21-month-old: Physical, motor, cognitive and emotional development

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The article was professionally consulted by Doctor Nguyen Thai Ngoc Chau - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology, Vinmec Phu Quoc International General Hospital. Uncle has 9 years of experience in the field of Pediatrics - Neonatology, former Deputy Head of Pediatrics Department of Phuong Chau International Hospital (Can Tho). His strength is examination and treatment of children's nutrition problems, pediatric emergency resuscitation, pediatric pathology treatment.
The independent ability of a 21-month-old child begins to develop and is manifested in a number of actions such as playing by himself, liking to explore the outside world. In order for children to be fully developed, parents should spend a lot of time close, playing and taking care of children.

1. Physical and motor development of 21-month-old children

A 21-month-old baby has an average weight of 9-11 kg for girls and 11-12 kg for boys. The child is now able to bend over and stand up without losing balance. For some hyperactive children, they can run around the house without getting tired. In addition, at this age children also know how to do many things such as:
Children can dance to the music Children can jump from the steps to the ground Go down the stairs themselves When moving, they can pull more toys Move the car pedal tricycle Child can undress without assistance Enjoys using spoon on their own. The motor skills of 21-month-old children are increasingly perfecting such as running, jumping, climbing... It is from these physical activities that they also contribute to the comprehensive development of children.

Khả năng độc lập của trẻ 21 tháng tuổi bắt đầu phát triển và được biểu hiện qua một số hành động như tự chơi đùa, thích khám phá thế giới bên ngoài
Khả năng độc lập của trẻ 21 tháng tuổi bắt đầu phát triển và được biểu hiện qua một số hành động như tự chơi đùa, thích khám phá thế giới bên ngoài

2. Cognitive and emotional development of 21-month-old babies

A 21-month-old baby can already tell the difference between different colors and shapes.
At this age, children already know how to imitate the actions, words, and gestures of their loved ones around, especially their mother, quite quickly.
Children also partly understand the feelings of others, by expressing their feelings such as: Children cry when their parents scold them, play when someone plays with them. Instead of scolding children when they behave rough with people around, mothers should advise children and tell them that it is not good. Your child's confidence can be affected if you act too harshly.
During this stage, children also speak more fluently and remember about 20 words, sometimes can hum and sing.

3. Nutrition of 21-month-old children

Children 21 months old need to be provided with a diet full of fruits and vegetables. It is easier for children to digest if you give them yogurt regularly. You should give your child an average of 2 boxes of yogurt a day.
To ensure a smooth metabolism in the body, give your child extra water to drink every day. Besides, giving children fruit juice is also very good for their digestive system, providing more necessary vitamins to help children increase the ability to absorb nutrients.
You can create more children's daily menu by regularly changing vegetables or green vegetables with new flavors for children to try.
In addition, to encourage complete development of children, parents should note:
In order to avoid rickets and malnutrition, you need to supplement vitamin D for children on a regular basis. 500ml milk supply. It is best to breastfeed babies until they are 24 months old. If there is not enough breast milk, you should choose milk that is full of essential nutrients to help the child's brain develop such as DHA, lutein, taurine... Regularly take your child to a doctor for regular check-ups and follow the injection schedule. vaccines To prevent diseases, to help your baby grow up fast and healthy, pay attention to keeping the body hygiene, food hygiene and eating hygiene. You can sign up for a swimming class for your child. Pay attention to ensure the safety of the child as absolutely as possible. Children are in the process of strong intellectual development, so it is necessary to learn more other games for children or stimulate children's thinking and creativity by changing the rules of the game. language and social communication skills for children through playing with them games such as naming objects, body parts, colors...

Trẻ 21 tháng tuổi cần được cung cấp chế độ ăn đầy đủ hoa quả và rau xanh
Trẻ 21 tháng tuổi cần được cung cấp chế độ ăn đầy đủ hoa quả và rau xanh
A 21-month-old child needs 5mg of elemental zinc/day to eat well, reach the correct height and weight and exceed the standard. Zinc plays a role in affecting most biological processes taking place in the body, especially the breakdown of nucleic acids, proteins... Organs in the body when zinc deficiency can lead to a There are a number of diseases such as neurological disorders, irritability, etc. Therefore, parents need to learn about the role of zinc and guide them to appropriate zinc supplements for their children.
In addition to zinc, parents also need to supplement their children with other important vitamins and minerals such as lysine, chromium, B vitamins,... errands.
Please regularly visit Vinmec.com website and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.
Reference sources: vinamilk.com, whattoexpect.com, theasianparent.com
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