15 month old baby boy weight?

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A 15-month-old baby boy's weight is one of the developmental indicators that parents are most concerned about when their baby reaches this age. To know how much a 15-month-old boy weighs, what a 15-month-old child eats to gain weight,... Parents can refer to the following shared article.

1. How much does a 15-month-old boy weigh?

The normal weight of a 15-month-old boy is 10.3 kg. Children are at risk of malnutrition if they weigh 9.2kg or malnourished if they weigh only 8.4kg. In contrast, the baby is at risk of being obese if the weight is 11.6kg and obese if the weight is 12.7kg.
Besides the 15-month-old boy's weight, parents are also very interested in the baby's height index. Accordingly, the baby's height is between 74.4 - 79.1cm, the average is 76.5cm.
During this stage, the child is still taking 2 naps a day. Parents should train babies to have long and short naps at bedtime and should encourage children to sleep in separate beds.

2. Nutritional care for 15-month-old baby comprehensive development

A 15-month-old baby has an almost comprehensively developed digestive system, so the child's nutritional needs are quite high, needing a reasonable and scientific diet to develop well mentally and physically. Parents should breastfeed their children until they are 24 months old and supplement with nutrients from outside foods.
2.1 Number of meals of the child in a day Every day, parents should feed their baby 5-6 meals (including 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks) and continue to breastfeed. If the baby stops breastfeeding, parents should give the baby more formula or fresh cow's milk. In the main meal, the child's menu needs to ensure essential nutrients such as protein, iron, zinc, etc. In the snack, parents should give the child green vegetables, fruits and dairy products. ...
During this period, the child's eating schedule is quite stable and almost similar to that of an adult. Parents can base on the child's eating habits and the pace of their family's activities to schedule meals for their 15-month-old children in a reasonable way.
Parents can refer to the following timetable:
Main breakfast: 8 am Mid-afternoon snack: 10 - 11 am Main lunch: 13 pm Midnight snack: 15 - 16 pm Main dinner: 18 pm Snack late at night: 21 o'clock. 2.2 Daily energy requirements of 15-month-old boys What should 15-month-olds eat to gain weight? This is the age when children develop rapidly physically and mentally, so each meal needs to add enough energy and nutrients for the child to gain weight evenly. The main rule is to ensure that the child's diet is full of substances including: Starch, fat, protein, vitamins and minerals.

Cân nặng của bé trai 15 tháng tuổi thường rơi vào khoảng 10,3kg
Cân nặng của bé trai 15 tháng tuổi thường rơi vào khoảng 10,3kg
The amount of food to be added to the weaning menu for a 15-month-old baby in 1 day is as follows:
Milk: 600ml (breast milk, formula milk or cow's milk,...); Green vegetables: 50 - 80g; Ripe fruit: 60 - 100g; Rice porridge: 75 - 90g; Oil (fat): 15 - 20g (about 4-6 5ml teaspoons); Meat/fish/shrimp/egg: 75 - 90g. 2.3 Some important notes Limit for children to drink too many fruits containing vitamin C, encourage children to drink filtered water; Encourage children to eat vegetables; Cut food into small pieces so that the child does not choke; Let children sit on high chairs at the table to enhance communication with adults; Children should not be forced to eat the whole food; Avoid giving children hard candy, hard nuts, chewing gum, ... to avoid the risk of foreign bodies due to aspiration when swallowing; Encourage children to eat on their own with a spoon, with their own bowl; Children should brush their teeth after eating and before going to bed. To ensure that the 15-month-old boy's weight is within the standard range and to help him develop well, parents should provide the child with a scientific nutrition regimen. When building a baby food menu, parents need to pay attention to the number of meals per day and the nutritional amount of food to balance it appropriately.
To help a 15-month-old child develop height and weight to meet or exceed standards, parents should supplement children with supportive products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, and selenium. B vitamins help to meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, help children eat well, and develop comprehensively.
Please regularly visit Vinmec.com website and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.
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