What should people with hepatitis B avoid and what should they eat?

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This article was professionally consulted with Master, Doctor Nguyen Thi Nhat - Infectious Disease Specialist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
Patients with hepatitis B often experience loss of appetite, digestive disorders, and indigestion. Therefore, it is necessary to have a suitable diet for the patient.

1. Scientific diet for patients with hepatitis B

For acute hepatitis, the principle of nutritional requirement of a meal in terms of energy is 25Kcal/kg body weight, protid 0.4-0.6g/kg body weight/day, Lipid from 10-15% total energy Eat 6-8 meals/day. In particular, in terms of meal structure, energy needs 1,300-1,400 Kcal/day, amount of protid from 20-30 grams, Lipid from 15-20 grams, glucid 250-280 grams, water from 2-2.5 liters.
For chronic hepatitis, nutritional requirements will be higher. Specifically, 35Kcal/kg body weight/day, protid 1-1.5g/kg bodyweight/day, Lipid from 15-20% total energy, eat 3-4 meals/day. About the structure of the diet: energy needs from 1,800-2,000 Kcal/day, the amount of protid from 50-75 grams, Lipid from 30-40 grams, glucid from 310-340 grams, water from 1.5-2.0 liters.

2. Food should / should not be eaten for people with hepatitis B

People with hepatitis B should eat the following foods:
Protein-rich foods such as fish, meat, eggs, milk Foods containing sugar and vitamins such as fresh fruits, yogurt... Easy-to-digest foods Supplements of all kinds vitamin-rich vegetables such as gourds, squash, tomatoes, cabbage, tangerines, apples... Foods such as flour, plain rice, soybeans, black beans, green beans... should be provided in sufficient quantities in the diet. Meals to maintain the necessary energy for the body
Người bệnh viêm gan B không nên ăn đồ chiên, xào nhiều dầu mỡ
Besides, hepatitis B patients also need to avoid abstaining from certain foods as much as possible such as:
Fatty foods, fried, fried, roasted, greasy dishes... Absolutely abstain from alcohol, stimulants , because it will directly harm the liver Limit eating foods that are too nutritious, high in protein, hot like goat meat, tortoise, egg yolk, dog meat... Do not eat a lot of liver because the liver disease will Poor metabolism, causing more severe digestive disorders Do not eat foods with too much sugar, rich in sweets, causing the liver to not be able to fully metabolize, increasing blood sugar, which can lead to diabetes Limit eating all kinds of foods. Fatty seeds such as peanuts, coconuts, cashews, sunflowers... interfere with fat metabolism and accumulate fat in the liver, which aggravates liver function. chili, pepper, garlic, ginger, onion, curry... Do not eat too salty foods, foods containing toxins, fresh bamboo shoots, fresh cassava, tapioca, green tomatoes, sprouted potatoes... Types of fish Sea contains blood-clotting agents such as mackerel, tuna .., which can cause n people with hepatitis B have bleeding Do not eat raw seafood dishes, undercooked salads, beware of additives in food such as borax, salt, bleach, whiteners in rice paper , vermicelli, pho,... Some notes when detecting that hepatitis B patients have bloating, should stop drinking cow's milk, eat sugar as well as salt. The patient appears edematous, abdominal distension, the patient needs to immediately reduce the amount of sugar in the diet, as well as improve the menu and change the way of processing to limit sugar as much as possible. When detecting the phenomenon of hydrocephalus, kidney function, the patient should limit salt intake, do not use more than 4g of mosquitoes per day, drink plenty of water to make up for lost water.
When your hepatitis B becomes severe, a specialist will base on the situation to orient appropriate treatment
However, if you follow the above diet, people with hepatitis B will have a good health. With a diet that is not too complicated compared to normal people, however, if you pay more attention to the diet for people with hepatitis B, it will minimize the severity of the disease. On the contrary, by abstaining from foods that are not good for hepatitis B, the patient will be more stable with hepatitis B.

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This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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