What do facial acne locations say?

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Acne is often understood as a common dermatological problem in many age groups. However, depending on the type of acne as well as the location of the growth, they can be a manifestation of the disease in the person. So what does each acne location on the face and body say? Where acne grows is a warning of health problems? Let's find out and answer all questions in the article below.

Acne or acne are common dermatological problems, often caused by causes of acne outside the body such as unclean skin hygiene, cosmetic allergies,... However, acne can also be a symptom of acne. appear from within. Depending on the location of acne on the face, cheeks, and chin, we can predict the health problems of people with acne and give the most thorough acne treatment.

1. What do the spots on your face say?

Many people have wondered: What do acne spots on the face say? Does the location of acne indicate any health problems, while many people think that acne is caused by hormones or polluted environment? For all of us, it is not too strange to get a few small pimples from time to time, especially on the face. According to experts in cosmetology and beauty care, the face is the most common acne area. From cheeks, forehead, chin, nose to eyebrows and around the edge,... all can be places for acne to grow. In addition, according to Traditional Medicine, each acne location on the face reflects different diseases of the body. Therefore, a face map (Face Mapping) was formed. According to this map, the position of acne on each part of cheeks, forehead, ears, chin, nose, ... on the face will have a close relationship with an organ inside the body. And when the spots appear, it will signal that the corresponding organ is having health problems.
Specifically, according to the warnings on the acne map, acne on the cheeks is caused by your stomach or lungs being in "trouble". Acne on the forehead is caused by liver or digestive problems. Meanwhile, acne spots in the ears are a sign of kidney problems.
So, if we really understand the acne locations on the face or body, we will have many ways to thoroughly and completely treat acne. In addition to the ways of acting on the skin, cooling the liver, kidneys or paying attention to digestion and stomach also has positive effects and helps to reduce acne quickly.

2. Acne Sites and Health Alerts As mentioned above, facial acne locations can alert us to health problems in the respective organs and organs. on the body. So specifically, what are those warnings? Let's continue to learn with us.
2.1. Acne on the cheeks Acne on the cheeks is very common because this area is often exposed to a lot of dirt from the environment or through living habits. The habit of touching your face or not using a protective mask when going out is an opportunity for bacteria to attack and cause acne on the cheeks.
The internal cause of red, swollen acne appearing on the left cheek is liver-related problems, such as hepatitis or a weak liver. This directly affects the excretory and detoxification processes of the body, thus leading to accumulation of toxins and causing acne. To limit acne on the left cheek, dermatologists recommend:
Limit the use of alcoholic beverages or stimulants such as beer, wine or coffee. Add foods that cool the liver and support detoxification such as bitter melon, cucumbers and squash, etc. Of course, bacteria and dirt are still external causes for acne to grow on the right cheek. But in terms of Face Mapping, acne spots located on the right cheek are a warning sign related to lung health. Besides, acne on the right cheek is also said to be a consequence of consuming tobacco in excess of the allowed amount. To limit acne on the right cheek:
Use some foods such as tomatoes, apples and garlic,... Limit your intake of sweets like candy, cakes, milk tea,... Quit smoking. This habit is difficult to break immediately, but do your best to reduce it gradually and completely. Make it a habit to get up early to relax with fresh air. This is very good for the lungs because it pumps an extra amount of clean air to help the lungs work better.

Mụn ở má rất thường gặp vì đây là nơi thường xuyên tiếp xúc với bụi bẩn
Mụn ở má rất thường gặp vì đây là nơi thường xuyên tiếp xúc với bụi bẩn

2.2. Chin acne Acne and nodules can be concentrated on the chin. This area of ​​pimples signals the body of hormonal disorders or problems related to the kidneys. Besides, the habit of touching your chin with your hands is also a cause for bacteria to accumulate and cause acne. To limit acne on the chin, we need to:
Drink enough 2-3 liters of water per day to maintain the excretory function of the kidneys. Get rid of the habit of resting your hands on your chin or touching, touching or squeezing pimples on your chin. Eat a lot of cool foods to help purify the body and support good detoxification such as bitter melon (bitter gourd), squash, amaranth,...
2.3. Acne around the mouth The area around the mouth according to face mapping is closely related to the digestive system. In particular, the intestines and liver are the main organs that affect the pimples around your mouth. An unhealthy diet with a lot of spicy, hot and processed foods many times with fat will negatively affect the functioning of the intestines and liver. Poor digestion will cause toxins to accumulate in the body and form acne around the mouth. Besides, oral acne is quite dangerous and often arises when bowel and liver function malfunction. To limit acne in this area, we should:
Change habits from using canned foods to fresh processed foods. The processing method should also pay attention and minimize sugar and salt in dishes. Besides, give preference to boiled and steamed dishes. Add green vegetables and fruits in each meal to help provide enough vitamins and fiber for the body. Do not eat too much at any meal of the day and just eat in moderation. Especially dinner should be eaten less to let the digestive system work best.

Bổ sung vitamin và chất xơ có trong rau xanh và hoa quả tươi sẽ giúp cải thiện đáng kể tình trạng mụn ở mặt
Bổ sung vitamin và chất xơ có trong rau xanh và hoa quả tươi sẽ giúp cải thiện đáng kể tình trạng mụn ở mặt

2.4. Forehead Acne Having acne on your forehead is thought to be the result of a build-up of toxins in your body. Problems with liver function, poor digestion, stress and mental fatigue are the main causes of acne on the forehead. If you notice, acne on the forehead is also accompanied by other symptoms or signs such as mouth sores, red tongue, ... People with acne on the forehead also feel uncomfortable when eating and sleeping. which is affected. How to limit acne on the forehead is similar to how to limit acne in the cheek area, that is:
Use some cool herbs such as corn silk tea, lotus seeds, ... drink daily instead of filtered water . Do not eat foods containing a lot of sugar to achieve the best effect. Eating a lot of green vegetables will be good for the digestive system such as vegetables, broccoli, ... Minimize the use of beer, wine, coffee and other stimulants. 2.5. Acne on the cheekbones The cause of acne on the cheeks is due to intestinal disorders. This directly affects the excretory and detoxifying tasks of the intestinal wall. At that time, the patient may often experience phenomena such as abdominal distention, bloating, flatulence.... The way to overcome this situation is:
Eliminate foods that are difficult to digest and cause bloating such as: Onions , watermelon, alcohol, carbonated soft drinks, fried foods or legumes,... Add foods good for digestion in the diet such as: Yogurt, sauerkraut, broccoli , apple,...
2.6. Appearance of cysts and blackheads on the nose The nose is the most prone to encountering tiny black spots, acne and even the most red swollen pimples. This is an intimate link for the heart and lungs when considering the acne treatment map. The sudden formation of swollen acne spots on the tip of the nose will directly warn the heart and lungs that there is a problem. Therefore, we need to pay close attention and regularly observe our nose area to soon recognize health problems, besides:
Eat a lot of green vegetables and fresh fruits. Add fatty fish and nuts to your daily diet to increase your intake of omega-3 fats. Limit hot spicy foods or fermented foods such as pickles, kimchi, eggplant.... Check and measure blood pressure and heart rate regularly. Acne can appear anywhere on the body, especially the face. The external causes of acne growth are due to poor hygiene, exposure to a dusty environment, dirt that causes the hair follicles to become inflamed and acne formation. However, in many cases, the growth of acne also warns us about health problems related to the respective organs such as the heart, liver, lungs, kidneys.... So regularly monitor and listen. Listen to the advice of dermatologists, in case there are signs of dangerous pathology, you need to go to the hospital for diagnosis and intensive treatment.
Clinical Dermatology Specialist Vinmec International General Hospital undertakes diagnosis, treatment, prevention and rehabilitation of diseases in the specialty of Leprosy and Dermatology. With a team of leading medical doctors, the system With a system of modern technological equipment, the hospital provides comprehensive and professional medical examination, consultation and treatment services; civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space.

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Reference source: wellcare.vn
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