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Ibritumomab Tiuxetan is a drug used in the treatment of cancer, belonging to the group of monoclonal antibodies, created for the purpose of inhibiting and preventing the division and growth of cancer cells. So how does ibritumomab work? will find out with you in the article below1. What is Ibritumomab?
Ibritumomab consists of monoclonal antibodies created in the laboratory that target cancer cells that call on the immune system to attack the cells it attaches to. The immune system then kills the cancer cells.
These antibodies can act in a variety of ways, such as stimulating the immune system of cells, preventing cell growth, or other functions necessary for the division of cancer cells. letters.
Ibritumomab Tiuxetan is a synthetic antibody against a protein called CD20, found on the surface of B cells, from which the drug binds to B cells causing the immune system to react and kill the cells. cell.
This antibody is attached to a radioisotope that causes damage on cells by forming free radicals, so that in addition to the affected B cells there are cells in the surrounding area
2. In what cases is Ibritumomab indicated?
Ibritumomab Tiuxetan is indicated in the following cases:
Treatment of follicular B-cell non-Hodgkin lymphoma in the background of patients whose cancer has recurred or has not responded to previous treatments. Previously untreated cases in patients with partial or complete response to first-line chemotherapy. Ibritumomab Tiuxetan is contraindicated in cases such as a history of hypersensitivity or type I anaphylaxis to ibritumomab, rat protein, or other excipients. Pregnant or nursing women should not use this medicine.
3. How to use Ibritumomab?
Ibritumomab is used intravenously and used in combination with the drug rituximab. Dosage depends on the patient's condition and platelet level before treatment. You will be given 2 doses of rituximab about 1 week apart, ibritumomab Tiuxetan will be given after the 2nd dose of rituximab
The medicine can cause burning or pain at the infusion site, possibly due to the drug leaking out into the vein. If the injection site becomes red, swollen, and painful, notify your doctor, do not apply any product to the area.
Patient may be given acetaminophen 650mg and diphenhydramine 50mg before each rituximab infusion
4. Side effects when taking the drug ibritumomab
Decreased white blood cell count increases the risk of infection, infection Stevens-Johnson syndrome and other serious skin reactions. This is a rare allergic reaction that affects the skin. The onset of symptoms usually begins with a rash, blisters and can progress to serious lesions, in severe cases the patient can die. In addition, some skin reactions were also updated such as erythema multiforme, toxic epidermal necrolysis, bullous dermatitis or exfoliative dermatitis. These reactions may appear after a few days to 4 months after taking ibritumomab Decreased platelet count, increased risk of bleeding Anemia, lack of oxygen to the cells due to a decrease in the number of red blood cells in the body Fatigue Fatigue Patients or caregivers should not use any live attenuated vaccines while taking or caring for patients taking the drug Ibritumomab may increase the risk of a second cancer: This is the case. Although rare, but still a risk, in some patients, common secondary cancers, such as leukemia, often appear many years after other cancer treatment. The drug can cause birth defects, so you should not give birth while you are taking ibritumomab. Necessary contraceptive measures should be taken during treatment and for at least 12 months after the last dose. Avoid breast-feeding while taking this medicine and for 6 months after the last dose. Ibritumomab Tiuxetan is a drug used in cancer treatment and should be prescribed, as well as closely monitored during treatment, the article hopes to provide some of the most general information about the drug, its use. must follow the instructions of a qualified physician.
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