What are the uses of Premilin 75mg?

What does premulin 75mg do? Is this a common antiepileptic drug? Does Premulin 75mg cause any noticeable side effects?

1. What does premulin 75mg do?

Premlin 75mg is a drug with the active ingredient Pregabalin 75mg, prepared in the form of white - red capsules. Premulin 75mg is indicated for the following cases:
Adjuvant treatment of partial seizures that may be accompanied by secondary generalization in adult patients. Treatment of anxiety disorders Peripheral neuralgia is common in diabetics, posterior neuralgia is common in herpes. Pain from fibromyalgia
Thuốc Premilin 75mg
Thuốc Premilin 75mg được dùng trong điều trị một số bệnh lý

2. Dosage and how to take premulin 75mg

Dosage and how to use premulin 75mg for each specific case as follows:
Treatment of epilepsy: The initial indicated dose is 75mg/time and used 2 times/day. After 1 week, the dose can be increased to 300mg/day depending on the patient's tolerance and response. After 2 weeks, the dose can be increased to 600mg/day and the maintenance dose is from 150-600mg/day, 2-3 times/day. Treatment of anxiety disorders: The initial indicated dose is 75mg / time and used 2 times / day. Thereafter, the dose may be increased to a maximum of 600 mg/day. Treatment of neuropathic pain: The initial indicated dose is premulin 75mg / time and used 2 times / day. After 3-7 days, the dose can be increased to 300mg/day depending on the patient's tolerance and response. After 2 weeks, the dose can be increased to 600mg/day. Pain relief due to fibromyalgia: The initial indicated dose is 75mg / time and used 2 times / day. After 1 week, the dose can be increased to 300mg/day (still used twice a day) depending on the patient's tolerability status and response, the dose can be increased to 300mg/day. Then, if necessary, the dose can be increased to 450 mg/day. Premulin 75mg is an oral medication, which can be taken with or without food. Before discontinuing the drug, the dose should be reduced gradually over a minimum of 1 week to limit the possibility of increased seizures.

3. Side effects of premulin 75mg

Some reactions can occur when you use premulin 75mg in the treatment, including: hives, blisters, rash, wheezing or difficulty breathing.
Premulin 75mg may cause the following undesirable side effects, in which, dizziness and drowsiness are two common symptoms:
Dizziness, visual disturbances Weight gain, a feeling of eating better Tremor, lethargy, dysarthria, fatigue, body edema Nausea, vomiting, dry mouth, flatulence, constipation, peripheral edema Erectile dysfunction, decreased or loss of interest in sex Imbalance , memory disorders, poor concentration, fainting, congestive heart failure rhabdomyolysis, increased creatinine kinase, reversible renal failure Steven-Johnson syndrome
premilin 75mg
Thuốc premilin 75mg có thể khiến bạn gặp tình trạng hoa mắt

4. Notes when taking premulin 75mg

If you are taking Premulin 75mg, do not suddenly stop taking it because it may increase seizures. It is necessary to monitor for symptoms of drug dependence when using such as headache, insomnia, nausea, diarrhea. For patients with diabetes, the dose of diabetes medication being taken may change if the use of premulin 75mg causes the patient to gain weight. Premulin 75mg in particular and anticonvulsants in general can increase the risk of patients having suicidal thoughts or behaviors. Therefore, it is necessary to closely monitor patients during drug use, especially for patients with anxiety disorders with depressive symptoms, abnormal behavior and suicidal ideation. You should notify your doctor immediately if you notice any unusual symptoms. For patients with drug addiction, it is necessary to be cautious and closely monitor drug abuse, drug dependence, arbitrarily increase the dose or arbitrarily use the drug. Premulin 75mg may interact with some drugs such as antiepileptic drugs, diabetes drugs, diuretics, oral contraceptives, CNS depressants. Premulin 75mg is a medicine used in the treatment of epilepsy, anxiety disorders, peripheral neuropathy, and fibromyalgia. The drug may cause dizziness and drowsiness, which are common side effects.

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