Side effects of skin whitening products

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Skin bleaching products have the effect of lightening the skin. It comes in many forms such as bleaching creams, soaps, pills, chemical peels and laser therapy... Skin bleaching has not been proven safe and there is ample evidence that it can. lead to serious side effects and complications.

1. How skin bleaching products work

All kinds of skin bleaching products, whiten the skin by reducing the concentration of melanin on the skin. Melanin is a pigment produced by cells called melanocytes.
The amount of melanin in the skin is mostly determined by genetics. People with dark skin have more melanin than people with light skin. Hormones, sunlight, and some chemicals also affect melanin production. When a skin bleaching product like hydroquinone is applied to the skin, it reduces the amount of melanocytes on the skin, which in turn helps to lighten the skin and even out the skin tone.

2. Side effects of skin bleaching

Skin bleaching products have been banned in some countries due to the associated side effects. In 2006, the FDA issued a notice that over-the-counter skin bleaching products were not recognized as safe and effective.
Some notable side effects of skin whitening products include:

2.1. Mercury poisoning

Mercury is a highly toxic chemical and is banned in skin lightening products in the US. However, there are still many lines of skin lightening products that contain mercury on the market.
Signs and symptoms of mercury poisoning include:
Numbness High blood pressure Fatigue Sensitivity to light Neurological symptoms such as tremors, memory loss and irritability Kidney failure
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2.2. Dermatitis

Several studies have shown a link between skin bleaching products and dermatitis. This is an inflammatory skin condition caused by exposure to certain chemicals. Symptoms of mild to severe dermatitis include:
Redness of the skin Blisters of skin Sores

2.3. Exogenous ochronosis

Exogenous ochronosis (EO) is a skin disorder that causes black and blue pigmentation on the face. It often occurs as a complication of long-term use of skin bleaching creams containing hydroquinone. The use of these products on large body areas or over the entire body carries a higher risk of EO.

2.4. Steroid acne

Skin bleaching creams containing corticosteroids can cause steroid acne. Steroid acne mainly develops on the chest, but can also appear on the back, arms, and other parts of the body with long-term corticosteroid use.
Symptoms of steroid acne include:
Whiteheads and blackheads Small redheads Large pimples Acne scars

2.5. Nephrotic syndrome

Nephrotic syndrome is a kidney disorder usually caused by damage to the blood vessels in the kidneys, which are responsible for filtering waste and excess water out of the body. It causes the body to excrete too much protein in the urine.
Skin lightening creams containing mercury have been linked to nephrotic syndrome which can cause the following symptoms:
Swelling (edema) around the eyes Swollen feet and ankles Foamy urine Loss of appetite Tired

3. Skin bleaching benefits

Skin bleaching offers no specific benefit, but may have cosmetic effects when used to treat certain skin conditions.

3.1. Minimize dark spots

Skin bleaching treatments can reduce dark spots on the skin caused by sun damage, aging and hormonal changes. So it can be used for skin conditions like:
Age spots Dark spots Melasma Freckles Post-inflammatory signs of eczema and psoriasis
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3.2. Reduces appearance of acne scars

Some skin bleaching treatments can help fade acne scars. They won't help with the inflammation and redness caused by acne, but they can reduce the red or dark areas of skin that persist after the acne heals.

3.3. Evens out skin tone

Skin lightening products can even even out skin tone by minimizing areas of hyperpigmentation caused by sun damage. It can also help reduce the appearance of freckles.

4. How to use skin whitening products

How to use skin bleaching products is different. In general, they are usually applied to the darker areas of the skin 1-2 times a day.
To use a skin-lightening cream, you should follow your doctor's instructions or on the package, which may include:
Use product sparingly with clean hands or a cotton pad Avoid contact with surrounding skin , eyes, nose and mouth Wash hands thoroughly after use Avoid touching treated area with other people's skin Apply sunscreen to prevent skin damage from UV exposure Many skin lightening products are available commercially available once-daily dosing, although there is no evidence that they are effective.
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5. Precautionary measures

FDA does not consider OTC skin lightening products to be safe or effective. Products marketed as natural skin bleaching aids are not regulated by the FDA.
Most skin lightening products are not recommended for dark skin tones and may cause hyperpigmentation. Skin lightening treatments are also not recommended for use by children or those who are pregnant or nursing.

6. How to make your own skin bleaching products

Lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide are considered two home products that work to reduce skin pigmentation, but they can also cause some side effects such as skin and eye irritation, ... for some people.
As with other skin bleaching methods, these at-home treatments are recommended for treating dark spots rather than lightening the skin naturally.
Some other commonly used home remedies for skin lightening include:
Apple Cider Vinegar Green Tea Extract Aloe Vera Skin bleaching products have a skin lightening effect. However, they are not considered safe because of many side effects. Therefore, before using the product, consumers need to understand the origin and ingredients.

Please dial HOTLINE for more information or register for an appointment HERE. Download MyVinmec app to make appointments faster and to manage your bookings easily.

This article is written for readers from Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.


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