What is fresh frozen plasma?

Fresh frozen plasma is one of the blood products that are separated from whole blood within 6 hours from the time the blood is taken out of the human body and stored frozen. In blood transfusion, the World Health Organization recommends the right type, the right patient, and the right time.

1. What is a blood transfusion?

Blood transfusion is the process of receiving blood or blood products from a donor to a patient requiring blood transfusion, including erythrocytes, plasma and platelets. The blood that is given to the patient is stored in a plastic bag and passed through a line with a needle attached to a vein in the arm. Blood and blood products are used to replace lost blood and correct abnormalities in the patient's blood for which no other solution currently exists.
Patients receiving blood transfusion will not feel pain but in some cases may feel discomfort because the needle is attached to the brachial vein. Each unit of blood will usually be transfused between 2 and 4 hours.
The patient will be assigned a blood transfusion in the following cases:
Severe blood loss due to surgery or accident Anemia disease Blood clotting disorder Support treatment of some diseases and blood disorders. In case there is an alternative and it is not necessary to transfuse blood or preparations, blood transfusion is contraindicated for the patient.
Những nhóm máu quan trọng trong truyền máu
Bệnh nhân được truyền máu sẽ không cảm thấy đau nhưng một số trường hợp có thể cảm thấy khó chịu

2. What is fresh plasma?

Many people do not know what fresh plasma is until it is explained by a doctor. Fresh plasma is plasma separated from fresh whole blood with normal concentrations of factor V and VIII. The main components of fresh plasma include albumin, immunoglobulin and coagulation factors. Each plasma unit has a volume from 200ml - 250ml and the minimum protein concentration is 50g/liter.
Fresh frozen plasma is plasma that is separated from whole blood and frozen within 6 hours of collection and stored at -18°C. Each unit of fresh frozen plasma contains 200ml and by definition contains 1 unit of clotting factor/ml and 1-2 mg of fibrinogen/ml. Components of fresh frozen plasma include: Albumin, immunoglobulins, stable coagulation factor, factor VIII, remaining about 70%.
Store fresh frozen plasma at -25 °C, the shelf life is within 1 year, and at < - 25 °C can be 2 years.

3. Principle of fresh frozen plasma transfusion

Transfusion of fresh frozen plasma must ensure the principle of corresponding blood group ABO. A starting dose of 10-15ml/kg or 2-4 units of fresh frozen plasma increases coagulation factor by 30%. In addition, to be able to quickly neutralize the effect of vitamin K antagonists, about 5-8ml/kg of fresh frozen plasma is required.
Fresh frozen plasma is infused within 2 hours of thawing and passed through a 170 micron filter. After infusion, the patient should be evaluated for bleeding status and coagulation function.
Điều gì xảy ra khi truyền nhầm nhóm máu?
Truyền huyết tương tươi đông lạnh phải đảm bảo nguyên tắc nhóm máu tương ứng ABO

4. Indications for transfusion of fresh frozen plasma

Indications for transfusion of fresh frozen plasma in the following cases:
Patient has purpura due to thrombocytopenia while on plasma replacement. The patient had a massive blood transfusion and had symptoms of a disorder and was bleeding. Patients with acute bleeding with total coagulation factor deficiency Patients with antithrombine III deficiency in the absence of antithrombine III concentrate for transfusion. Consumption-induced coagulopathy with severe reduction in clotting factors The patient has a congenital decrease in a clotting factor in the absence of a specific preparation for infusion.

5. Contraindications for infusion of fresh frozen plasma

Contraindications for transfusion of fresh frozen plasma in cases of:
Patients with coagulopathy that can be more effectively treated with other specific treatments Contraindicated in cases of fresh frozen plasma transfusion for the purpose of combating hypovolemia in the presence of other electrolytes or colloidal fluids. During the transfusion of fresh frozen plasma, it is necessary to strictly follow the indications, receive blood, dispense blood and transfuse blood according to the clinical blood transfusion procedure: Transfusion with equipment for blood transfusion, transfusion of correct ABO and Rh groups, Closely monitor patients during and after blood transfusion.
Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital is the address for receiving and examining, diagnosing and treating medical and surgical diseases trusted and chosen by many people. With modern equipment, sterile space, minimizing the impact as well as the risk of disease spread. Along with that, the dedication from experienced and professional doctors will make the examination and treatment of the disease easier and more effective.
>> See also: The role of plasma in the body- Article written by Specialist Doctor II Le Thi Na - Laboratory Department - Vinmec Times City International Hospital

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