The "culprit" causes stomach bleeding

The article is professionally consulted by Master. BSCK II Phan Thi Minh Huong - Gastroenterologist - Department of Medical Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Da Nang International General Hospital.
Gastrointestinal bleeding is a disease that is no longer strange to us today. The rate of people suffering from the disease is increasing because modern life, activities and work make people dizzy and sometimes forget that they have bad habits that affect their health and cause depression. severity of the disease.

1. What is stomach bleeding?

Stomach bleeding (stomach bleeding) is bleeding in the lining of the stomach that causes you to vomit blood, pass blood in the stool. Gastrointestinal bleeding is a dangerous acute complication of stomach-related diseases.
Patients with stomach bleeding can die if not treated promptly.
Men have a higher rate of stomach bleeding than women because men tend to drink more alcohol. The disease usually occurs in subjects aged 20-50 years. For children or infants, stomach bleeding is often caused by bacteria or viruses that enter the body.

2. Causes of stomach bleeding

Knowing the cause of the disease will be able to find ways to prevent stomach bleeding, avoid massive bleeding. Here are some causes of stomach bleeding:
2.1. Peptic ulcer: Bleeding is mainly caused by ulcers into blood vessels. Young ulcers often cause capillary bleeding, so the number is usually small and self-limited, the deepest ulcers are in sclerotic ulcers, ulcers in the arteries and limited vasoconstrictor capacity, so they often bleed profusely. and hard to hold.
2.2. Gastric ulcer: causes ulceration and bleeding from neoplastic vessels, so bleeding is often persistent and sometimes heavy bleeding is difficult to stop.
"Thủ phạm" gây xuất huyết dạ dày
Thuốc kháng sinh là nguyên nhân gây xuất huyết dạ dày
2.3. Acute gastritis:
Most commonly caused by drugs (Aspirin, A.I.N.S, Corticoids) causing ulcers directly or through poor protective mechanisms and increased HCL secretion. Acute alcoholic gastritis: due to direct damage of alcohol to the gastric mucosa, causing inflammation, exudative edema and hemorrhage. Gastritis in hyperuricemia syndrome: caused by inflammation of the gastric mucosa and increased capillary permeability. Acute stress-induced gastric ulcer: It is now recognized that in all severe stress, there is 20 - 30% gastric bleeding, of which 10% is major bleeding due to increased HCL secretion and decreased acute protective factor. . Acute gastritis in malignant influenza: here besides gastritis, there is also a stress factor. Gastritis in Sholein-Henoch syndrome: Due to allergic capillary inflammation. 2.4. Gastrointestinal distention in portal hypertension: gastroduodenal disease in portal hypertension.
2.5. Gastroduodenal polyps: bleeding due to inflammation causing bleeding.
2.6. Diaphragmatic hernia: This is a rare cause caused by the hernia being trapped, causing ischemia and necrosis.
2.7. Bleeding in Dieulafoy's disease: Due to submucosal aneurysm
2.8. Bleeding due to blood diseases (coagulopathy - hemostasis)
Dengue fever: due to thrombocytopenia and damage to the vessel wall. Hemorrhagic thrombocytopenia (hemophilia), decreased factor VIII, IX, and XI in hemophilia. Leucémie: due to thrombocytopenia in both quantity and quality of platelet adhesion and increased anticoagulation system. Myelosuppression: also due to thrombocytopenia. Severe liver failure: due to decreased prothrombin and other clotting factors. Due to the use of anticoagulants such as heparin, vitamin K antagonists: due to a decrease in clotting factors.

3. Is stomach bleeding dangerous?

"Thủ phạm" gây xuất huyết dạ dày
Xuất huyết dạ dày là biến chứng cấp tính vô cùng nguy hiểm của bệnh lý liên quan đến dạ dày
Gastrointestinal bleeding is an extremely dangerous acute complication of diseases related to the stomach. In the early stages of the disease, symptoms and body changes are not obvious, but it can put you at risk of anemia.
When the stomach bleeding becomes severe, the patient will feel dizzy, dizzy, the limbs become cold... the pulse weakens, fainting... In this case, if not treated, timely treatment, life will be threatened.
For mild cases of stomach bleeding, endoscopy can be done to check and use home treatment. Severe cases of gastric bleeding require immediate hemostasis and aggressive resuscitation along with treatment of the cause of the bleeding.
To accurately determine the health status, patients with one of the above signs should see a doctor.
Vinmec International General Hospital with comprehensive expertise, services and facilities will help patients have a safe and comfortable experience when visiting Vinmec.

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Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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