear of eating, anorexia.

1.4. Too many nutrients

Besides forcing children to eat too much, parents also have another misconception that excessive supplementation of nutritious foods. This is thought to be beneficial, but it is actually quite the opposite and can overload the child's digestive system. The digestive system of a 7-month-old baby is not yet complete, so it is best for parents to only give their child foods that are easy to digest and need a balance between groups of substances.

1.5. Feeding children too quickly

Busy daily work leads to parents' desire to have their children eat in a hurry, to finish the meal quickly. This habit will be the reason why many children feel afraid of food, do not want to eat or even vomit. Over time, it will leave the consequences that 7-month-old children are anorexic and lazy to eat.

1.6. Lack of essential micronutrients

Micronutrients are nutrients that play an important role in the comprehensive development of young children, including zinc, selenium, iron, vitamins... The role of micronutrients is to strengthen immunity. resistance, improving the ability to digest and absorb other nutrients. However, the reality shows that the percentage of Vietnamese children lacking micronutrients is very common. Therefore, micronutrient supplementation is a way to help limit the situation of 7-month-old children being lazy to eat.

Giải đáp trẻ 7 tháng biếng ăn phải làm gì?
Giải đáp trẻ 7 tháng biếng ăn phải làm gì?

1.7. 7 month old anorexic due to illness

All kinds of diseases can be the cause of a 7 month old baby's lack of appetite. To determine exactly, parents should check the health status, observe the baby's stool, urine or take the child to a specialist hospital to find the cause and take timely treatment measures to avoid long-term exposure. cause more serious consequences.

2. What should a 7 month old anorexic child do?

Before learning about the problem of an anorexic 7 month old child, parents need to determine what the child's nutrition regimen at this stage is like. At this age, children need to supplement with 2 meals of powder or porridge and about 700ml of breast milk per day. The baby's diet needs to provide enough 4 food groups: starch, protein, fat, vitamins and minerals. Besides can add juice, fruit, yogurt. In addition, parents need to pay attention to related issues such as changing the menu to avoid boredom for the child, increasing breastfeeding, the mother's diet needs to be full of nutrients, not abstaining.

2.1. 7-month-old anorexic because parents feed the child the wrong way

In case a 7-month-old child is lazy to eat due to an inappropriate diet and diet, parents can handle it with the following measures:
Gradually teach children the habit of eating foods from liquid to solid, from less to many; The time each child's meal should only last up to 30 minutes while the time between snacks and main weaning meals or breastfeeding is best from 2 to 2.5 hours; Absolutely do not force and yell at children, do not let them go out to eat or eat while playing with toys or watching TV; Parents should have gestures and actions to encourage and encourage children to eat more voluntarily; Besides, another solution to the problem of 7-month-old anorexia is to improve sleep. Babies at the age need to sleep 14 to 15 hours a day, which can be divided into 2 to 3 naps during the day, averaging 1.5 to 2 hours each and sleep at night. If the baby's sleep is guaranteed in both quality and time, the ability to develop physically and mentally will be higher. In contrast, sleep-deprived babies are often fussy, not sleeping enough, causing fatigue and anorexia.

2.2. Change your diet regularly

Although new to solid foods, 7-month-old babies have already felt the taste of food, so a monotonous, unchanged diet can make 7-month-old babies lazy to eat. Therefore, the measure to improve this situation is that parents need to regularly change the weaning menu, prepare more diverse and rich dishes and thereby improve the baby's appetite.
When changing a new menu, it is best for parents to let their baby try a little bit first so that the child has time to get used to the new food. Besides, parents also need to prepare weaning meals for 7-month-old babies with fresh foods of clear origin. In addition, limit feeding children processed foods, canned foods because they may contain preservatives, which are not good for the health of young children.

Chế biến món ăn đa dạng giúp bé ăn ngon miệng hơn để cải thiện trẻ 7 tháng biếng ăn
Chế biến món ăn đa dạng giúp bé ăn ngon miệng hơn để cải thiện trẻ 7 tháng biếng ăn

2.3. Children anorexia due to lack of micronutrients

Children 7 months old who have anorexia due to lack of essential micronutrients, parents should take the baby to a specialist hospital to be checked by a doctor for exactly what substances are lacking, from which the doctor will advise on a regimen. nutrition and the most suitable micronutrient supplements for children. Usually, 7-month-old anorexia is the result of deficiency of vitamins D, A, zinc, iron, calcium, selenium...

2.4. Children anorexia due to gastrointestinal disease

For 7-month-old children anorexia, lazy to eat due to poor absorption or digestive disorders, parents should supplement their baby with easily digestible foods such as sweet potatoes, bananas, yogurt... In addition, parents Children can add probiotics to enhance beneficial bacteria, support digestive organ function and prevent common diseases such as constipation, diarrhea, flatulence... In which, yogurt is Foods rich in calcium, iron and beneficial bacteria are very good for your baby's health.
The improvement of children's symptoms of anorexia can take place for a long time, so it is recommended that parents be calm and persistent when supplementing with nutrients, even through eating or functional foods. In particular, the use of functional foods should choose those of natural origin that are easily absorbed, do not allow children to use many types at the same time or continuously change the types of functional foods.
In case a 7-month-old child has anorexia accompanied by symptoms such as abdominal pain, fever, intense crying, parents need to quickly take their child to a medical facility for a doctor to examine, diagnose and advise on methods. suitable treatment. In the case of children with prolonged anorexia, malabsorption, and growth retardation, parents should supplement children with supportive products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins. help meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well. Parents can simultaneously apply dietary supplements and functional foods derived from nature for easy absorption. The most important thing is that improving your baby's symptoms often takes a long time. The combination of many types of functional foods at the same time or continuously changing many types in a short time can cause the baby's digestive system not to adapt and completely not good. Therefore, parents must be really patient with their children and regularly visit the website vimec.com to update useful baby care information.

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