Why do you always feel hungry?

Hunger is your body's natural signal that you're eating. When you're hungry, your stomach may make noises and feel hungry, crave food, or you might get a headache, feel irritable, or can't concentrate.
1.You are not eating enough protein Consuming enough protein is important to suppress cravings.
Protein has hunger-reducing properties that can help you automatically consume fewer calories during the day. It works by increasing the production of hormones that signal fullness and decreasing levels of hormones that stimulate hunger.
Due to these effects, you may feel hungry often if you don't eat enough protein.
Many different foods are high in protein, so it's not difficult to get enough protein through your diet like, animal products, such as meat, poultry, fish and eggs, Both contain high amounts of protein.
This nutrient is also found in some dairy products, including milk and yogurt, as well as some plant-based foods such as legumes, seeds, and whole grains.
2. You don't get enough sleep Getting enough sleep is extremely important to your health.
Sleep is necessary for the correct functioning of the brain and immune system, and sleep deprivation has been linked to an increased risk of several chronic diseases such as cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Also, getting enough sleep is a factor in appetite control, as it helps regulate ghrelin, the appetite-stimulating hormone. Lack of sleep leads to higher ghrelin levels, which is why you may feel hungry when you are sleep deprived.
To control hunger levels, health experts generally recommend getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night.
3. You Eat Too Many Refined Carbs Refined carbs have been processed and stripped of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.
One of the most common sources of refined carbs is white flour, found in many grain-based foods like bread and pasta. Foods like soda, candy, and baked goods, which are made with processed sugar, are also considered refined carbs.
Since refined carbs lack fiber, your body digests these foods very quickly. This is a major reason why you may go hungry often if you eat a lot of refined carbs, as this product does not make you feel full.
Furthermore, eating refined carbs can lead to blood sugar spikes. This leads to increased levels of insulin, which is a hormone responsible for transporting sugar into cells.
Bánh mỳ
Carbs tinh chế phổ biến nhất là bánh mì

When insulin is released a lot at once in response to high blood sugar, it quickly removes sugar from the blood, which can lead to a sudden drop in blood sugar, which can lead to hypoglycemia. blood sugar .
Low blood sugar is a sign that your body is in need of more food, which is one reason why you may feel hungry often if refined carbs are a regular part of your diet. yours.
To reduce refined carbs, simply replace them with healthy foods like vegetables, fruits, legumes and whole grains. These foods are still high in carbs, but they're rich in fiber, which helps control hunger.
4. Low Fat Diet Fat plays an important role in helping you feel full.
This is partly due to the slow transit time through the digestive tract, which means it takes longer for you to digest and the food stays in the stomach for a long time.
Also, eating fat can lead to the release of various satiety hormones. For these reasons, you may feel hungry often on a low-fat diet.
Food sources of healthy fats include coconut oil, salmon, tuna and mackerel, avocado, olive oil, eggs, and full-fat yogurt.
5. You're Not Drinking Enough Water Drinking enough water is incredibly important to your overall health. Drinking enough water has a number of health benefits such as promoting brain and heart health and optimizing exercise performance. In addition, water keeps your skin and digestive system healthy.
Water also has the ability to reduce appetite before meals. Thirst can be confused with hunger. If you're hungry all the time, you can drink a glass or two of water first to see if you're thirsty.
6. Diet low in fiber If your diet lacks fiber, you may feel hungry often.
Consumption of high fiber foods helps control hunger. High-fiber foods slow the rate of gastric emptying and take longer to digest than low-fiber foods. In addition, high fiber intake affects the release of appetite-reducing hormones and production of short-chain fatty acids, which have been shown to increase satiety.
ăn sáng  bữa ăn
Chế độ ăn thiếu chất xơ có thể khiến bạn luôn cảm thấy đói

It's important to note that there are different types of fiber and that some are better than others to help fill you up and keep hunger at bay. Some studies have found soluble fiber or water-soluble fiber to contain more fiber than insoluble fiber.
Many different foods, such as oatmeal, flaxseeds, sweet potatoes, oranges and Brussels sprouts, are excellent sources of soluble fiber.
Diets high in fiber not only help reduce hunger, but also help reduce the risk of heart disease, diabetes and obesity.
To make sure you get enough fiber, choose a diet rich in whole plant foods, like fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, beans, and whole grains.
7. You don't pay attention when you eat If you live a busy lifestyle, you can often get distracted while eating.
While it can save you time, distracted eating can be detrimental to your health as it is associated with increased cravings for more, increased calorie intake and weight gain.
The main reason for this is that distracting eating reduces your perception of the amount of food that you consume. It prevents you from recognizing fullness signals so you need to eat a lot to feel full.
To avoid distraction while eating, you should reduce the time you spend watching the screen while eating, and mute the electronic devices.
8. You exercise too much People who exercise regularly burn a lot of calories. This is especially true if you regularly engage in intense exercise or engage in long-term physical activities, such as marathon training.
Research has shown that people who exercise vigorously regularly tend to have a faster metabolic rate, which means they burn more calories at rest than people who exercise moderately. must or live a sedentary lifestyle.
Although some studies show that exercise is beneficial for suppressing appetite, there is some evidence that people who exercise vigorously, long-term, tend to crave more food than those who do not exercise. exercise.
Thể dục
Cường độ thể dục quá nhiều có thể là nguyên nhân gây tình trạng đói

You can prevent excessive exercise-induced hunger simply by eating more to fuel your workout. It's best to increase your intake of foods that are high in fiber, protein, and healthy fats. Another solution is to cut the time you exercise or reduce the intensity of your workouts.
It is important to note that these measures mainly apply to athletes and people who exercise regularly at high intensity or for long periods of time. If you exercise moderately, you don't need to increase your calorie intake.
9. You Can Drink Too Much Alcohol Alcohol is well known for its appetite-stimulating effects. Studies have shown that alcohol can suppress appetite-suppressing hormones, such as leptin, especially when consumed before or during meals. For this reason, you may feel hungry often if you drink too much alcohol.
Alcohol can not only make you hungrier, but it also weakens the part of the brain that controls judgment and self-control. This can make you eat more, no matter how hungry you are.
To reduce the starving effects of alcohol, it's best to drink it in moderation or avoid it altogether.
10. Eat liquid foods Liquid and solid foods affect your appetite in different ways.
If you consume a lot of liquid foods, such as meal replacement smoothies and soups, you may be more hungry than if you eat a lot of solid foods.
One main reason is that liquids pass through the stomach faster than solid foods. What's more, some studies show that liquid foods don't have a large impact on suppressing hunger-promoting hormones, compared with solid foods.
To prevent frequent hunger pangs, you can incorporate more whole, solid foods into your diet.
11. You may be under too much stress Excessive stress is known to increase appetite. This is mainly due to the effect of stress on increasing levels of cortisol, which is a hormone that has been shown to increase hunger and cravings. For this reason, you may notice that you are always hungry if you experience frequent stress.
Many strategies can help you reduce stress levels exercise and breathe deeply.
Stress căng thẳng
Stress, căng thẳng quá mức góp phần khiến bạn cảm thấy đói bụng

12. You're Taking Certain Medications Some medications have a side effect of increasing appetite.
The most common appetite suppressants include antipsychotics, such as clozapine and olanzapine, as well as antidepressants, mood stabilizers, corticosteroids, and antiepileptic drugs.
In addition, some diabetes medications, such as insulin, insulin secretagogues, and thiazolidinediones, also increase hunger and appetite.
If you suspect that medication is the cause of your frequent hunger pangs, you can help talk to your doctor about other treatment options or medications.
13. You eat too fast The speed at which you eat can play a role in how hungry you are. Several studies have shown that fast eaters have more cravings and tend to overeat during meals, compared to slow eaters. They are also more likely to be obese or overweight.
These effects are partly due to less chewing and cognitive impairment that occurs when you eat too quickly, both of which are necessary to reduce feelings of hunger. In addition, eating slowly and chewing thoroughly gives the body and brain more time to release hormones that fight hunger and signal satiety.
14. Illness Frequent hunger can be a symptom of illness.
First, frequent hunger is a classic sign of diabetes. It occurs as a result of very high blood sugar and is often accompanied by other symptoms, such as excessive thirst, weight loss, and fatigue.
Hyperthyroidism, which is an overactive thyroid, is also associated with increased hunger. This is because the disease causes an overproduction of the appetite-promoting thyroid hormone.
Hypoglycemia can also increase hunger levels. Blood sugar can drop if you don't eat, the effect can be exacerbated by a diet high in refined carbs and sugar.
Taurine giúp điều trị bệnh tiểu đường
Cảm giác đói thường xuyên có thể là biểu hiện của bệnh lý tiểu đường

However, hypoglycemia is also associated with other conditions, such as type 2 diabetes, hyperthyroidism, and kidney failure.
In addition, extreme hunger is often a symptom of several other conditions, such as depression, anxiety, and premenstrual syndrome.

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Article referenced source: healthline.com

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