Keep Testosterone Balance

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Testosterone levels that are too high or too low not only seriously affect health, but also cause more or less trouble in a man's sex life. So how to keep testosterone levels in balance?

1. What is Testosterone?

Testosterone is a steroid hormone that belongs to the androgen group. It is integral to the development of male reproductive cells, such as the testes and prostate. In addition, testosterone also contributes to secondary sexual characteristics including stiffer hair, increased muscle and bone growth, hair growth in the genitals and armpits, beard growth, deep voice, male face In addition, testosterone is also the "living plastic" that nourishes the body to stay healthy, helps promote sex drive, and brings fullness in sex for men. Another effect of testosterone is to prevent diseases such as heart disease, osteoporosis, obesity and diabetes for men.

2. The role of testosterone for humans

Testosterone is not only found in men, but women also have this hormone in their bodies, but women's testosterone levels will be much less than men's.
Role of Testosterone for Men: Involved in sperm production Improve sperm quality, increase penile erection and enhance sex drive. Involved in the development of tissues in the reproductive system such as testes, prostate Stimulates the development of red blood cells, increases muscle, bone and hair. Reduces risk of cardiovascular disease Testosterone's role for women: Increases sex drive Increases tactile sensitivity

3. Testosterone imbalance

Mức testosterone bình thường sẽ dao động trong khoảng 270-1070 ng/dL, mức trung bình thường đạt 679 ng/dL
Mức testosterone bình thường sẽ dao động trong khoảng 270-1070 ng/dL, mức trung bình thường đạt 679 ng/dL
Normal testosterone levels will range between 270-1070 ng/dL, with the average usually reaching 679 ng/dL. In general, this number can vary depending on age, it will peak around the age of 20, then decrease gradually with increasing age. If testosterone levels are above or below average, it is considered a hormone imbalance.

4. What does a testosterone imbalance cause?

When there is an imbalance of testosterone, men can face a lot of health and psychological problems. Specifically:
When testosterone is low: Decreased libido: as mentioned above, testosterone is an important factor in promoting sexual desire and emotions. Without this hormone, the body will no longer feel interested when it comes to sex. In particular, in older men, testosterone tends to decline sharply, causing a loss of sex drive. Difficulty getting an erection: Besides stimulating sexual desire, testosterone also has the ability to help achieve and maintain an erection of the penis. While it doesn't directly cause an erection, it does help stimulate receptors in the brain to produce nitric oxide, a molecule that helps trigger a series of chemical reactions necessary for an erection to occur. If testosterone levels in the blood are low, men will have difficulty getting an erection during sex and even during sleep (spontaneous erection). However, this hormone is just one of many factors that help achieve it. male erection. In fact, there are many other health problems that contribute to erectile dysfunction, including:
Thyroid problems Diabetes High Blood pressure High cholesterol Alcohol abuse Frequent smoking Depression Stress, stress Frequent anxiety Causes hair loss: Testosterone is also involved in the production of hair and hair, so when natural testosterone levels are too low, it can lead to baldness. In addition, a lack of testosterone also causes body hair to gradually fall out (such as leg hair, armpit hair, genital hair, ..).

Testosterone cũng tham gia vào quá trình sản xuất lông và tóc
Testosterone cũng tham gia vào quá trình sản xuất lông và tóc
Reduced semen volume: Testosterone is an important link in the production of semen. Semen volume is often impaired when testosterone levels are too low for average
Muscle loss: men with low testosterone levels may experience decline and gradual loss of muscle mass.
Increase in body fat: Men with low testosterone levels are more likely to experience excess body fat. Causes some symptoms such as gynecomastia in men, enlarged breast tissue. This phenomenon is caused by an imbalance between testosterone and estrogen in men.
Decrease in bone mass: Men can experience conditions such as osteoporosis, bone loss, easy fractures, thinning bones or reduced bone mass if testosterone levels in the blood are below average.
Body fatigue: The decline in testosterone is one of the main causes of energy decline, making men always feel extremely tired, no longer motivated to continue working. . In particular, this situation cannot be compensated by sleep, because no matter how much you try to sleep, your body is still constantly tired, gradually becoming exhausted and seriously affecting your health. as well as your daily activities.
Mood swings: when testosterone levels drop, men cannot avoid mood swings. Because, this hormone has a certain influence on the spirit and mood of men. When testosterone is low, men face common symptoms such as depression, irritability, anger, solitude, distraction at work or something.
When testosterone levels are too high: If testosterone levels are only slightly above average, it does not cause any health concerns, it even offers certain benefits for men. . However, if the blood level of testosterone is too high, much higher than average can have several consequences, including:
Increased risk of smoking Tends to abuse alcohol regularly Increased risk of injury According to several recent studies, the higher the testosterone level, the more likely men are to engage in high-risk behaviors related to sex, causing injury. or even illegal behavior.

5. Measures to help balance testosterone

Tập luyện thể dục, thể thao thường xuyên là một trong những thói quen không chỉ rất tốt trong việc phòng tránh bệnh tật mà còn giúp tăng cường nồng độ testosterone trong cơ thể
Tập luyện thể dục, thể thao thường xuyên là một trong những thói quen không chỉ rất tốt trong việc phòng tránh bệnh tật mà còn giúp tăng cường nồng độ testosterone trong cơ thể
To keep testosterone balance, you can do it in the following ways:
Regular exercise and sports: Regular exercise and sports are one of the habits that are not only very good for prevention. diseases but also helps to increase testosterone levels in your body. You can choose to exercise with weightlifting to help boost your testosterone in the short and long term. In addition, to maintain testosterone levels at a balanced level, you should supplement with caffeine and creatine monohydrate in combination with a regular exercise regimen.
Supplement enough nutrients for the body: The foods you use every day also have a significant effect on the levels of testosterone and other hormones in the body. Men need to pay attention to three essential nutrients, including protein, starch and good fats. Provide adequate protein for the body to help maintain stable health and support fat loss. Starch has the ability to optimize testosterone levels during exercise. Good fats also contribute to the body's endurance and support the production of testosterone.
Limit stress and cortisol levels: Long-term stress can cause cortisol levels to increase and decrease testosterone levels. In addition, stress and cortisol make people tend to crave food, eat more, cause weight gain and store excess fat. You should balance your diet, practice sports, laugh more, build a healthy lifestyle to help balance testosterone in your body.
Vitamin D Supplement: Vitamin D is an essential element that helps naturally increase testosterone levels in the blood. To ensure enough vitamin D needed by the body, you should spend time in the sun before 8 am or supplement 3,000 IU of vitamin D3 per day.
Supplement with vitamins and minerals: Vitamin B and Zinc are two substances that enhance sperm quality by up to 74%. Besides, zinc also helps improve testosterone levels in the blood. Vitamins such as A, C, and E all play an important role in the production of testosterone.
Get enough sleep: Sleep also affects testosterone levels. You should sleep enough 7-8 hours a day to ensure health as well as maintain testosterone balance.

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