Sorbitol: Uses and dosages

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The use of sorbitol medicine is to treat constipation and indigestion. Depending on whether the subject is an adult or a child, the dose of sorbitol will be different. In some cases, the drug sorbitol is contraindicated for people with intestinal and digestive problems.

1. What is sorbitol?

Sorbitol is an osmotic laxative, commonly used for people with constipation or indigestion. In which, constipation is caused by many causes such as lack of exercise, frequent fasting of defecation, low-fiber diet, side effects of some other drugs, etc. Sorbitol is used to improve symptoms. Constipation when the patient has increased exercise and adjusted diet but not effective. The main ingredient sorbitol is sorbitol, which contains many hydroxyl groups. The drug has a sweet taste of sugar cane (saccharose) and two main forms:
Oral form: The drug is prepared in powder form and packaged in packs containing 5g of sorbitol or as a solution containing 70% sorbitol. Placental form: The drug is used for rectal suppository.

2. Uses of the drug sorbitol

Specific uses of sorbitol are as follows:
Promotes hydration of substances in the intestinal tract, thereby easily metabolizing food. Increases osmotic pressure in the intestines, thereby increasing the amount of water in the intestinal tract, making it easier to pass stools.

Thuốc sorbitol điều trị táo bón hiệu quả
Thuốc sorbitol điều trị táo bón hiệu quả

The drug sorbitol stimulates intestinal peristalsis to produce the peptide hormone Cholecystokinin-Pancreazymin to help stimulate the digestion of proteins and fats, treat indigestion.

3. Dosage of sorbitol

Dosage of sorbitol for adults for each treatment purpose is as follows:
Indigestion: Take 1-3 sachets/day, drink before eating or when there are symptoms of indigestion, digestive disorders. Constipation: Take 1 sachet in the morning on an empty stomach. Laxative: Place rectally 20-30% 120ml. Note, with powdered medicine, the way to use it is to mix a pack of medicine with half a glass of water and drink it about 10 minutes before eating. With liquid medicine, the way to use it is to dilute the drug with a ratio of 1:1.
Dosage of sorbitol for children with each treatment purpose is as follows:
Indigestion: The dose of children is half the dose of adults. Laxative: Children over 12 years old rectally 20-30% 120ml; Children from 2-11 years old put 30-60ml rectally.

Trẻ em uống ít hơn người lớn nửa liều
Trẻ em uống ít hơn người lớn nửa liều

In addition, the drug sorbitol can also be used for infants because constipation is also one of the common conditions in children due to many causes. Constipation in babies can make babies often fussy, lazy to feed, anorexia, not sleep well.
To overcome this situation, parents can give children sorbitol medicine with the following dosage: 1⁄4 packs of 5g/day and divided into 2 uses, using continuously for 3-5 days. In case after taking but not relieve constipation, parents should take the child to see the doctor again for further advice, avoid arbitrarily giving the child the drug.

4. In which case is sorbitol contraindicated?

Contraindicated to use sorbitol drug for the following cases:
Ulcerative colitis, colonic diseases, inflammatory diseases of the small intestine. Crohn's disease, bowel obstruction syndrome or semi-obstruction. Abdominal pain of unknown cause. Hereditary fructose intolerance. Therefore, in order to limit unwanted drug interactions, before taking sorbitol, the patient should inform the doctor of the following problems:
Are allergic to the drug's ingredients. Age of taking the drug (elderly or children). Are taking other medications that may interact with sorbitol or have another medical condition.

Chống chỉ định thuốc với những trường hợp đau bụng chưa rõ nguyên nhân
Chống chỉ định thuốc với những trường hợp đau bụng chưa rõ nguyên nhân

5. Note when using sorbitol medicine

Use sorbitol only when needed and in single doses. Avoid overuse of the drug or regular use because it can cause electrolyte disturbances. Sorbitol should only be used to support the treatment of constipation in addition to methods such as exercise, eating, and living properly and in moderation. If you experience symptoms such as diarrhea or abdominal pain while taking the drug, you should stop immediately. Thanks to the osmotic laxative effect, the main use of sorbitol is to stimulate intestinal motility, to metabolize food more easily, thereby helping to treat constipation and indigestion.
When constipation persists and does not improve, you should go to a reputable medical facility to be examined and treated according to a separate regimen. Do not arbitrarily buy drugs to avoid causing other dangerous complications to health. Vinmec International General Hospital is a high-quality medical facility in Vietnam with a team of highly qualified medical professionals, well-trained, domestic and foreign, and experienced.
A system of modern and advanced medical equipment, possessing many of the best machines in the world, helping to detect many difficult and dangerous diseases in a short time, supporting the diagnosis and treatment of doctors the most effective. The hospital space is designed according to 5-star hotel standards, giving patients comfort, friendliness and peace of mind.
For detailed information on how to register for examination and treatment with the most experienced gastroenterologists in Vinmec, please contact Vinmec Health System nationwide.

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