What are the uses of Cerebrolysin 10ml?

Cerebrolysin medicine 10ml is a drug produced from purified porcine brain protein in the form of a solution for injection or infusion without proteins, lipids or other antigenic compounds. Cerebrolysin is indicated for use in cases of memory disorders, degenerative dementia, stroke,... To ensure effective treatment and avoid side effects, users need to comply. exactly as directed by your doctor.

1. What does Cerebrolysin 10ml do?

What is Cerebrolysin 10ml? Cerebrolysin 10ml is a peptide produced by standardized biotechnological enzyme cleavage. Cerebrolysin is produced from purified porcine brain protein, a solution for injection or infusion that does not contain proteins, lipids or other antigenic compounds. Cerebrolysin is packed into a syringe with a volume of 5ml or 10ml. In which, each ml of solution contains 215.2mg of Cerebrolysin concentrate peptide and 2.1mg of sodium hydroxide.
Cerebrolysin is effective in the treatment of some of the following cases:
Memory disorders Concentration disorders Degenerative dementia including alzheimer's Dementia due to cerebrovascular disease, multiple infarcts Dementia both degenerative and vascular Stroke: ischemia and bleeding After trauma and surgery, after concussion, concussion or neurosurgery. In addition, some other effects of the drug are not listed on the approved drug label, but in some cases, the doctor may prescribe the use of Cerebrolysin. Therefore, before taking the medicine, consult your doctor.

2. How to use Cerebrolysin 10ml

Cerebrolysin medicine 10ml is prepared in the form of a solution for injection with a concentration of 10ml. The drug can be injected intramuscularly with a dose of 5ml, if more than 5ml, it can be given intravenously or infusion. Dosage will be based on the condition and age of the patient. Usually, the doctor will prescribe Cerebrolysin injection once a day and treat it for a minimum of 10-20 days. For mild cases can use from 1-5ml, severe cases from 10-30ml. The length of the course of treatment and the dose of the drug depends on the age of the patient and the severity of the disease, usually the course of treatment lasts about 3-4 weeks. The course of treatment can be repeated several times depending on the clinical response of the patient, the drug should be stopped between courses. In severe cases, the patient should not stop taking the drug suddenly, but should continue the treatment by injecting the drug once and twice a day with an interval of 4 weeks. From clinical trials, the usual dose for dementia patients is 5-30ml/24 hours and 10-60ml/24 hours after ischemic stroke or traumatic brain injury.
Cerebrolysin is used by intramuscular or intravenous route, patients should use the drug under the supervision of medical staff. Cerebrolysin solution can be mixed with physiological saline or 5% glucose, ringer lactac solution, dextran 40, with a minimum infusion rate of 20-60 minutes. To use this medicine safely, inject or infuse Cerebrolysin exactly as directed by your doctor, do not use more than the recommended dose, smaller or longer than prescribed. Use Cerebrolysin at the right dose to get the most benefit from it and you can stop taking it if any new symptoms appear. Patients absolutely do not arbitrarily abuse drugs for too long for a long time. This does not make the patient's condition better, but also increases the risk of unwanted effects.

3. Undesirable effects when using the drug Cerebrolysin 10ml

Cerebrolysin can cause some unwanted and common side effects that can be mentioned as:
Swelling and pain at the injection site Sensation of heat at the injection site if injected too quickly Tremor Headache Slight increase in body temperature Before prescribing medicine, doctors always consider the benefits and effectiveness of the drug Cerebrolysin. When using Cerebrolysin can still occur unwanted effects. Therefore, when unusual symptoms are present, especially when a severe allergic reaction occurs with accompanying signs such as severe dizziness, difficulty breathing, rash, anxiety, cognitive impairment , respiratory failure and coma, the patient should immediately notify the doctor or nurse for immediate medical intervention.

4. Some notes when using the drug Cerebrolysin 10ml

Some notes when using Cerebrolysin include:
Allergy notice to Cerebrolysin hypersensitivity reaction to any other allergy. Cerebrolysin may contain inactive ingredients and could cause an allergic reaction or other serious problems. Report any medications you are taking including prescription and nonprescription drugs, herbs and supplements, foods, dyes or preservatives. Cerebrolysin is contraindicated in patients with epileptic status or prolonged seizures, epileptic patients with increased seizure frequency, severe renal failure, etc. For pregnant and lactating women, Cerebrolysin in animal experiments did not show any evidence of teratogenic effects, as there are no clinical data when using Cerebrolysin in pregnant patients. Therefore, it is necessary to consult with your doctor before using Cerebrolysinb to weigh the benefits and risks. If you forget a dose of Cerebrolysin, take it again as soon as possible. However, if it is almost time for your next dose, skip the missed dose and continue injecting as usual. Do not use more drug than prescribed treatment. Cerebrolysin overdose or ingestion can cause serious symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, shortness of breath, fainting,...

5. Drug interactions

Drug interactions may decrease the effectiveness of Cerebrolysin, or increase the effect of unwanted effects. Tell your doctor about all other medicines you are taking including over-the-counter medicines, vitamins, prescription drugs, and herbal products. Do not start, stop or change the dose of any medicine without your doctor's consent. Some drugs that can interact with Cerebrolysin include:
Antidepressants MAO inhibitors: phenelzin, isocarboxazid, tranylcypromine,...

6. How to store Cerebrolysin 10ml?

Cerebrolysin with injection mixture is stored in the hospital at room temperature below 30 degrees Celsius, protected from light and away from moisture. Do not store Cerebrolysin in a humid place or in the freezer, away from heat and open flames. When the medicine has expired or is damaged and cannot be used anymore, medical staff should dispose of and dispose of the medicine properly. Do not arbitrarily dispose of Cerebrolysin into the environment such as water pipes or toilets unless requested. Please consult with your environmental company or pharmacist on how to safely dispose of Cerebrolysin to help protect the environment.
In summary, Cerebrolysin drug is effective in the treatment of memory disorders, concentration disorders, degenerative dementia including alzheimer's disease, dementia caused by cerebrovascular disease, multiple infarcts. or both degenerative and vascular dementia,... However, Cerebrolysin can cause some unwanted effects and drug interactions, so tell your doctor what medications you're taking. to reduce the risk of unwanted effects and at the same time increase the effectiveness of the treatment process.
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