TS. Nguyễn Xuân Hưng đã có gần 15 năm kinh nghiệm làm việc tại các trung tâm nghiên cứu, viện sinh học trong và ngoài nước với các thành tựu nổi bật:
Phát minh một phương pháp cố định tế bào mới để sàng lọc kháng thể scFv gắn đặc hiệu vi khuẩn Listeria monocytogenes từ thư viện trình diện thực khuẩn thể
Chứng minh được cơ chế chức năng của protein Akirin trong con đường truyền tín hiệu NF-kB
Chứng minh được cơ chế chức năng của protein Toso trong con đường truyền tín hiệu gây apoptosis
Phát triển mô hình chuột cho bệnh ngủ rũ
Tạo được hỗn hợp vector mã hóa vỏ của lentivirus và vector tách dòng mạch thẳng có hiệu quả như các kit thương mại
Sau nhiều năm thực hiện các nghiên cứu cơ chế của hiện tượng chết có chương trình ở tế bào miễn dịch và con đường tín hiệu NF-kB, hiện tại các nghiên cứu của TS. Hưng tập trung vào xác định cơ chế gây bệnh ngủ rũ, sử dụng kỹ thuật trình diện thực khuẩn thể và tế bào gốc vạn năng cảm ứng (iPSC)
Ngoài ra, TS. Nguyễn Xuân Hưng còn là người khởi xướng, điều phối và dịch giả chính của cuốn sách Sinh học phân tử của tế bào, admin của diễn đàn Sinh học Việt nam (sinhhocvietnam.com), đồng sáng lập viên và cựu chủ tịch hội sinh viên Việt nam tại Strasbourg, Pháp
2010: Tốt nghiệp Tiến sĩ ngành Miễn dịch học phân tử tại Trung tâm nghiên cứu Borstel (FZB)- Đức
2006: Tốt nghiệp Thạc sĩ ngành Công nghệ sinh học, Đại học Bách khoa Hà Nội
2004: Tốt nghiệp kỹ sư ngành Công nghệ sinh học, Đại học Bách khoa Hà Nội
2003: Tốt nghiệp cử nhân ngành Tài chính ngân hàng, Đại học Kinh tế Quốc dân
05/2020 - nay: Giám đốc Trung tâm Công nghệ cao
Từ 2018 - 04/2020: Phó Viện trưởng kiêm Trưởng phòng Nghiên cứu khoa học Viện Nghiên cứu Tế bào gốc & công nghệ gen Vinmec
Từ 2015 - 2018: Trung tâm sinh bệnh học Toulouse Purpan, Toulouse, Pháp
Từ 2010 - 2015: Viện sinh học phân tử và tế bào, Strasbourg, Pháp
Từ 2007 - 2010: Trung tâm nghiên cứu Borstel, Borstel, Đức
Từ 2005 - 2007: Viện Công nghệ Sinh học, Viện khoa học Việt Nam
- 2007: Học bổng từ trung tâm nghiên cứu Leibniz, Đức
- 2016: Tài trợ nghiên cứu sau tiến sĩ từ vùng Occitanie, Pháp
- 2024-2026 Vinmec. Jan. 2014 - Dec. 2026. Identification of Microbiome-Based Markers to Improve the Early Detection and Treatment of Colorectal Cancer. The amount awarded: $816K. Role: PI
- 2023-2025 OrganoidSciences. Dec. 2023 - Dec. 2025. Tumor organoid for evaluation of cancer drug responses. The amount awarded: $133K. Role: co-PI
- 2019-2021 ICGEB. Jan. 2019 - Dec. 2021. Identification of target autoantigens for narcolepsy type I. The amount awarded: $60K. Role: PI
- 2019-2021 Nafosted. Jan. 2019 - Dec. 2021. Identification of target autoantigens and autoreactive T cells for narcolepsy type I. The amount awarded: $60K. Role: PI
1. Ho TN*, Huges S, Sekulovich R, Ta TV, Nguyen VT, Pham TVA, Luong CQ, Tran TLL, Luu TVA, Nguyen NA, Pham TH, Nguyen TV, Berdieva D, Bugarini R, Liu X, Verhoeven C, Smolenov I, Nguyen X-H#. 2024. Self-amplifying mRNA vs. adenovirus-vector COVID-19 vaccines: a comparative assessment of safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy in a phase 3 randomized study. Submitted.
2. Nguyen DT*, Nguyen MQ*, Mai TH*, Nguyen TNM, Nguyen TM, Pham TT, Than TTU, Nguyen
VT, Nguyen X-H#. 2024. The neutralization capacity of circulating serum antibodies to SARS-CoV2 variants in a Vietnamese cohort using the sVNT method. Under review.
3. Dao HH*, Nguyen TH, Hoang HD, Vu DB, Tran MA, Le TM, Hoang TMN, Bui VA, Than TTU#, Nguyen X-H#. 2023. PLT-supplemented culture conditions enhance wound healing capacities of umbilical cord-derived exosomes. Submitted.
4. Huyen DC*#, Nguyen MP, Ngo DT, Nguyen X-H, Nguyen DT, Mai TH, Le TH, Mai ĐH, Le KL, Nguyen KQ, Nguyen VH, Kelley KW. 2024. A comprehensive analysis of the immune system in healthy Vietnamese people. Heliyon. 10(9):e30647. (IF:4.0)
5. Ho TN*, Huges S, Ta TV, Phan TL, Do Q, Nguyen VT, Pham TVA, Dang TNM, Nguyen LV, Trinh QV, Pham NH, Chu VM, Nguyen TT, Luong CQ, Le TTV, Nguyen VT, Chan TLL, Luu TVA, Nguyen NA, Nguyen THN, Vu HS, Parker S, Sullivan B, Sullivan S, Ruan Q, Clemente B, Luk B, Lindert K, Berdieva D, Murphy K, Sekulovich R, Greener B, Smolenov I, Chivukula P, Nguyen TV, Nguyen X-H#. 2024. Safety, immunogenicity and efficacy of the self-amplifying mRNA ARCT-154 COVID19 vaccine: pooled phase 1, 2, 3a and 3b randomized, controlled trials. Nat. Comm. Accepted. (IF:16.6)
6. Vo MC*, Jung SH#, Nguyen VT, Tran VDH, Ruzimurodov N, Kim SK, Nguyen X-H, Kim M, Song GY, Ahn SY, Ahn JS, Yang DH, Kim HJ, Lee JJ#. 2023. Exploring cellular immunotherapy platforms in multiple myeloma. Heliyon. 10(6):e27892. (IF:4.0)
7. Nguyen THN*, Tran TTT, Dauvilliers Y, Liblau R, Nguyen X-H
#. 2024. Absence of specific autoantibodies in patients with narcolepsy type 1 as indicated by an unbiased random peptidedisplayed phage screening. PLOS One. 19(3): e0297625. (IF:3.7)
8. Luong TH*, Pham TA, Nguyen THN, Nguyen X-H#. 2024. Generation of induced pluripotent stem cell line (VRISGi004-A) from a healthy female donor by reprogramming erythroid progenitor cells.
Stem Cell Research. 76:103331. (IF:2.0)
9. Hoang HT*, Vu MD*, Vu MG, Nguyen KT, Do NM, Duong CV, Pham LT, Chan HM, Nguyen TKL, Han TTH, Can TT, Pham HT, Pham DT, Nguyen HT, Do PH, Vo SN#, Nguyen X-H#. 2024. A study of genetic variants associated with skin traits in the Vietnamese population. BMC Genomics. 25:52. (IF:4.4)
10. Than TTU*#, Nguyen TL*, Nguyen HP, Nguyen X-H, Trinh PD, Hoang HD, Nguyen TPA, DangVD#. 2023. Inflammatory mediators drive neuroinflammation in autism spectrum disorder and
cerebral palsy. Scientific reports. 13:22587. (IF:4.6)
11. Bui VG*#, Nguyen KD, Nguyen TC, Pham HD, Nguyen X-H. 2023. A refined percutaneous rhizotomy with DSA-guided ethanol for the second-line treatment of trigeminal neuralgia. Interventional Pain Medicine. 2(4):100372.
12. Khajavi L*, Nguyen X-H, Queriault C, Chabod M, Barateau L, Dauvilliers Y, Zytnicki M#, Liblau R#. 2023. The Transcriptomic Profiling of Blood CD4 and CD8 T-cells in Narcolepsy Type I. Front Immunol. 14:1249405. (IF:8.7)
13. Le TM*, Nguyen TH, Nguyen X-H, Do XH, Mai TB, Nguyen TNH, Than TTU#, Nguyen HT#. 2023. Regulation and therapeutic potentials of microRNAs to non-small cell lung cancer. Heliyon. 9(11):e22080. (IF 4.0)
14. Vu HS*, Pham HH, Pham TPT, Le TT, Vo MC, Jung SH, Lee JJ, Nguyen X-H#. 2023. Adoptive NK Cell Therapy- A Beacon of Hope in Multiple Myeloma Treatment. Front. Oncol. 13:1275076. (IF 4.4)
15. Do XH*, Le TM, Nguyen TH, Le TT, Nguyen X-H, Mai TB, Hoang TMN, Than TTU#. 2023. Detection of sFas, sCD137, and IL-27 Cytokines as Potential Biomarkers for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Diagnosis. J. Hepatocell. Carcinoma. 26(10):783-793. (IF 4.9)
16. Nguyen HP*, Bui VA, Hoang AX, Nguyen VP, Nguyen DT, Mai TH, Le HA, Nguyen TL, Hoang TMN, Nguyen TL, Nguyen X-H
#. 2023. The correlation between peripheral blood index and immune cell expansion in Vietnamese elderly lung cancer patients. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 24(5), 4284. (IF 6.2)
17. Nguyen TH*, Dao HH, Duong CM, Nguyen X-H, Hoang HD, Do XH, Truong QT, Nguyen
DT, Nguyen TL, Than TTU#. 2022. Cytokine-primed umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells enhanced therapeutic effects of extracellular vesicles on osteoarthritic chondrocytes. Front Immunol. 13:1041592 (IF:8.7)
18. TL TTU*. XH, Hoang TMH, Vu TA, Nguyen LT, Bui TTD, Dinh DT, Nguyen X-H, Than TTU, Mai TH, To TT, Nguyen NHT, Hoang TMN#. 2022. Differential Cytotoxicity of Curcumin-Loaded Micelles on Human Tumor and Stromal Cells. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 23(20): 12362. (IF:6.2)
19. Vu DM*, Nguyen VT, Nguyen TH, Do TXP, Dao HH, Do XH, Le TN, Nguyen X-H, Than TTU#. 2022. Effects of Extracellular Vesicles Secreted by TGFβ-Stimulated Umbilical Cord Mesenchymal
Stem Cells on Skin Fibroblasts by Promoting Fibroblast Migration and ECM Protein Production.
Biomedicines. 10(8), 1810. (IF:4.7)
20. Nguyen THN*, Tran TTT, Luong TH, Nguyen X-H#. 2022. Generation of an erythroid progenitorderived iPSC line, VRISGi002-A, from a healthy 27-year-old Vietnamese donor under a feeder-free system. Stem Cell Research. 62:102824. (IF:2.0)
21. Bernard-Valnet R*, Frieser D*, Nguyen X-H*, Khajavi L, Quériault C, Arthaud S, Melzi S, FusadeBoyer M, Masson F, Zytnicki M, Saoudi A, Dauvilliers Y, Peyron C, Bauer J, and Liblau R#. 2022. Influenza vaccination induces autoimmunity against orexinergic neurons in a mouse model for narcolepsy. Brain. 145(6), 2018-2030. (IF:15.2)
22. Frieser D*, Pignata A, Yermanos A, Khajavi L, Gonzalez-Fierro C, Nguyen X-H, Merkler D, Bauer
J, Masson F#, and Liblau R#*. 2022. Tissue-resident memory CD8+ T cells contribute to compartmentalized chronic autoimmunity against neurons. Sci. Transl. Med. 14(640). (IF:19.3)
23. Dam P, Hoang TV, Bui THH, Le MH, Hoang MD, Nguyen HP, Ha TL, Tran TTH, Xuan-Hung Nguyen X-H, Nguyen TL#. 2021. Human Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells Exhibit High HLA-DR Levels and Altered Cellular Characteristics under a Xeno-free and Serum-free Condition. Stem cell reviews and reports. 17 (6), 2291-2303. (IF:5.3)
24. Nguyen TH*, Duong MC, Nguyen X-H, Than TTU#. 2021. Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived
Extracellular Vesicles for Osteoarthritis Treatment: Extracellular Matrix Protection, Chondrocyte
and Osteocyte Physiology, Pain and Inflammation Management. Cells. 10 (11), 2887. (IF:4.3)
25. Tran TTT*, Nguyen THN, Nguyen TT, Nguyen X-H#. 2021. Establishment of a Vietnamese ethnicity induced pluripotent stem cell line (VRISGi001-A) from umbilical cord blood hematopoietic stem cells under a feeder-free system. Stem Cell Research. 53:102345. (IF:4.5)
26. Tin CP*, Migara KJ*, Thach TP*, Yuqi Y*, Likun W, Waqas MU, Huan C, Marco P, Jinhua G, Seongkyeol K, Boya P, Weixi W, Charlene C, Victor M, Nhung THN, Dennis K, Nguyen X-H, William CC, Jiahai S#, and Minh TN#. 2021. Covalent conjugation of extracellular vesicles with peptides and nanobodies for targeted therapeutic delivery. J. Extracell. Vesicles. 10(4): e12057. (IF:14.9)
27. Nguyen T-L*#, Vu DC, Dam TMP, Ngo VD, Nicholas RF, Michael H, Nguyen TPA, Nguyen X-H. 2020. Outcomes of Bone Marrow-Derived Mononuclear Cell Transplantation for Patients in Persistent Vegetative State After Drowning: Report of Five Cases. Front. Pediatr. eCollection 2020. (IF:2.7)
28. Than TTU*, Le TH, Hoang HD, Nguyen X-H, Pham TC, Bui TKV, Bui THH, Nguyen VP, Nguyen
DT, Do TTH, Chu TT, Bui VA, Nguyen TL, Hoang TMN#. 2020. Induction of antitumor immunity by exosomes isolated from cryopreserved cord blood monocyte-derived dendritic cells. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 21(5): 1834. (IF:5.5)
29. Hoang HD*, Nguyen DT, Nguyen HP, Nguyen X-H, Do TXP, Dang VD, Dam TMP, Bui THH, Trinh
QM, Vu MD, Hoang TMN, Nguyen TL, Than TTU#. 2020. Differential Wound Healing Capacity of Mesenchymal Stem Cell-Derived Exosomes Originated From Bone Marrow, Adipose Tissue and Umbilical Cord Under Serum-and Xeno-Free Condition. Front. Mol. Biosci. 7:119. (IF:4.6)
30. Cammarata-Mouchtouris A*, Nguyen X-H*, Acker A*, Bonnay F, Goto A, Orian A, Fauvarque MO, Boutros M, Reichhart JM, Matt N#. 2020. Hyd ubiquitinates the NF-κB co-factor Akirin to activate
an effective immune response in Drosophila. Plos. Pathogen. 16(4):e1008458. (IF:6.5)
31. Beltrán E*, Nguyen X-H*, Quériault C, Barateau L, Dauvilliers Y, Dornmair K#, Liblau RS#. 2019. Shared T cell receptor in blood memory CD4 T cells of narcolepsy type 1 patients. J Autoimmune. 100:1-6. (IF:6.7)
32. Nguyen X-H*#, DauvilliersY, Quériault C, Perals C, Romieu-Mourez R, Paulet P-E, Bernard-Valnet R, Fazilleau N, Liblau RS#. 2018. Impaired circulating follicular helper T cell function in type I narcolepsy. J. Autoimmune. 94:134-142. (IF:7.6)
33. Nguyen X-H*#, Trinh TL, Vu TBH, Le QH & To KA. 2018. Isolation of phage display library-derived scFv antibody specific to Listeria monocytogenes by a novel immobilized method. J. Appl. Microbiol. 124(2): 591-597. (IF:2.8)
34. Trung KH*, Nguyen TK, Khuat HBT, Nguyen TD, Khanh TD, Xuan TD & Nguyen X-H#. 2017.Whole genome sequencing reveals the islands of novel polymorphisms in two native aromatic japonica rice landraces from Vietnam. Genome Biol. Evol. 9(6): 1816-1820. (IF:3.9)
35. Hartmann FJ*, Bernard-Valnet R, Quériault C, Mrdjen D, Weber L, Galli E, Krieg C, Robinson MD,
Nguyen X-H, Dauvilliers Y, Liblau R# & Becher B#. 2016. High-dimensional single-cell analysis reveals the immune signature of narcolepsy. J. Exp. Med. 213(12):2621-2633. (IF:10.5)
36. Stienne C*, Michieletto MF*, Benamar M, Bernard I, Carrié N, Nguyen X-H, Lippy Y, Liblau RS, Hedrick SM, Saoudi A & Dejean AS#. 2016. Foxo3 Transcription Factor Drives Pathogenic T Helper 1 Differentiation by Inducing the Expression of Eomes. Immunity. 45(4):774-787. (IF:22.8)
37. Nguyen X-H*, Saoudi A & Liblau RS#. 2016. Vaccine-associated inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system: from signals to causation. Curr. Opin. Neurol. 29(3):362-371. (IF:4.6)
38. Bernard-Valnet R*, Yshii L, Quériault C, Nguyen X-H, Arthaud S, Rodrigues M, Canivet A, Morel
AL, Matthys A, Bauer J, Pignolet B, Dauvilliers Y, Peyron C & Liblau R
#. 2016. CD8 T cell-mediated
killing of orexinergic neurons induces a narcolepsy-like phenotype in mice. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.USA. 113(39):10956-61. (IF:9.7) Highlighted in Nat. Rev. Neurosci. 2016. 17(11):374-374
39. Bonnay F*, Nguyen X-H*, Cohen-Berros E, Troxler L, Batsche E, Camonis J, Takeuchi O, Reichhart JM & Matt N#. 2014. Akirin specifies NF-κB selectivity of Drosophila innate immune
response via chromatin remodeling. EMBO J. 33(20):2349-2362. (IF:10.4)
40. Nguyen X-H*, Fattakhova G, Lang P, Lang K, Adam D, Foeger N & Lee KH#. 2012. Antiapoptotic function of Toso (Faim3) in death receptor signaling. Blood. 119(7):1790-1791. (IF:9.1)
41. Nguyen X-H*, Lang P*, Lang K*, Adam D*, Fattakhova G*, Foeger N, Kamal A, Prilla P, Mathieu
S, Wagner C, Mak TW, Chan AC & Lee KH#. 2011. Toso regulates the balance between apoptotic and non-apoptotic death receptor signaling by facilitating RIP1 ubiquitination. Blood. 118(3):598-608. (IF: 9.9)In Vietnamese Journals
1. Dang TMA*, Do MH, Nguyễn THN#, Nguyen X-H#. 2023. Establishment of Vietnamese human iPSC-derived orexin neurons. Vietnam Journal of Science and Technology. Accepted.
2. Dang TMA*, Nguyen X-H#. 2023. Unleashing Potential: First Vietnamese 3D in vitro model using Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell-Derived Cardiomyocytes. VNU Journal of Science: Natural Sciences and Technology. 39(4):5581.
3. Nguyen X-H*, Nghiem NM & Dang TCH#. 2004. Biodegradation of oil by the strain BSHL5 bacteria
isolated from Cua Luc in Quang Ninh. Vietnam J. Biotechnol. 2(2):253-264.
1. Vu HS, Nguyen X-H#. 2024. Advancing cancer immune cell therapies via engineered iPSC-based strategies. In Interdisciplinary Cancer Research. Springer. Under revision.
2. Vu H, François KK, Nguyen X-H, Nguyen VT, Nguyen LH. 2023. Chapter 5: Potential of Digital Health Solutions in Facing Shifting Disease Burden and Double Burden in Low- and Middle-Income
Countries. In Digitalization of Medicine in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Paradigm Changes in Healthcare and Biomedical Research. Accepted.
1. Nguyen X-H, Nguyen NL. Le NM, Trinh TL, Nguyen HT, Nguyen TD, Tran TT, Nguyen VN & Le H. 2018. Molecular cell biology. Tre Publishing House. Vietnamese translation of first three
chapters of Lodish H. et al., 2012. Molecular cell biology 7th ed.,. Freeman.
2. Nguyen X-H, Nguyen NL, Le NM, Trinh TL, Nguyen HT, Nguyen TD, Tran TT, Nguyen VN & Le H. 2015. Molecular cell biology. Tre Publishing House. Vietnamese translation of the 9th-14th chapters of Lodish H. et al., 2012. Molecular cell biology 7th ed.,. Freeman.
3. Nguyen X-H, Nguyen NL, Le NM, Trinh TL, Nguyen HT, Nguyen TD, Tran TT, Nguyen VN & Le H. 2014. Molecular cell biology. Tre Publishing House. Vietnamese translation of the 4th-8th chapters of Lodish H. et al., 2012. Molecular cell biology 7th ed.,. Freeman.
4. Nguyen X-H, Nguyen NL. 2010. Molecular cell biology. Tre Publishing House. Vietnamese translation of first three chapters of Lodish H. et al., 2007. Molecular cell biology 6th ed.,. Freeman