Can Tazarotene cream and Eclaran cause birth defects in an unborn baby?

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Hello pharmacist! I missed pregnancy while using 2 types of acne medicine Tazarotene cream 0.1% and acne medicine Eclaran 5. I am currently 5 weeks pregnant but I just found out that those 2 drugs are contraindicated for pregnant women, and I am new. Stop using it tonight.
Now I'm very confused because I read that drugs can cause birth defects. I started taking the drug in February in the form of strength. I am very scared right now. I hope the pharmacist can answer me if Tazarotene cream and Eclaran acne medicine can cause birth defects? Thank you pharmacist.
Anonymous question
Hello. Tazarotene is a compound similar to Vitamin A, applied topically to the skin for acne treatment. According to the FDA's pregnancy safety classification, Tazarotene is classified as X (contraindicated), this drug can harm an unborn baby or cause birth defects when taken by mouth.
Animal studies have shown that the drug does not cause birth defects when used topically, but some disturbances in the embryo have also been reported, possibly due to the drug being absorbed and causing systemic effects.
Eclaran 5 contains 5% Benzoyl peroxide for general acne treatment. Category C drug - animal studies have shown adverse effects and fetal toxicity but insufficient human data are available. The drug can still be used during pregnancy as needed.
In this case, because you have been taking the drug during pregnancy and have also stopped using it, the best way to determine if Tazarotene cream and Eclaran is causing birth defects in the fetus is by having regular antenatal and screening tests. control fetal abnormalities (if any).
You should also tell your obstetrician about any medications you've taken so that they can be noted. The risk of harm caused by drugs absorbed into the bloodstream for systemic effects will be lower with the use of topical drugs than oral drugs. An important point is that although things do not go as planned, you should stay calm and reduce your worries about affecting your pregnancy.
You can visit one of the Vinmec Health System hospitals nationwide to be examined by qualified doctors.
Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Best regards!
Answered by Pharmacist Huynh Xuan Loc - Faculty of Pharmacy - Vinmec Central Park International General Hospital

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