Uses of Dronabinol

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Dronabinol belongs to the Cannabinoid class of antiemetics. It is often used to treat nausea and vomiting caused by cancer chemotherapy when other drugs to control nausea have not been successful. Dronabinol is also used to treat anorexia and weight loss in HIV-infected patients.

1. What does Dronabinol do?

Dronabinol is a man-made form of the natural active ingredient in cannabis that has a complex effect on the central nervous system, causing reversible effects on appetite, cognition, memory. The antiemetic and appetite-stimulating effects may be due in part to interactions with the cannabinoid receptor system, including cannabinoid 1 receptors in the central and peripheral nervous systems.
Dronabinol is indicated in the following cases:
Loss of appetite in patients with AIDS; Antiemetic and nausea treatment associated with cancer chemotherapy in patients who have not responded adequately to conventional antiemetic therapy; Obstructive sleep apnea, moderate to severe.

2. Dosage of Dronabinol

Depending on the goal of use, the dose of Dronabinol will be different, specifically as follows:
For AIDS patients with anorexia, weight loss:
Oral capsule form with a starting dose of 2.5mg, taken 2 times/ 1 hour before lunch and dinner. Reduce dose to 2.5 mg orally once a day before dinner or 1 hour before bedtime for patients who cannot tolerate 5 mg/day. The oral maintenance dose is 7.5-10mg/day with a maximum dose of 20mg/day. Oral solution has a starting dose of 2.1 mg, taken twice a day 1 hour before lunch and dinner, reducing dose to 2.1 mg orally once a day before dinner or 1 hour before bedtime For patients who cannot tolerate 4.2 mg/day, the oral solution maintenance dose may be increased to 2.1-4.2 mg/day orally to a maximum dose of 16.8 mg/day. Treatment of vomiting and nausea caused by chemotherapy:
Oral capsule form, the initial dose is 5mg/m2 taken 1-3 hours before chemotherapy, then every 2-4 hours after chemotherapy with total 4-6 doses a day. The oral maintenance dose may be increased to 2.5 mg/m2 increments during one chemotherapy cycle or in subsequent cycles if the initial dose is ineffective and there are no significant side effects. Maximum dose 15 mg/m2 per dose. For the treatment of moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea:
Take 2.5 mg or 10 mg 1 hour before bedtime. Initial dose increase for 10 mg is required: starting with 2.5 mg 1 hour before bedtime for 7 days, followed by 5 mg 1 hour before bedtime for 7 days, then 10 mg 1 hour before bedtime. For the elderly, caution should be exercised when using Dronabinol, so start at the lowest recommended dose because this is a subject with a relatively high frequency of falls.

3. Dronabinol side effects:

In some patients when using Dronabinol medicine may experience side effects such as:
Lip edema, rash, mouth lesions, skin burns, flushing and throat tightness. Excitement, dizziness, drowsiness, fear, nausea, stomach pain. Mood swings, delusions, tachycardia, mental breakdown, nervousness and anxiety. Lower blood pressure. Chills, depression, nightmares. More rarely, patients may experience blurred vision, fainting, or lightheadedness when standing up suddenly.

4. Be careful when using Dronabinol

Some notes when using Dronabinol:
When using Dronabinol can cause drug dependence, addiction or fatal overdose. Dronabinol may cause new or worsening psychotic disorders, including severe mania, depression or schizophrenia, and patients should be screened prior to administration. Avoid treatment with Dronabinol in patients with a history of psychosis or concomitant use with other drugs associated with similar psychotic side effects. The drug can cause cognitive impairment and changes in mental status, especially in the elderly and children who will be more susceptible. Do not use Dronabinol capsules if you are allergic to sesame oil, do not use Dronabinol solution if you have an allergic reaction to alcohol or are taking Disulfiram, Metronidazole. Dronabinol may increase heart rate and blood pressure in the elderly. Weigh the potential risk of seizures against the benefits of Dronabinol before initiating treatment in patients with a history of seizures. The drug can cause nausea, vomiting or abdominal pain, more serious electrolyte disturbances, dehydration. Dronabinol is a prescription drug, so make sure you consult your doctor before using it. Hopefully the article has provided you with useful information about the uses, dosage and precautions when using Dronabinol.

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