Why does anxiety disorder persist?

Many people have long-term anxiety disorder but don't know why and don't even know they have it. Since then, it has delayed treatment and caused serious psychological complications causing depression, anxiety disorders, phobias.

1. What is an anxiety disorder?

Anxiety anxiety disorder is essentially a state of fear, anxiety, and stress that is excessive for a long time, causing anxiety disorders and cannot be controlled. Among the types of mental disorders, anxiety disorders are the most common but are often difficult to detect and go untreated.

2. Why do you suffer from anxiety and fear disorder for a long time?

Currently, the causes of anxiety disorder, paranoid anxiety disorder, and social anxiety disorder have not been fully identified. Researchers believe that anxiety disorders in particular and mental disorders in general are often related to chemicals - neurotransmitters in the brain. However, the cause of anxiety disorder can be a combination of many factors such as the body's biological processes, genetics, environment, and many stressful situations.
Anxiety disorder is the most common mental disorder, in which, fear and anxiety can start in childhood and last into adulthood, present life, the patient still suffering from anxiety disorder. The following factors are believed to be at risk of developing persistent anxiety disorder:
Childhood trauma: Childhood trauma, unhappy childhood, witnessing many traumatizing images physical. Having a terminal illness: Anxiety disorder is a common problem in cancer patients, patients are worried when the tumor, symptoms appear, fear of death, fear of treatment, tumor recurrence development, metastasis and financial burden. Stress, stress: Constantly facing many stressful situations in life can be the source of excessive anxiety and fear and lead to long-term anxiety disorder. Personality disorder: Personality disorder is one of the personality types that can develop anxiety disorders due to unmet psychological needs. Heredity: There can be many members of the same family with an anxiety disorder.
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Tổn thương từ thời thơ ấu có thể là nguyên nhân gây rối loạn lo âu sợ hãi

3. Manifestations of anxiety disorder

When anxiety and fear get out of control and last for a long time, it becomes an anxiety disorder, the patient has the following symptoms:
Anxiety, panic appears suddenly, lasts from a few minutes to a few days, even Several years Unexplained anxiety, panic Accompanied by depression Restlessness, anxiety, difficulty concentrating, headache Fatigue, muscle tension, sweating, feeling suffocated Sleep disturbances, difficulty falling asleep , not sleeping well Abdominal pain, diarrhea Irritability, irritability, irritability
rối loạn lo âu sợ hãi
Lo âu, hoảng sợ là biểu hiện rối loạn lo âu sợ hãi

4. Diagnosis and treatment of persistent anxiety disorder

If excessive anxiety becomes an anxiety disorder that lasts a long time and cannot be controlled or eliminated, affecting daily activities and life, the patient needs to seek help from doctors. specialist.
Diagnosis of anxiety disorder is based on personal and family medical history, physical examination, and testing to check if the anxiety disorder is caused by a medical or psychiatric problem.
An anxiety disorder is diagnosed when the patient meets all of the following criteria:
Excessive daily anxiety lasting up to 6 months or more. The cause of the anxiety could not be identified. Uncontrollable anxiety. Anxiety causes discomfort, affecting all aspects of daily life. Anxiety is accompanied by a number of other specific symptoms such as sleep disturbances, muscle tension, difficulty concentrating, ... Prolonged anxiety and fear disorder if not treated can cause serious psychological complications such as insomnia, depression, headaches, stomachaches, substance abuse, teeth grinding.
There are different treatments for anxiety disorders, but often a combination of psychotherapy and medication (anti-anxiety drugs, antidepressants).
Medication can take time to choose the right drug, effective treatment and minimal side effects for the patient. Regardless of the use of any drug, it is important to note that there must be a prescription and guidance from a doctor, patients should avoid buying drugs to treat anxiety disorders on their own.
The most common psychotherapy used to treat anxiety disorders is cognitive-behavioral. This therapy helps to reduce, adjust, and improve negative thoughts, thereby forming a more positive and healthy way of dealing with difficult and undesirable situations. This therapy is usually applied for short-term treatment.
In general, treatment of anxiety disorders depends on each patient's case with different symptoms and severity. Persistent anxiety disorder can be caused by situations and surroundings that cause excessive and persistent stress and anxiety over a long period of time.

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