Hyalgan medicine uses

Hyalgan has the main ingredient is Sodium hyaluronate, belongs to the group of analgesics, antipyretics, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The drug is also used to treat Gout and other bone-related diseases. So how should Hyalgan be used?

1. What does hyalgan do?

Hyalgan works by acting as a lubricant that acts as a shock absorber in the joint, helping the knee move smoothly, thus being effective in pain relief. Doctors will prescribe Hyalgan medicine for patients in cases such as:
Patients with joint disease due to injury and degeneration. Adjuvant therapy in orthopedic surgery. Used to treat knee pain in patients with arthritis. Used for patients who do not respond to other treatments such as acetaminophen, physical therapy.

2. Dosage and how to use Hyalgan

2.1. Administration The drug is available as a liquid for intra-articular injection.
Note: Before injecting should not use skin disinfectants containing ammonium salts such as benzalkonium chloride antiseptic on the skin to be injected.
Before the injection, the doctor may need to remove excess fluid from the joint before injecting the medicine. Hyalgan should not be injected into a vein or artery because of the potential for increased side effects.
After the injection, the patient should limit types of activities that put stress on the knee (such as jogging, playing tennis, lifting heavy objects, standing for too long) for 48 hours.
2.2. Dosage The dosage of the drug depends on the size of the joint, the patient's health condition and response to treatment, the usual dose will be 2 ml or less intra-articular injection. Use once a week, use time from 3-5 weeks depending on the condition of the disease.

3. Hyalgan drug side effects

When using Hyalgan medicine, patients may experience some side effects such as:
Rare cases of injection site reactions such as pain, swelling, itching, effusion, redness, inflammation of the synovitis Translate . This reaction is not too serious, most can go away on its own in a few days if the patient restricts joint activity and uses ice to apply to the injection site. Very rarely do patients experience this reaction that lasts for a long time and becomes severe. There have been a few cases of very rare side effects of infection at the injection site in the joint, this rate is very rare Systemic hypersensitivity reactions such as urticaria, pruritus, skin rash, anaphylaxis. Handling:
During the use of Hyalgan, if the patient notices that the body appears abnormal, these reactions are likely to have adverse health effects, they should stop using the drug immediately.
In case of severe or serious reactions, it is necessary to quickly go to the hospital and immediately report to a specialist doctor about the current health status for appropriate treatment to avoid danger.

4. Use Hyalgan with caution

It is necessary to take the medicine exactly as prescribed by the doctor, not to take more or less than the prescribed dose, without the doctor's permission.
Arbitrary discontinuation of the drug can cause a decrease in the body's immunity and increase the symptoms of some diseases.
When the patient stops using the product, it should be reduced gradually, should not be stopped suddenly and should not skip more than 2 doses in a row.
There are currently no studies that prove this drug is safe for children. Therefore, it can completely affect the development of children. Parents should consider and consult a doctor when using medicine for children.
For pregnant and lactating women: Clinical studies have shown no embryotoxic or teratogenic side effects from animal tests. However, to be safe in this case, the patient should only use the drug when absolutely necessary and consider the benefits and risks that the drug brings.
Use caution in case the patient has an infection near the injection site to avoid bacterial arthritis. With caution in patients with signs of acute inflammation, doctors need to consider and evaluate whether to inject or not.
Patients with joint effusion need aspiration before injection.
Patients should not drink alcohol while taking the drug.

5. Hyalgan drug interactions

Drug interactions can change the way a drug works or increase the risk of more serious side effects. Patients should tell their doctor about any medications they are taking, including prescription drugs, non-prescription drugs, and non-prescription drugs. prescription, drugs are functional foods.
Currently, according to research, when using hyalgan drugs together with anesthetics, it can cause a reaction to prolong the anesthetic time of some local anesthetics.
The patient's medical condition can also affect the use of the drug, so tell your doctor if you have any health problems.

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