Uses of Vinphazam

Vinphazam drug has the main ingredients Piracetam and Cinarizin with the use of treating chronic cerebral vascular insufficiency, arterial hypertension, stroke, cerebral palsy, memory disorders, labyrinthine pathology,... How to use and Notes when using Vinphazam will be shared through the article below.

1. What is Vinphazam?

Vinphazam belongs to the group of psychotropic drugs, is made in the form of hard capsules and packed in boxes of 6 blisters x 10 tablets. The drug has the main ingredients Piracetam 400mg and Cinarizin 25mg.

2. What are the uses of Vinphazam?

Vinphazam is used in the following cases:
Chronic and potential cerebral vascular insufficiency due to atherosclerosis. Arterial hypertension. Stroke/post-ischemic stroke in brain with vascular dystonia. Brain damage after trauma. Psycho-organic encephalopathy with disturbances in memory and other cognitive functions or disturbances in emotions or desires. Labyrinthine pathology with manifestations of dizziness, tinnitus, nausea & vomiting, nystagmus. Treatment of Ménière's syndrome. Prophylaxis of motor weakness and migraine. Improve cognitive processes in children with mental retardation.

3. Dosage - How to use Vinphazam

Vinphazam is used orally, the patient can take it on an empty or full stomach and should not take it for more than 3 months.
Dosage of Vinphazam refer to the following:
Adults 1 - 2 Vinphazam tablets x 3 times/day, for 1-3 months. Children 1-2 Vinphazam tablets x 1-2 times/day. Mild-moderate renal impairment reduce the dose of Vinphazam or increase the dose interval.

4. Contraindications to taking Vinphazam

Vinphazam should not be used in the following cases:
Patients with hypersensitivity to Piracetam and Cinarizin or to any ingredient of the drug. Severe kidney or liver failure. Hemorrhagic stroke. Porphyrin metabolism disorder. Huntington's disease.

5. Vinphazam drug interactions

There have been reports of Vinphazam drug interactions when combined with the following drugs:
CNS depressants Antidepressants Antihypertensives Vasodilators Thyroid hormones Anticoagulants Alcohol, Beer, tobacco and alcoholic/fermented beverages should be considered together because of the factors that can change the ingredients in Vinphazam. Patients should see details in the instruction sheet for using Vinphazam or consult a doctor or pharmacist for more details.

6. Side effects when using Vinphazam

During the use of Vinphazam, patients may experience some unwanted side effects such as:
Rare: Skin reactions, photosensitivity, digestive disorders. Continuous long-term use for elderly patients: Extrapyramidal side effects when using Vinphazam continuously for elderly patients. Usually these unwanted side effects go away when you stop taking Vinphazam. Patients who encounter rare side effects not listed on the leaflet. If you suspect any side effects of Vinphazam, please inform your doctor immediately.

7. Pay attention to precautions when using Vinphazam

Patients should avoid using alcohol while taking the drug.
Patients with increased intraocular pressure, Parkinson's disease, lactase deficiency, galactoseemia, glucose or galactose malabsorption syndrome, doping (+), radioactive iodine (+) need to be cautious when using Vinphazam.
In addition, Vinphazam should be used with caution in the elderly, pregnant and lactating women, children under 15 years of age, people with liver failure, kidney failure, subjects with myasthenia gravis, stomach ulcers, coma. liver.

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17 lượt đọc

Dịch vụ từ Vinmec

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