What is a migraine with drooping eyelids?

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Hello doctor,
for the last 2 weeks I have had a migraine on the right side, usually for about 30 minutes to 1 hour and the right eyelid drooping, the temporal nerve is also prominent, so I can vomit and feel sad. vomit. The pain can come on suddenly during the day. The doctor told me what is a migraine with drooping eyelids? Thank you.
Anonymous customer
Answered by Specialist I Tran Ngoc Thuy Hang - Emergency Resuscitation Department, Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital.
With the question “What is a migraine with drooping eyelids? ", the doctor would like to answer as follows:
Migraine is common in the case of Migraine headache, the triggering factors include stress, sleep disorders, some cases caused by coffee,... If your case includes migraine with drooping eyelids, look for other causes such as intracranial tumors, damage to or affect the V, VII, and VIII cranial nerves.
You can use NSAIDS pain relievers to support pain relief, rest, avoid stress, .. However, you should see a Neurologist to find the cause as well as treat it early.
If you still have questions about migraine with drooping eyelids, you can go to the hospital of Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wishing you lots of health.
Best regards!

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