Is the heart rate 90-100 beats/min okay?

Hello doctor,
My normal heart rate is around 90-100. Normal blood pressure is 70/110. I've been like this for decades. I'm 36 years old. Doctor let me ask if the heart rate is 90-100 beats/min okay? Thank you doctor.
Anonymous customer
Answered by Master, Doctor Dao Kim Phuong - Department of Medical Examination, Vinmec Times City International General Hospital.
With the question “Is the heart rate 90-100 beats/min okay? ", the doctor would like to answer as follows:
A normal person's heart rate will fall between 60-100 beats/minute. More than 100 beats/minute is called tachycardia. Experts say that a normal heart will beat between 60-80 beats per minute. But there are also cases where some people have a naturally slower or faster rhythm.
There are many causes of tachycardia such as: Psychological disorders, stress, stress, strenuous labor, insomnia, heavy use of stimulants such as alcohol, coffee, tobacco, ... Cardiovascular diseases such as: Myocardial ischemia, heart valve diseases, myocarditis, congenital heart disease.... Thyroid diseases, metabolism, infections....
You should go If there is no obvious cause, the doctor will also have advice to help slow the heart rate such as regular exercise, for example, or give a prescription for support.
If you still have questions about the heart rate of 90-100 beats/min, you can go to the hospital of Vinmec Health System for further examination and advice. Thank you for trusting and sending questions to Vinmec. Wish you a lot of health.
Best regards!

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