30-month-old: Physical, motor, cognitive and emotional development

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The article is professionally consulted by Master, Doctor Phan Ngoc Hai - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital

By the age of 30 months, children have good control over their gestures. However, children still need the support of adults, such as when children want to brush their own teeth, parents should support them ... At this age, the child's skeletal system is stronger, so children can balance on one leg and run around on your own all day.

1. Physical development and movement of 30-month-old baby

How tall and how much is a 30-month-old baby a question of many parents? At the age of two and a half years, the growth in weight and height of children also increases gradually over time, namely:
Boys: Height - 91.3cm, weight - 13.3 kg Girls: Dimensions height - 90.3cm, weight - 13 kg At this age, children can jump up and down with 2 feet off the floor and go down stairs. Children can even ride a tricycle on their own.
Your 30 month old baby's balance can also be improved and this will allow him to run while avoiding obstacles along the way. With better flexibility and control of children's hands and feet during this period, parents should pay attention to their children's activities to avoid effects on children such as tripping, falling,...
30 months old What else to do at this age? When your baby is 30 months old, he can perform cutting, folding, and doodle operations. Buttons and zippers are not a problem for children as well as turning the wrist to open the cap on the bottle.
Some tips:
Make sure your child's play environment is right to keep them safe. Set up small obstacle courses at home with climbing and crawling to help kids expend energy on activities. Parks and playgrounds are great places for kids to run, explore, and climb while remaining safe. Parents just need to watch their children closely and remind them to watch out for older kids. Teach your children how to clean up and clean up their toys after playing

Trẻ 30 tháng tuổi rất hiếu động
Trẻ 30 tháng tuổi rất hiếu động

3. Emotional development

At the age of 30 months, babies gradually begin to enjoy playing with other children. However, there may be some problems of struggle and sharing in the process of children playing with other children. At that time, children may be frustrated and sometimes they will not want to play together but will play alone.
Children at this stage are part of a period of full development, they will still find ways to express their feelings. Parents may find this to be a difficult and frustrating time, but be patient to guide your child in a positive direction. If at this time, the parents are angry with the child, it will make the child disappointed.
Even so, parents can still see some changes in their children and find ways to help them overcome negative changes or fears. For example, a child may be scared to be alone in the dark...
Changes in a child's routine can be challenging for the child. But it is a plus point through the child's efforts at the stage when children begin to self-regulate their behavior to be able to distinguish between right and wrong.
Some tips:
You can let your child catch up with his or her peers at a play date, but be careful in case your child needs you to work through the situation. Playing in a group makes your child more comfortable. Encourage and engage children Encourage children to introduce themselves to their friends about names and other information. Encourage pretend play or role-playing of favorite characters. Not only is this fun, but it also helps develop a child's sense of humour. Praise children when they do well. Try to encourage rather than command the child. Listen to children when they have something to say because it makes them feel important and loved. Gently correct them for mistakes. After all, they're still learning the difference between what's right and what's wrong.

Trẻ ở giai đoạn này là một phần của thời kỳ phát triển toàn diện, trẻ vẫn sẽ tìm cách nào đó để thể hiện cảm xúc của mình
Trẻ ở giai đoạn này là một phần của thời kỳ phát triển toàn diện, trẻ vẫn sẽ tìm cách nào đó để thể hiện cảm xúc của mình

4. Language and speech development

What does a 30-month-old baby know at the time? Children can tell the difference between opposing single words such as: “hot” and “cold”, “up” and “down”.
The biggest change during this stage of your child's development is that they are gradually developing from a one-word answer to a short phrase and they are more proficient in using words to fit the context.
Some tips:
When reading, let your child practice speaking and repeating after you. Enunciate each word clearly and ask your baby to follow you as you pronounce a word. You can read with different sounds. You should choose books that have a lot of pronouns. This will be a great way to teach children how to communicate. Picture flashcards can help improve a child's vocabulary while making them easy to remember and absorb. Continue communicating with your child during this time. Constantly looking for ways to help your child improve their vocabulary Be patient when your child asks questions. Children will be extremely curious during this time Although some children may have difficulty learning words, for the most part, you will notice an increase in your vocabulary. However, if your child's vocabulary has remained the same for several months, or if your 30-month-old is slow to speak, it may be time to lead him or her to see a doctor for a check-up.
Parents always remember to be patient and encourage children. Children should not be compared with their peers. Instead, make it feel like it's easy enough to keep them interested.

Một số trẻ có thể gặp khó khăn trong việc học từ
Một số trẻ có thể gặp khó khăn trong việc học từ

5. Health and nutrition

Children at this age need to make sure to eat enough nutrients from the 4 food groups. At the same time, it is also necessary to ensure the number of meals for children. Specifically, in a day, children will have 3-4 main meals, combined with 1-2 snacks.
Children's main meals will include foods rich in nutritional value such as meat, fish, eggs, shrimp, green vegetables of all kinds. Using polyunsaturated fatty acids in children's meals helps children's brain development process better. Children's snacks can be formula milk, or products made from milk such as yogurt, cheese, whey... Moreover, eating yogurt every day also helps children digest better, eat better. more palatable.
However, if at this age parents do not care about the child's diet, then the child's obesity may occur. Therefore, a child's daily diet needs to be set up very carefully and thoroughly. At the same time, the amount of fat in the child's daily diet should not exceed 30% of the dietary energy in a day. In addition, let children eat more low-fat milk or foods such as fish, beans, vegetables, ... Especially, children should not eat while watching TV to avoid increasing obesity in young children. .
Parents should closely manage the child's dental care as well as limit the amount of sweet food that children should eat such as candy, cakes, especially before going to bed.
Parents, let your children practice healthy living habits along with nutritious meals to help children develop well physically, mentally as well as intellectually.

Mặc dù một số trẻ có thể gặp khó khăn trong việc học từ
Mặc dù một số trẻ có thể gặp khó khăn trong việc học từ

30-month-old children need 5mg of elemental zinc/day to eat well, reach the correct height and weight and exceed the standard. Zinc plays a role in affecting most biological processes taking place in the body, especially the breakdown of nucleic acids, proteins... Organs in the body when zinc deficiency can lead to a There are a number of diseases such as neurological disorders, irritability, etc. Therefore, parents need to learn about the role of zinc and guide them to appropriate zinc supplements for their children.
In addition to zinc, parents also need to supplement their children with other important vitamins and minerals such as lysine, chromium, B vitamins,... errands.
Please regularly visit Vinmec.com website and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.

References: whattoexpect.com, sg.theasianparent.com
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