18-month-old anorexic what to do?

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Parents are often worried when their children have any changes, especially skipping meals and anorexia. In 18-month-old children, anorexia often occurs due to causes such as teething, gum pain, digestive disorders,... The article will analyze the causes and how to deal with the question of an lazy 18-month-old child. eat what to do?

1. The reason why an 18-month-old baby is anorexic

Common causes of 18-month-old children refusing to eat, anorexia are:
Teething: 18 months is the time to complete the teething process in children. At this time, if the last baby teeth are growing, the child's gums are prone to swelling and pain, so the child often has anorexia, skipping meals. Children are picky eaters, choose their favorite foods: From 18 months of age onwards, children know how to choose their favorite foods. If parents do not learn about the child's eating habits and preferences, the child will gradually become anorexic. Children who are not breastfed: Babies who are given formula from an early age often have weaker digestive systems than babies who are exclusively breastfed for the first 6 months of life. Therefore, as children grow up, they may become anorexic. Bad child care habits: If parents force children to eat too much, do not change the menu flexibly, create a habit for children to go out to eat, watch TV while eating, give children snacks before the main meal, etc. .. the baby is also prone to anorexia. Children with digestive tract diseases: If children are infected with parasites, have bloating, indigestion, diarrhea, constipation,... they will often feel unappetizing, gradually leading to a lack of appetite and poor appetite. anorexic.

Có nhiều nguyên nhân dẫn tới tình trạng trẻ 18 tháng biếng ăng
Có nhiều nguyên nhân dẫn tới tình trạng trẻ 18 tháng biếng ăng

2. Answer an 18-month-old anorexic what to do?

So what to do when the 18-month-old baby refuses to eat? Parents need to master the following suggestions:
2.1 Building a reasonable diet Building a scientific diet for your baby is essential to help children eat in moderation and on time. , limit the problems arising from unscientific eating. Parents should balance, adjust appropriately when children eat main meals - snacks, balance between giving children porridge with the necessary amount of milk. It is necessary to ensure that the baby eats neither too much nor too little so that the baby is familiar with a smart and systematic way of eating. Parents also need to pay attention to let children focus on eating, not eating while playing or eating while watching TV,...
2.2 Supplementing with essential minerals for children In addition to nutrition from main meals, parents also need additional minerals necessary for the intellectual and physical development of children. Specifically, parents should give children additional micronutrients such as zinc, selenium, chromium, vitamin C, vitamins B1 and B6,... These substances have the effect of improving taste, helping children eat well, gain height and standard weight. At the same time, it also strengthens children's resistance, helping them to get sick less often.
The improvement of anorexia symptoms in 18-month-old children is a long-term “battle”. Therefore, parents need to be persistent in supplementing their children with micronutrients through food and supplements. If using micronutrient supplements for children, parents should choose products of natural origin to ensure safety and easier absorption of nutrients by the child's body.

Bổ sung vi chất cần thiết góp phần cải thiện tình trạng bé 18 tháng không chịu ăn
Bổ sung vi chất cần thiết góp phần cải thiện tình trạng bé 18 tháng không chịu ăn

2.3 Some other notes Wait until the child feels hungry: This helps the baby eat more deliciously, without the need for parents to push, limiting the situation of skipping meals. Do not force your child to eat: If you force your child to eat, your child will be scared every time it comes to a meal. Therefore, instead of forcing children, parents should respect their child's taste. Don't give your child snacks before meals: Giving your 18-month-old regular snacks is not good for your baby. When eating snacks, the baby will feel full, lazy to eat when it's time to eat. In addition, junk food is also not good for the digestive system, easy to cause tooth decay, ... making the baby lazy to eat. Do not prolong meals: Make sure the child's eating time is fixed. Specifically, the main meal should not last more than 30 minutes and the snack should not last more than 20 minutes. Let children be active: Consuming a lot of energy will stimulate your baby's hunger, appetite and eat more appetizingly. Parents can let their children exercise with games such as soccer, chasing, etc. Besides, parents should also note that improving the symptoms of anorexia children can take place for a long time, so it is advisable to encourage children to be active. Parents need to be calm and persistent when supplementing with nutrients, even through food or functional foods. In particular, the use of functional foods should choose those of natural origin that are easily absorbed, do not allow children to use many types at the same time or continuously change the types of functional foods. In the case of children with prolonged anorexia, malabsorption, and growth retardation, parents should supplement children with supportive products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins. help meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well. Parents can simultaneously apply dietary supplements and functional foods derived from nature for easy absorption. The most important thing is that improving your baby's symptoms often takes a long time. Combining many types of functional foods at the same time or changing many types in a short time can make the baby's digestive system unable to adapt and completely not good. Therefore, parents must be really patient with their children and regularly visit the website vimec.com to update useful baby care information.
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