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You may often feel a dull, sharp pain in your jaw. Maybe one side of your mouth hurts when you bite something. If your tooth or jaw hurts, chances are your body is signaling to you that something is wrong. So don't ignore those signs.
1. What causes toothache?
1.1. Tooth decay Tooth decay has many causes, from gum disease to bruxism, but a sensitive source can also cause toothache.
1.2. Broken teeth Teeth are often cracked or chipped due to various causes such as falling, playing sports, or biting down on something hard or sticky.
This may not happen soon because the tooth is chipped or damaged, but can develop over time as the tooth damage becomes worse.
1.3. Gum disease Gum disease is characterized by a dull ache in the mouth, red, bleeding gums, and sometimes toothache. If not treated in time, teeth, gums and bones can be damaged
1.4. Tooth Abscess A tooth abscess is a rather uncomfortable and painful condition. An abscess only develops when the painful condition has not been treated. So if you leave a cavity without any attention or repair, it will eventually turn into a painful abscess.
1.5. Temperature Sensitivity If you experience toothache after eating or drinking cold or hot food, your teeth are sensitive. This means your enamel has worn away and your dentin is exposed.
2. How to apply ice when toothache
A cold compress can help relieve pain and inflammation of the tooth. Applying ice helps relieve toothache, constricts blood vessels, and slows blood flow to the affected area. Cold also reduces nerve activity, thereby reducing pain.
The most common types of cryotherapy include cold compresses and frozen gels. You can also wrap the crushed ice in a clean towel. Hold it on the outside of your cheek and repeat if needed.
Cold compress is especially effective if toothache is caused by swollen gums or trauma. Use it for short periods of time, about 10-15 minutes. Do not apply cold for more than 20 minutes at a time because you risk nerve, skin, and tissue damage.
3. Prevention of toothache
To avoid toothaches and dental problems, you should:
Limit your intake of sugary foods and drinks Brush your teeth twice a day Clean between teeth with floss and use mouthwash No smoking as it can make some dental problems worse Regular dental check-up, every 6 months Specialty Dentistry - Jaw - Facial - Vinmec International General Hospital specializes in examining and treating all common dental problems in adults and children. The hospital has a team of qualified doctors and dentists and a system of advanced machinery to help support the examination process well and shorten the time.
Therefore, when there is any problem, you can go to the hospital to be checked for appropriate instructions from a specialist doctor. Avoiding leaving for a long time will affect the structure and aesthetics of the teeth.
Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.