Does filtered water have an expiration date?

If you have ever bought bottled water, you will see the expiration date printed on the packaging of the water bottle. Currently, most bottled water made in the United States has an expiration date printed on it. However, this can be a bit misleading and can make you wonder if filtered water has an expiration date, how long does filtered water last, is it safe to drink after its expiration date?

1. Does filtered water have an expiration date?

Drinking water can be stored and consumed for up to 6 months with almost no side effects as long as it is stored properly. However, tap water is water that has been carbonized, so the taste can become lighter due to gas escaping from the liquid, resulting in a change in taste. Water can often return to its old taste over time, which is caused by the carbon dioxide in the air mixing with the water and making the water a little more acidic.
Although these drinks may have a taste, they are still considered safe to drink for up to 6 months. If it is necessary to store tap water, use a water container that has been cleaned and disinfected. Label them with full filling date information and state that they contain drinking water. Containers should only be stored in a cool, dry and dark place for 6 months.
Lưu ý khi dùng máy lọc nước
Nước uống có thể lưu trữ và tiêu thụ trong tối đa 6 tháng

2. Expiration date of bottled water

Although water does not expire, bottled water often has an expiration date. In 1987, New Jersey became the first and only US state to pass a law requiring all food products - including bottled water - to have a shelf life of 2 years or less from the date of purchase. manufacturing.
When this law was passed, bottle water expiration date printing became an industry standard for bottled water manufacturers nationwide. However, this law was later changed and there is no applicable law in the United States that requires manufacturers to print the expiration date of bottled water.
However, in general, it is not a good idea to drink water from plastic bottles that are far from the expiration date. This is because plastic can start to leach into the water over time, contaminating the water with chemicals, such as antimony and bisphenol A (BPA).
If bottled water is used regularly, these plastic compounds can slowly build up in the body, which can harm gut health, lower immunity and reduce respiratory function.

3. Tips for storing filtered water properly

Properly storing bottled water can help prevent bacterial growth and reduce the risk of side effects, such as feeling nauseous, stomach upset, possibly vomiting and diarrhea may occur.
Nguy cơ nhiễm vi khuẩn Coliform trong nước
Lưu trữ nước đóng chai đúng cách giúp hạn chế sự phát triển của vi khuẩn

In particular, warm temperatures can promote bacterial growth and increase the release of harmful plastic chemicals into the water. Keeping bottled water in a cool place away from direct sunlight can help ensure proper food safety and reduce the risk of negative health effects.
Since plastic bottles are also permeable, it's best to store bottled water away from household cleaning supplies and chemicals. If you notice that your bottled water has a strange taste or odor, you should boil it before drinking or discard it.

4. Bottom line

Filtered water can be safely stored for up to 6 months. Certain chemicals found in plastic can leach into bottled water over time, potentially harming your health. So it's probably best to avoid drinking commercially bottled water that's past its use-by date.
Implementing proper storage techniques can help reduce the risk of side effects and ensure that your water is safe to drink.
Customers can directly go to Vinmec Health system nationwide to visit or contact the hotline here for support.
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See more:
How does the body feel when dehydrated or overwatered? Dehydration: Diagnosis and Treatment What is safe drinking water?
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