10 tips to raise a confident girl

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You can inadvertently make your little girl lose confidence and always doubt her abilities because of society's prejudices and her own wrong way of raising her daughter. Try to become the wisest parents by teaching your children to recognize their own worth. Children often learn a lot from their parents during the first few months of life. Therefore, parents should encourage and encourage children to partly help shape their personality and build confidence in their children.

1. Encourage your child to be assertive

One of the effective ways to help your daughter become stronger and more confident is to give her the motivation to stand up and express her point of view. Regularly ask your child's opinion to help them be braver and have the opportunity to express their own thoughts. In addition, parents can help children improve themselves and gradually gain confidence by giving evaluations about their children's opinions. However, parents also need to keep in mind that, not all opinions of children are appropriate, do not give in or respond to unreasonable requests of children. Patiently listening and explaining to children about the unreasonable things in their opinions is one of the important tasks of parents to do.

2. Give realistic compliments

At a certain age, children will realize that they are not musical geniuses or the best artists on the planet. However, children will always try to put in more effort and be more confident in their own abilities if you praise them for noticing their progress over time.
This is the way to raise children that fathers and mothers should follow to help their daughters become more and more perfect.

3. Be specific about your child's praise

Be specific about your compliments to your child, such as “you have a really good memory” or “you remember all the names of the dinosaurs? You're really good."

4. Help your child understand “why am I being left out?”

Explain to your daughter that it's not an insult if she's not invited to every birthday party or to every game. Help your child understand and accept it so that he or she will be in a better mood.

Cha mẹ hãy khuyến khích và tạo điều kiện để con được tự lập
Cha mẹ hãy khuyến khích và tạo điều kiện để con được tự lập

5. Encourage your child to be independent

Don't rush to help your daughter with homework or chores when she's having a hard time. If your child asks for help, ask him or her to try to get over it on his own first.
The best way to raise children that parents should do is to help their children develop into an independent and educated person. Children need to understand the importance of knowledge for their future. Parents need to spend a lot of time learning about their children's school activities, regularly checking their children's homework, and participating in school events when possible.
Besides the knowledge that children are absorbed, you need to equip your daughter with other necessary skills in life such as: Teaching children money management, knowing how to spend and save, shopping for items necessary or simply plant a tree.... This way the child will feel more confident when dealing with sudden problems that arise on a daily basis. Besides, parents can let their children participate in challenging activities such as climbing, fishing....

6. Encourage girls to play sports they like

Girls have a lot of sports to choose from. If your child wants to do gymnastics or play soccer, give them the opportunity to join the game and find out what sports they are good at. Don't make decisions about which sport is right for your child, let them find out and make their own choices.

7. Don't make assumptions about your child's strengths and weaknesses

Just because your child is a girl doesn't mean she'll struggle with fractions - or she'll excel on reading tests. That doesn't mean kids won't want to go fishing or try their hand at Little League, either. Observe children's expressions to make the best use of their strengths and improve their weaknesses.

Hãy để con được làm điều mình thích và chơi những gì mình muốn miễn là không phải điều xấu
Hãy để con được làm điều mình thích và chơi những gì mình muốn miễn là không phải điều xấu

8. Encourage your child to be confident in his appearance

Children often pay attention to the things you do to build their image in the eyes of others beyond observing your gestures and actions. Children often pay attention to their parents' body language and assess whether you are confident about your appearance. Your child will constantly have misconceptions about his appearance if you constantly complain about his own body flaws. Help them realize that, as long as they have courage, anything can be achieved whether they are thin or fat, tall or short.

9. Put your trust in your child

Even today, some people think that girls cannot do some of the things that boys can do. Help your child to be more confident by always believing in him, he can do anything when he tries, whether boy or girl.

10. Point out positive female role models

Through stories of successful women in the world such as a politician, an economist or a sports athlete, you can inspire children. Children will understand that just by trying hard, anyone can succeed, it doesn't matter whether it's male or female.
Help your child realize that the only factor that can control a person's life is the person themselves and not any other external factors by talking about the women you admire tomb. At the same time, let your child know that he can handle anything as long as he tries and believes in himself.
The person who has the biggest influence on a child's way of thinking and acting is the parent. Therefore, you must understand your own worth if you want your daughter to become confident and brave. Your baby's attitude and personality will gradually be formed from your actions and words. For example, when you doubt your own ability, give up easily under pressure, your daughter also tends to develop herself. On the contrary, if you always show confidence and bravery in, surely your children will learn those things and develop themselves in a more positive direction just like their parents did.
Women's confidence is affected by social pressures and gender stereotypes, causing them to still think about their own position, knowledge and abilities. However, whoever it is, to achieve success in life, it is necessary to have faith in yourself, whether male or female. To help children form confidence, bravery and courage, parents play a very important role. So when you have a daughter, choose appropriate parenting methods to help her become a useful person.
For children to be healthy and develop well, it is necessary to have a nutritious diet in terms of quantity and quality balance. If children are not provided with adequate and balanced nutrients, it will lead to diseases of excess or lack of nutrients, which adversely affect the comprehensive development of children in terms of physical, mental and motor skills.
Parents should supplement their children with supportive products containing lysine, essential micro-minerals and vitamins such as zinc, chromium, selenium, and B vitamins to help fully meet their child's nutritional needs. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well.
Parents can learn more:
Signs of zinc deficiency in children
Micronutrient deficiency and failure to gain weight in children
Please regularly visit Vinmec.com website and update useful information to take care of your child. Take care of the baby and the whole family.
Reference source: babycenter.com
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