According to 2010 statistics, the average height of Vietnamese people is low compared to the standards of the World Health Organization. There are many reasons for the low average height of Vietnamese people, including the consequences of prolonged war or lack of exercise and lack of exercise and sports in teenagers.
1. What is the average height of Vietnamese people?
According to statistics (2010 statistics), the average height of young Vietnamese men is 164.4cm and that of young women is 153.4cm. Compared to the average height of the world, the height index of young Vietnamese men is 13.1cm lower and women's 10.7cm lower. In terms of world order, Vietnam has the average height in men and women ranked 182 out of 200 countries/territories.
According to this statistic, in Southeast Asia, Vietnam has the average height of men and women higher than Laos, East Timor, Indonesia, Cambodia but lower than Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia... However, these data have been around for a long time, so in 2020 there will be a new survey on the average height of Vietnamese people, so the results will be different.

Chiều cao trung bình của nam thanh niên Việt Nam là 164,4cm và của nữ thanh niên là 153,4cm
2. Why is the average height of Vietnamese people low compared to the standards of the World Health Organization?
The reason that the average height of Vietnamese people is low compared to the standards of the World Health Organization is that from 1975 and earlier, the war lasted a long time, the country's economy was still very difficult, leading to that. low intellectual level. Therefore, synchronous national programs to develop physical strength and stature are still lacking, so the periods of great body development are ignored. In addition to the consequences of the prolonged war, some of the following reasons make the average height of the Vietnamese low compared to the standards of the World Health Organization:
Not focusing on providing adequate minerals, vitamins or dietary supplements. Poor nutrition during pregnancy until the child turns 1 year old is also the reason why the average height of the Vietnamese is low compared to the standards of the World Health Organization. Besides, in the pre-pubertal and pubertal period, girls (9-11 years old) are usually about 2 years earlier than boys, so the height of girls is usually more limited than that of men. One of the other reasons why the average height of Vietnamese people is low compared to the standards of the World Health Organization is that women often get married early when the mother's height has not yet fully grown, so the birth of children is also early. . In Vietnam, child marriage still occurs in mountainous areas. In addition to early marriage, many families still have plans to have a large number of children, so they do not have a good diet during pregnancy, leading to the average height of the Vietnamese people being low. The average height of Vietnamese people is low compared to world standards as a result of lack of exercise and lack of exercise and sports in teenagers. Because exercise will stimulate the growth of bone cells, supporting the increase of bone length. In addition to the above factors, currently physical education in schools, from preschool to high school, to university, is very little, does not pay attention, considers physical education as a secondary subject, each class only has 2 classes per week. -3 PE lessons and teachers have not yet compiled a curriculum aimed at helping children grow in height, so this class often makes students boring, as a result, the average height of the students is reduced. Vietnamese people are low compared to the standards of the World Health Organization.

Không có chế độ dinh dưỡng trong thời kỳ mang thai tốt được, dẫn đến chiều cao trung bình của người Việt thấp.
3. How to grow taller for children
According to the Master Plan to develop physical fitness and stature of Vietnamese people, with the goal of raising the average height of Vietnamese people in 2020 to 167 cm at the age of 18, the project will focus on nutrition and activities. Physical fitness is mainly to increase the average height of Vietnamese people. Specifically:
Nutrition: Nutrition is a factor that plays an important role in height development in humans. The main role of nutrition for the body is to create favorable conditions for good health development; Preventing diseases related to eating and recovering quickly after illness. However, children should not eat too much, not in moderation because it easily leads to overweight and obesity, thereby affecting the optimal growth of height. In addition, children should not eat industrial foods or fast foods, processed foods containing too much sugar, salt and saturated fat; Limit the intake of soft drinks and carbonated water because these factors all affect the height development of children. Physical activity: Regular physical activity is very good for bone development in children. According to the investigation, children who just sit in one place watching TV, playing video games or just studying for many hours, the growth of height is affected. Therefore, experts recommend that children should not sit for more than 2 hours a day to avoid height growth. In addition, children need a nap from 30-45 minutes, at night go to bed before 10 pm to be good for the growth of height. It should be noted that electronic devices (phones, televisions, computers) should not be left in children's bedrooms because these devices can affect sleep... Currently, Vietnam has been having the project to overcome the malnutrition rate and stunting rate well. The World Health Organization recognizes that a child's height achieved at 3 years old will be a decisive factor in adult height. Therefore, helping children to grow to the right height from a young age is very important in promoting height in adulthood.
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