18 weeks pregnant without the machine is abnormal?

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Pregnancy is the movements of the fetus during the process of being in the womb from stretching, twisting, kicking,... Usually, the first few months the fetus has little movement and the mother does not feel it. much, but by the 16th week of pregnancy, the machine will begin to manifest more clearly. So, 18 weeks pregnant without the machine is abnormal?

1. Thai machine appeared when?

Mechanical pregnancy is the movements of the fetus during the process of being in the womb such as twisting, stretching, kicking, .... According to experts, mechanical pregnancy starts from the 7th to 8th week of pregnancy. However, at this stage, the fetus is still too small and the movements are still weak, so the mother will not be able to feel it. It is not until the 16th-17th week of pregnancy for a woman who is pregnant with a baby or by the 20th week of pregnancy for a pregnant woman with a baby that the movements of the fetus become apparent. When feeling the fetus, the pregnant mother's emotions will also change when she feels a living creature living inside her belly more clearly.
Perception of the machine pregnancy in each pregnant woman will be different and also different at each time of pregnancy. When the fetus moves slightly, the mother only feels like a butterfly flying in the abdomen, but some pregnant women feel like something is boiling in the abdomen. There are also times when the fetus kicks clearly, even seeing the belly rising above the traces of the baby's feet.
In the period from 7 to 8 weeks of pregnancy, it is difficult for pregnant women to feel the movements of the fetus. The movements of the baby at this time are so light that the mother cannot feel it clearly. Although you can't feel the pregnancy, mothers should not worry too much, just need to have regular antenatal check-ups under the guidance of the doctor. In the period from the 16th to the 22nd week of pregnancy, mechanical pregnancy begins to manifest more clearly. Pregnant women can feel the baby's foot kicks or twists. The average number of fetal movements is 16-45 times per day and the maximum interval between movements is about 50-75 minutes. When the fetus sleeps, the pregnant mother will not feel the fetal movement. Baby sleep time is usually in the range of 20-40 minutes and rarely sleeps more than 90 minutes. During the 30th - 38th week of pregnancy, fetal movements will be most evident. Stronger kicks, turns or full body movements will make you feel it clearly. Many mothers feel excited when their baby kicks up the abdominal wall. In the last months of pregnancy, pregnant women need to carefully observe the phenomenon of mechanical pregnancy and uterine contractions. Normally, a mechanical pregnancy is only felt in one area of ​​​​the abdomen, while the uterine contraction makes the entire mother's abdomen hard. Therefore, mothers need to see a doctor immediately.

2. 18 weeks pregnant is not okay?

18 weeks pregnant yet machine? This is the question of many mothers at 18 weeks pregnant and still not having a machine. The time when pregnant women feel the fetal movement will vary depending on the position of the placenta. If the placenta is attached to the front, the pregnant mother will feel the fetal movement later than usual. Besides, for mothers who have given birth, it is not until the 20th week of pregnancy that they can feel the mechanical pregnancy. So 18 weeks pregnant still not seeing the machine is completely normal. Periodic antenatal check-up is the most accurate method of checking the health of the baby, so mothers do not need to be too worried if they still cannot feel the pregnancy.

3. How to monitor pregnancy

The best way for mothers to monitor pregnancy is:
The best time to count fetal movements is after eating. to make it easier to track changes Before counting fetal movements, you should urinate to empty your bladder. Put your hand on your belly to feel the baby's movements best, instead of just observing with the naked eye. Counting the number of movements in an hour Normally a healthy fetus will have at least 4 movements in an hour. If your baby moves too little or too much for this number, you should see a doctor to promptly diagnose abnormalities and provide effective treatment. During pregnancy, especially in the last months of pregnancy, if the fetus has abnormal symptoms as above, or the machine has less than 3-4 movements in an hour, the mother should closely monitor it for another hour. . If nothing improves, the mother needs to go to the hospital immediately for timely treatment.
In addition, in order for the fetus to develop healthy, mothers need to make a suitable diet. Nutrition plays a very important role during pregnancy. If you do not absorb enough nutrients, pregnant women will have reduced resistance, thereby increasing the risk of infectious diseases during pregnancy, affecting the development of the fetus both physically and intellectually. If the pregnant mother is having problems with the fetus, she should supplement with adequate nutrition such as protein from meat, fish... dairy products, cereals, legumes, eat a lot of fruit. plants, green vegetables, added sugars in fruits and fats to support the development of brain cells as well as increase the absorption of vitamins A, D, E... to prevent abnormalities of the fetus. . Besides, pregnant women also need to avoid stress during pregnancy. Spend a lot of time resting, relaxing, doing the things you love and doing light work to keep your body healthy and your mind always excited to welcome the birth of your baby.
The monitoring of pregnancy is a happiness of every pregnant mother. At the same time, it is also a useful measure to help observe the health of your baby. If the mother sees any abnormal signs, she should immediately go to a medical facility for a timely examination and assessment of the health status of the fetus and mother.
To protect mother and baby's health comprehensively, Vinmec International General Hospital is currently implementing a package maternity service, with a team of highly qualified doctors, ultrasound system, medical equipment Modern equipment will promptly recognize abnormalities during pregnancy, help monitor the health of mother and baby right from the beginning of pregnancy, early detect and intervene in time health problems. In addition, at Vinmec, we also perform intensively Double Test or Triple Test tests to screen for fetal malformations; Quantitative angiogenesis factor test to diagnose preeclampsia; thyroid screening test; Rubella test; testing for parasites that are transmitted from mother to child, which seriously affects the baby's brain and physical development after birth...
After birth, the baby will be cared for in a sterile room before being brought back back to mom. Pregnant women will rest in a high-class hospital room, designed according to international hotel standards, 1 mother and 1 room with full facilities and modern equipment. Mothers will be consulted by nutritionists on how to feed the baby before leaving the hospital. Postpartum follow-up with both mother and baby with leading Obstetricians and Pediatricians.

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