What cases need magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain?

1. What is an MRI scan?

Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) is a technique commonly used in medical diagnostics to create anatomical images of the body using magnetic fields and radio waves. This method is safe for patients, does not use X-rays like X-rays, with high accuracy, so it is trusted by doctors to diagnose diseases, including brain diseases such as cerebral vascular malformations.
Modern magnetic resonance imaging method is increasingly proving effective and popular all over the world. Today, MRI is used to diagnose nearly every organ in the body.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) images with very high contrast, detail, sharpness, clarity, good anatomy and ability to create 3D are very good support for disease diagnosis for pathologies from simple to complex . In many cases, the diagnostic efficiency of MRI is much better than that of long-standing diagnostic methods such as ultrasound, X-ray, CT scan...

2. Why brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)?

MRI can detect a variety of brain conditions such as cysts, tumors, hemorrhage, edema, structural or developmental abnormalities, infections, inflammatory conditions, or other conditions. blood vessel problems. It can identify arteriovenous shunts (shunts) and detect brain damage from trauma or stroke.
Brain MRI can be helpful in evaluating other problems such as persistent headaches, dizziness, muscle weakness or paralysis, impaired vision (blurred vision) or seizures, and it can help detect medical conditions. chronic nervous system problems, such as multiple sclerosis or multiple sclerosis.
Tai biến mạch máu não
Chụp cộng hưởng từ (MRI) não giúp phát hiện sớm và chính xác một số bệnh lý của não.
In some cases, magnetic resonance imaging can provide clear images of brain parenchymal components that cannot be clearly seen on X-rays, CT scans, or ultrasounds, which makes MR imaging difficult. It is of particular value in the diagnosis of pituitary and brain stem diseases.

3. Who needs a cranial magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan?

3.1 People with the following symptoms should have cranial magnetic resonance imaging. It is recommended to consult a specialist about cranial MRI when having the following symptoms:
Dizziness for a long time does not improve Persistent headache with varying degrees of pain, migraine or whole head, dull or sharp pain... Significant memory loss: Poor thinking, reduced concentration, confusion, forgetfulness... Loss sleeping often, not sleeping deeply, having difficulty in falling asleep, or waking up early and not being able to fall back to sleep... Hemiplegia, the body is so weak that it is difficult to grasp, difficulty in movement, sensory disturbances, or food loss 1 side... Visibility markedly reduced or pain on one side Distorted mouth, distorted face, difficulty speaking or hearing Stiff neck, vomiting, convulsions, seizures
Hoa mắt chóng mặt
Khi xuất hiện những triệu chứng bất thường nên chụp cộng hưởng từ sọ não.
3.2 Pathological cases requiring cranial magnetic resonance imaging Some of the following cases need cranial magnetic resonance imaging to detect internal pathology:
Traumatic brain injury Cranial nerve tumor, brain tumor Cerebral infarction, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebrovascular accident Meningitis, encephalitis Cerebral vascular malformation, cerebrovascular disease, neuro-vascular conflict Congenital brain defects: brain defects, brain atrophy ... Multiple sclerosis, white matter degeneration Follow-up after brain surgery. 3.3 Contraindications to MRI of the brain Patients with pacemakers (absolute contraindications) In people with magnetic metals (relative contraindications) People with photophobia, Fear of lying alone Inability to lie still

4. Brain MRI at Vinmec

Vinmec International General Hospital is currently one of the major hospitals with modern machinery and equipment for general medical examination and treatment and accurate and modern MRI for brain and vascular diseases. brain in particular.
Patients performing MRI at Vinmec International General Hospital will be clearly guided by the support staff and technical staff on the manipulations, procedures, best safety issues, and guaranteed images. good diagnostic images without harming the patient.
Chụp MRI
Bệnh viện Đa khoa Quốc tế Vinmec sử dụng hệ thống máy chụp cộng hưởng không dùng tia X, chính xác nhất hiện nay.
In particular, Vinmec International General Hospital is the first unit in Southeast Asia to put into use the new 3.0 Tesla Silent Resonance Imaging machine from the US manufacturer GE Healthcare.
The machine currently applies the safest and most accurate magnetic resonance imaging technology available today, without using X-rays, non-invasive. Silent technology is very beneficial for patients who are young children, the elderly, patients with weak health or have just had surgery.
MSc Doctor Lam Thi Kim Chi graduated with a Master's degree in Radiology - Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy and has over 6 years of experience as a radiologist. Dr. Chi used to work at Da Nang Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital before working as a radiologist at Vinmec Danang International General Hospital as it is today.

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