Urinary incontinence in women: What is the cause?

Urinary incontinence is a common urinary problem that can affect everyone. However, compared to men, women have a higher frequency of urinary incontinence for many different reasons. Urinary incontinence in women is not dangerous, but it greatly affects the lives of women.

1. What is urinary incontinence in women?

Urinary incontinence is a concept to describe frequent urination. The patient experiences urinary frequency when the frequency of urination suddenly increases more than usual and this feeling of needing to urinate is not controlled. Urinary incontinence in women causes many inconveniences, affecting bladder function due to repeated stimulation.
However, urinary frequency is often not alone, but is accompanied by other symptoms of the urinary tract such as painful urination (burning phenomenon, pain when urinating), incomplete urination or constant need to urinate. Besides, some other accompanying symptoms such as:
Change in urine characteristics: Urine is cloudy, purulent and sometimes accompanied by blood. Abdominal pain below the navel or burning pain during vaginal sex. Sometimes patients will have a high fever, chills if the cause of the need to urinate is a urinary tract infection.
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2. Causes of urinary frequency in women

2.1 Lower urinary tract infections

This is considered the cause of urinary frequency in women with the highest rate. The reason is that the urethral anatomy in women is shorter than in men, the urethral opening is closer to the anus, making it easier for some bacteria (especially E.coli) to easily enter the urinary tract, causing disease. lower urinary tract infection. Some signs of urinary tract infection in women:
Frequent urination, painful urination, feeling of needing to urinate continuously, cloudy urine, bad smell and sometimes blood in urine. Because the urethra is located near the vagina, it is often accompanied by symptoms of vaginitis such as abnormal discharge, itching, and swelling in the private area. Sometimes the patient has a low fever, chills Pain in the lower abdomen, pain increases during sex.
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2.2 Cystitis

This is also a cause of urinary frequency in women, often seen in women who have unprotected sex, improper intimate hygiene, hormonal changes or wear too tight underwear... If left untreated, it can cause inflammation in nearby areas such as the uterus, vagina, or ureters. Common signs of the disease:
Urinary frequency, the number of times urinating more than 7 times/day but still feeling the need to urinate, sometimes painful urination. Urine changes color, has a strange smell, sometimes accompanied by blood and pus. Low-grade fever, abdominal pain, or irritability caused by frequent urination.

2.3 Pregnancy

Urinary incontinence in women during pregnancy is a normal phenomenon due to the developing fetus, this is not a medical problem. The structure and position of the bladder is located right in front of the uterus, so when the fetus grows larger, it will press on the urethra and bladder, creating certain pressure that changes the physiology of the urinary tract.
Sometimes the need to urinate is also accompanied by urinary incontinence (involuntary flow of urine), especially when entering the perinatal period.
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2.4 Some other reasons

Unsafe sex: rough, multiple and unsafe sex increases the chance of infection, genital damage and will spread to the urinary tract (urethral, ​​bladder), symptoms present with urinary symptoms. Improper hygiene habits: The anatomical nature of women makes it easy for the urinary tract to be cross-infected from the genitals. Therefore, if hygiene is not performed (especially during menstruation or after sexual intercourse), there is a high risk of infection of both the genital and urinary tracts and causing frequent urination in women. Due to allergies to detergents, fabric softeners, cleaning solutions, toilet paper, etc., damage to the vagina leads to frequent urination and painful urination. Due to the habit of holding urine or deep vaginal washing, it causes an imbalance in the vaginal environment.

3. Treatment of urinary frequency in women

3.1 Mild cases

If the condition is painful, painful urination occurs due to physiological causes, it can be treated with the following methods:
Phoenix talisman: Feng shui is cold, has a slightly bitter sweet taste. Has the effect of clearing heat, blood, curing painful urination... Using spinach: Sweet and sour taste, cold properties, has the effect of detoxifying laxatives, clearing heat. The stalks and leaves can be washed, boiled with water to drink instead of tea. Tapioca Flour: Tapioca has a sweet taste, cool properties, and is referred to as the meridians, bladder and spleen. Has the effect of clearing heat, detoxifying, clearing the urinary tract, treating diabetes. Mix 10g of dry tapioca starch with warm water every day to drink.
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3.2 Severe cases

If urinary frequency in women is caused by inflammatory diseases, accompanied by many unusual or recurrent signs, the patient needs to see a doctor for appropriate treatment. Patients should not be afraid, hide the disease, self-diagnose, self-treat when the exact cause of urinary incontinence is not known.
Some common treatment methods are antibiotics, anti-inflammatory if due to urinary tract infection or vaginitis; antifungal medication if the inflammation is caused by a fungus; pain reliever or urinary tract antiseptic (methylene blue)...

4. Prevention of urinary frequency in women

Drink plenty of water, from 1.5 to 2 liters of water per day. Diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, full of different groups of substances. Clean the intimate area, keep it dry, change tampons often when it is time to menstruate. Do not wear wet underwear. Limit the use of irritating cleaning solutions that contain strong detergents. Avoid deep douching or spraying water directly into the vagina. Do not hold urine, need to build a safe and healthy sex life. Increase exercise to improve health. Periodic health check-ups help detect diseases early, thereby planning treatment for optimal results. Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital has general health checkup packages suitable for each age, gender and individual needs of customers with a reasonable price policy, including:
Health checkup package diamond general health check-up package Vip special health check-up package Comprehensive general health check-up package Standard general health check-up package Patient's examination results will be returned to your home. After receiving the results of the general health examination, if you detect diseases that require intensive examination and treatment, you can use services from other specialties at the Hospital with quality treatment and services. outstanding customer service.
To register for examination and treatment at Vinmec International General Hospital, you can contact the nationwide Vinmec Health System Hotline, or register online HERE.
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