Doppler ultrasound of the renal arteries

Renal artery Doppler ultrasound is a subclinical diagnostic method widely applied today to serve the screening, diagnosis and monitoring of renal artery hypertension as well as a number of related diseases. other officials.

1. Doppler ultrasound of renal artery

Kidney diseases such as renal artery stenosis, renal host disease, obstructive kidney disease, kidney tumor... can seriously affect the patient's life, so the examination and treatment Diagnosis of these diseases is essential. In particular, renal artery stenosis is a disease caused by the narrowing of the inner lumen of the renal artery, reducing the blood flow to the renal artery, increasing the blood pressure of the renal artery, thereby causing dangerous diseases such as heart failure. kidney, kidney atrophy. Renal artery stenosis is one of the causes of high blood pressure, accounting for 5-10%. To diagnose this pathology, renal artery ultrasound and renal artery Doppler ultrasound are one of the most effective non-invasive clinical methods today. In addition, other kidney diseases are often performed renal artery ultrasound in combination with some other methods to diagnose and monitor disease status.
To perform a renal artery Doppler ultrasound, the patient needs to fast for 6 hours, not drink any carbonated drinks before the ultrasound. Because the renal artery has an anatomical position located very deep inside the abdomen, it is difficult to use an ultrasound probe to investigate, especially in obese patients. In these cases it is difficult to visualize the renal artery, so only the interlobar artery can be explored. Some patients who are having difficulty breathing due to other medical conditions cannot perform a renal artery Doppler ultrasound. The probe position on the patient's abdomen is usually the anterior, lateral line when the patient is supine or lateral.
One of the parameters to be considered in the Doppler ultrasound of the renal arteries is the RI contrast index to represent the wave shape in ultrasound. The RI index was measured at the upper, lower and lower poles of the kidney on each side, then the average value was calculated to assess the degree of obstruction of renal blood flow at the downstream site. RI in children, especially infants, is often higher than in adults.
Siêu âm Doppler động mạch thận
Hình ảnh siêu âm Doppler động mạch thận bị hẹp

2. Indications for renal artery Doppler ultrasound

Indications for renal artery Doppler ultrasound in the following diseases:
Renal host disease Obstructive kidney disease Renal artery stenosis Renal tumor Kidney transplant patient Renal artery ultrasound and renal artery Doppler ultrasound have plays a huge role in the diagnosis and treatment of many kidney diseases as well as in monitoring the health status of kidney transplant patients. This is a non-invasive, economical, fast effective and safe measure for the patient's health.
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