How will your skin change if you have lupus?

Lupus can change your skin, but treatment can help relieve symptoms. In some cases, your doctor may prescribe topical corticosteroids or steroid injections. You can also protect yourself against skin reactions caused by lupus. The best way is to use sunscreen to avoid the harmful effects of ultraviolet (UV) rays and to help cover some symptoms on the skin.

1. What changes may your skin experience?

Systemic lupus erythematosus is the most common type of lupus. You should be on the lookout for the rashes described below as they can be caused by cutaneous lupus:
Butterfly rash: also known as a "malar" rash, these can spread to your nose and cheeks create the shape of a butterfly. The butterfly rash can be just faint patches on the skin or be quite aggressive. UV rays from the sun can activate them and make them worse. Sores and rashes: Some sores and rashes may be coin-shaped (known as discoid lupus erythematosus). Or you may notice red, scaly patches or a red, ring-shaped rash, especially when your skin is exposed to sunlight or other types of UV rays. The sores will get worse if left untreated. They usually don't itch or hurt, but they can cause scarring. If these lupus nodules occur on the scalp, you may experience permanent bald patches. Small red, coin-shaped nodules: these are caused by exposure to the sun's UV rays and are called subacute skin lesions. These small nodules will likely appear on your arms, shoulders, neck, or upper body in patches, like in the case of psoriasis. These nodules don't leave scars, but they can darken or lighten the skin where they appear.
Lupus ban đỏ hệ thống
Lupus ban đỏ hệ thống gây ra tình trạng phát ban và loét da

2. Problems other than skin

Lupus can also cause skin problems in areas like your mouth, scalp, legs, and fingers. Here are some skin changes to watch out for:
Mucous membrane lesions: These are sores in the mouth or nose. Hair loss: In lupus patients, in some cases, the person's immune system can destroy the hair follicle and cause hair to fall out for a while. A massive flare-up of lupus can also make your hair fragile and brittle. Lower leg bruising: This occurs when blood vessels in the skin become inflamed and burst. They can take the form of small spots or they can be large patches on the skin. They can also look like long or tiny runs that appear in red or purple bumps in your nail folds or on your fingertips. These spots are called cutaneous vasculitis. They can also cause severe damage to skin tissue and cause necrosis. If you have small black spots on your fingers or toes, see your doctor right away.
Color change in fingers and toes: In lupus patients, blood vessels in the fingers and toes can constrict and block the flow of blood. The skin of the fingertips or toes can therefore turn red, white, or blue in cold weather or cold rooms. It can also cause tingling, pain, or numbness. This symptom is also known as Raynaud's phenomenon. You will feel like your toes and fingers are hot as if you are wearing thick gloves and socks. Appearance of pale green nodules shaped like a lace pattern under the skin: this is also known as reticularis. Like Raynaud's, this symptom tends to be worse in cold weather.
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Các vấn đề khác ngoài da mà bệnh nhân lupus band đỏ gặp phải

Lupus erythematosus can affect any organ or part of the body with varying degrees of damage in each patient. Patients should talk to their doctor about ways to prevent and minimize these effects.
Vinmec International General Hospital with a system of modern facilities, medical equipment and a team of experts and doctors with many years of experience in medical examination and treatment, patients can rest assured to visit. examination and treatment at the Hospital.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, please book an appointment on the website for service.

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