Basic stretches for runners

Jogging or jogging uses many of the body's muscles, especially the muscles in the legs, feet, and back. Forgetting to stretch after a run can cause muscles to become tense and painful, which can keep a person from reaching their fitness goals.

1. Who needs stretching?

Stretching when you go for a light jog also makes your muscles work and exercise. Many doctors recommend stretching and stretching before exercise and after exercise.
Our bodies work out shortening muscles, reducing mobility with time. Stretching helps the muscles in the body to be flexible, so that the muscles and joints are in a state of maximum motion.
Doctors will advise you to warm up and work with movements such as stretching, running lightly to allow your muscles to adapt and better respond that your body causes when the muscles are warmed up. Warm-up is as simple as walking for 5 to 15 minutes to get the blood circulating throughout the body.
Most doctors also recommend warming up before stretching and running. Muscles respond better to stress caused by the body when they are warmed up. Warm-up can be as simple as walking for 5 to 10 minutes, just enough to get the blood circulating throughout the body. Here are the key muscle zones for runners and the stretches you need to keep them strong.

2. Stretching movements

2.1. This hamstring stretch feels great and is easier on your back than a crunch. Here's what to do:
Lie on your back with your legs extended and your back straight. Make sure your lower back is on the floor and your hips are level. Bend your left knee and keep your left leg extended on the floor. Slowly straighten your right knee, grabbing the top of your leg with both hands. Gently pull your right leg toward you while keeping your hips on the floor. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds. Repeat on your left side. If straightening your legs is too difficult, you can also do this move with your knees bent. 2.2. Quadriceps Tension The quadriceps (front thighs) are the muscles that work the most when you're running, so it's important that you stretch them. Here's what to do:
Stand up straight (don't lean forward), lift the cramped foot back and grab your foot on that side with your hand. Gently pull your heels toward your butt, creating a stretch in your quads. Keep your other leg straight and try to keep your knees as close together as possible. Hold the pose for 15 to 30 seconds. Release and repeat. Switch legs and repeat the steps on the other leg. 2.3. Calf stretch Your calf muscles work hard when you run, so they'll need to be stretched when you're done. Stretching your calves can also help prevent shin splints. Here's what to do:
To get started, stand facing the stairs or exercise step. Position yourself so that the balls of your feet and toes are on the edge of the step. You can keep a railing or wall for extra support. Drop the heel of one foot toward the ground, while bending the knee of the opposite leg. You should feel a stretch in the calves of your legs as you lower your heels. Hold for 30 to 60 seconds, then repeat with the opposite side.
Giãn cơ sau khi chạy bộ
Căng bắp chân là động tác giãn cơ sau khi chạy bộ vô cùng quan trọng
2.4. The hamstring stretch This is a great stretch for your hip flexors, which work hard to lift your legs while running. Here's what to do:
Get into a lunge position. Keep your toes pointed forward and your upper body straight. Your back leg should be straight back behind you. Press down with your hands and extend your hips forward until you feel a stretch from the front of your hip and the top of your thigh (back leg). Hold for 30 to 60 seconds, then switch sides. 2.5. This hip stretch is called a hip stretch and stretches the inner thigh and groin area.
Sit on the ground. Bend your knees and bring the bottoms of your feet together, so that your knees point out to the sides. Wrap your arms around your feet and slowly slide your heels toward your body as far as you can comfortably. Slowly lean forward and press your knees into the ground. You should feel a slight stretch in your inner thighs. If you feel the stretch too easily, lean forward more as if you were touching the ground with your nose. But be careful not to overdo it. Hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds. Make sure you don't bounce while stretching. Slowly return to the starting position and repeat the steps again. 2.6. Hip and back stretch This move is great for your hips and lower back. Here's what to do:
Sit on the ground, legs stretched out in front of you. Lift your right leg and cross it over your left leg, keeping the right leg straight. Pull right leg up to chest and twist torso to look over right shoulder. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds. Switch legs and repeat the sequence. 2.7. Arm and abs stretch This move is great for straightening your arms and crunches or crunches. Here's what to do:
Stand with your feet hip-length. Extend your arms above your head, releasing your shoulders away from your ears. Grab your opposite wrist and lean back as much as you can without hurting your back. Stand up straight again and lean left and then right, to stretch your sides.
Giãn cơ sau khi chạy bộ
Hãy nhớ thực hiện các động tác giãn cơ sau khi chạy bộ để đảm bảo sức khỏe
2.8. Triceps Stretch You use your upper body when you run, so it's important to stretch your arms when you're done running. Here's how to stretch the triceps, the muscles on the back of your upper arms:
Bring one of your elbows across your body, toward your opposite shoulder. Use your other hand to bring your elbow closer to your shoulder. Hold for 15 to 30 seconds, then switch sides.

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