Uses of Pentasa Sachet 1g

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Pentasa Sachet drug whose main ingredient is Sachet is Mesalazine, which is indicated for the treatment of a number of common digestive diseases. Refer to the following article to better understand the use, effective use of the drug, and avoid unwanted side effects.

1. Uses of Pentasa Sachet

The main ingredient of Pentasa Sachet is Mesalazine. This is an ingredient that many studies have used analytically in the treatment of patients with ulcerative colitis syndrome or Crohn's disease. Clinical evidence has shown that Mesalazine's response is more effective in inflammatory bowel tissue than in other organs.

2. Indications for the use of Pentasa Sachet

Pentasa Sachet is studied to treat:
Ulcerative colitis Mild or moderate Crohn's disease. If the ulcer has progressed to a severe form, you need to tell your doctor. Do not use Pentasa Sachet if its use does not treat the current condition. At the same time, avoid unwanted interactions that can be dangerous to health.

3. Dosage and how to use Pentasa Sachet

Pentasa Sachet drug has many dosage forms, each form has different usage and dosage. With suppositories, you should consult your doctor before use. Most patients will use Pentasa Sachet in sachets. Here are a few dose suggestions for readers' reference:
Children over 6 years old who control their weight under 40 kg should take the first dose of 15 - 30 mg/kg. This total dose is applied for the whole day of use provided that no more than 2 grams are used per day. If adults or children over 40 kg will take another dose as prescribed by the doctor. Patients with Crohn's disease are indicated to use a maximum dose of 4g / day and divide the dose according to each indication. The maximum possible dose is given in advance by your doctor. However, the specific dose is often difficult to determine. Depending on the complexity of the patient, the doctor will give appropriate indications. For patients with underlying medical conditions or drug interactions, the dose will need to be adjusted to suit their health.
Especially, elderly people with weakened health with many underlying diseases need to be carefully considered before using the drug. For this subject, when adjusting the dose, it is necessary to monitor and supervise to ensure health safety.

4. Notes before taking Pentasa Sachet

Pentasa Sachet medicine can cause allergies or irritation dangerous to the health of the patient. You need to keep this point in mind to avoid unwanted interactions. Please check the ingredients of Pentasa Sachet carefully before taking and screen for allergies. Your doctor may consider changing your medication or reducing your dose according to your condition.
When using Pentasa Sachet, the doctor will prescribe and instruct the patient at the same time to use it. Patients must always remember the time and pay attention to the dose of the drug. If you use the wrong dose prescribed, please notify your doctor immediately for a timely treatment plan. Keep in mind the length of time you take your medication to control the risk of an overdose because it takes longer than prescribed by your doctor.
Subjects at risk of interaction with Pentasa Sachet may be the elderly, patients with impaired liver and kidney function, women who are planning or are not pregnant. For post-partum women who are breastfeeding, they should be careful not to use Pentasa Sachet unless absolutely necessary.
Before taking the medicine, please check the packaging and expiry date to avoid using expired medicine or damaged preservation layer. After use, the medicine should be stored carefully and remember to check the expiration date before each use to detect a timely change.

5. Side effects of Pentasa Sachet

Side effects caused by Pentasa Sachet are rare but can have serious health effects. Some transient reactions may appear quickly and end when the body gets used to it, which can easily lead to subjective psychology.
If in the process of using the drug and appear the following side effects, the patient should immediately notify the doctor:
Headache Nausea Abdominal pain Diarrhea rash Itchiness Allergies Also after use medication, reactions such as rash, difficulty in defecation may occur. If the feeling is too uncomfortable, the patient needs to go to the hospital for examination as soon as possible. In case the body does not improve or the medicine does not work, the patient should immediately notify the doctor for timely treatment.

6. Interaction with Pentasa Sachet

Pentasa Sachet causes interactions when used with azathioprine. Patients with combined use will have problems affecting blood cell counts or bone marrow function decline. With drugs such as NSAIDs when combined can cause toxicity in internal organs.
Above is some information about Pentasa Sachet 1g drug, hope to help you somewhat better understand the uses and ingredients of this drug. If you need more information ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice.
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