How to get rid of body odor?

Body odor is a common problem that you may experience after finishing a workout or spending a hot day. Making lifestyle changes and applying some home treatments can often help reduce sweating and body odor. However, in some cases, severe body odor seriously affects quality of life. So is there any way to get rid of body odor?

1. How does body odor appear?

Body odor is a term for natural odors that originate from the human body. The human body can produce a number of odorous substances, many of which are important for bodily functions, but they are made in small amounts, which do not result in unpleasant odors.
People often think that body odor is caused by sweat. In fact, sweat itself has almost no odor. The root cause of body odor is bacteria that live on the sweat-producing parts of the body. Bacteria thrive in humid environments, breaking down proteins found in sweat into products that produce odors. Therefore, people who sweat a lot like people with hyperhidrosis are more prone to body odor.
Body sweat is secreted by two main sweat glands, eccrine and apocrine glands.
The eccrine glands are found most of the time under your body's skin, located in the dermis. The eccrine glands secrete sweat directly to the surface of the skin through a duct. When sweat evaporates, it helps cool the skin and regulate body temperature. Sweat secreted by the eccrine glands is mostly salt and other electrolytes, it doesn't contain fats and other compounds that give off an odor when broken down by bacteria, so it's less likely to produce an odor. Apocrine glands are found in places where you have hair, such as your armpits and groin. This gland secretes sweat when your body temperature rises and when you are stressed. Sweat secreted by the apocrine glands is responsible for most cases of body odor. Sweat contains a lot of fats and other compounds that smell when broken down by bacteria. This explains why body odor is mainly found in the armpits and groin. It also explains why young children don't have body odor even when they sweat. The apocrine glands are not active until puberty. At puberty, they just begin to be active and sweat, at this time body odor becomes more obvious.
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2. Risk factors that make you more susceptible to body odor

Some of the risk factors that make you more susceptible to body odor are:
Being overweight: The folds in the skin trap sweat and bacteria, which creates the ideal conditions for bacteria to grow that causes body odor. . Eat spicy, pungent foods: The scent of food enters the sweat glands in the intimate area and makes body odor worse. Certain medical conditions: Certain diseases can change normal body odor, such as diabetes, kidney disease, liver disease, and thyroid disease. In some cases, body odor can be a sign of some underlying medical condition that you don't know about. Stress: Stress causes the apocrine glands to increase secretion, causing more sweating. So you may notice an increase in body odor just before a stressful event is about to happen. Genetics: Some people are more prone to body odor and sweating than others. Excessive sweating: A condition called hyperhidrosis can cause you to sweat a lot. Menopause can increase sweating.

3. Home remedies for body odor

Although there is no universal treatment for the causes of body odor, you can do the following at home:
3.1. Shower daily and use antibacterial soap. Shower at least once a day, and if the weather is too hot you can shower twice a day. Use anti-bacterial soap to reduce bacteria, lather thoroughly before applying on the body. Pay special attention to areas prone to body odor such as armpits, groin, and skin folds. In addition, you need to pay attention to completely dry the skin in the private areas before putting on clean clothes.
3.2. Use the right underarm products There are two types of underarm products: deodorants and antiperspirants. Deodorant makes the skin under your arms less exposed to bacteria, limiting bacterial activity. Antiperspirants help prevent sweat glands from secreting, reducing the amount of sweat.
If you don't sweat a lot but have body odor then deodorant is a good choice. If you sweat a lot, choose products that contain antiperspirants and deodorants.
3.3.Shaving Hair in areas like the armpits – areas where apocrine glands are concentrated can slow the evaporation of sweat, giving bacteria more time to break down proteins and create odors. Waxing is also an effective treatment for body odor.
3.4. Wear breathable fabrics Avoid fabrics that trap sweat on your skin, and when exercising choose fabrics that wick away moisture. Natural fabrics like cotton are better than polyester, and nylon allows perspiration to evaporate, which helps control body odor.
3.5. Try relaxation exercises Consider relaxation exercises, such as yoga or meditation. These methods can teach you to manage stress that limits sweating.
3.6.Diet Changes Eliminate or reduce spicy, pungent foods from your diet. Certain foods such as curries, garlic, chili peppers, onions, and broccoli can cause more sweating. Even alcohol, caffeinated beverages, and strong-smelling foods can change body odor. Limiting your intake of these foods can help improve your body odor.
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4. Methods of treating body odor at medical facilities

If body odor affects your quality of life and home remedies don't work, your doctor may recommend other treatments.
Your doctor may prescribe you a stronger prescription antiperspirant or deodorant than what you buy at the grocery store. Aluminum chloride: Your doctor or dermatologist may recommend prescribing an antiperspirant that contains aluminum chloride. Aluminum chloride is absorbed through the skin and reduces perspiration. Botox Injections: Botox is injected directly into the skin for people who sweat excessively, preventing the release of substances that cause sweating. However, this is only a temporary fix, treatment is repeated after a few months. When self-care measures and medications aren't effective in treating severe body odor, your doctor may perform a surgical procedure called endoscopic sympathectomy. This cuts off the nerves that control sweat underneath the skin under the armpits.
Body odor is a common phenomenon, being a by-product of bacteria breaking down proteins in one's sweat, not the smell of sweat itself. People can usually fix it at home by making lifestyle changes and choosing the right treatment products. If you still have body odor after trying these remedies, ask your doctor about prescription medications or medical measures.
At Vinmec International General Hospital, endoscopic sympathectomy is performed to reduce sweating and is performed by an experienced doctor with modern equipment. . Patients will be screened and examined before surgery, followed up after surgery according to the international standard treatment protocol. Endoscopic perspiration surgery has shown outstanding results: Immediate effect, one-time surgery for long-term effects, high aesthetics, safety and short hospital stay. The advantages of laparoscopic sympathectomy are low cost, short hospital stay, dry body expression after surgery, early and convenient return to life as well as increased self-esteem. trust the patient.

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