Does Vinmec have cystoscopy anesthesia?

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Hello doctor,
I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with a damaged urachal cyst. The doctor ordered me to have a CT scan of my abdomen (done) and a urethroscopic cone of the bladder. During urethroscopy, I have poor pain tolerance. Doctor let me ask if Vinmec has cystoscopy anesthesia? I would like to thank you.
Anonymous customer
Answered by Master, Resident Doctor Le Van Hung - Digestive-Hepatobiliary-Urology Center, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
With the question “Does Vinmec have cystoscopy anesthesia? ”, the doctor replied as follows:
Currently at Vinmec Hospital, cystoscopy is performed with anesthesia support. The procedure will be done in the operating room, and the patient is completely painless during the cystoscopy. Patients can leave the hospital the same day.
If you still have questions about cystoscopy, you can go to a medical facility under Vinmec Health System for early examination and treatment. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wish you a lot of health.
Best regards!

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