Cyclical Bipolar Disorder, Irregular: What You Need to Know

Bipolar disorder is classified as a mental illness and it is often difficult for people with this condition to lead a stable life. Currently, there is no definitive treatment for this disorder. There are 3 main types of bipolar disorder: type I and II bipolar disorder, i.e., bipolar disorder, and cyclical affective disorder. This article will focus on cyclical bipolar disorder.

1. What is cyclical bipolar disorder?

Cyclic bipolar disorder (Cyclothymia disorder) is a relatively mild mood disorder. In this type of disorder, mood will vary between brief episodes of mild depression, mania, and high mood. The intensity of the low and high mood swings did not reach the same severity or duration as during episodes of major depression or total mania. Accordingly, people with cyclothymic disorder have milder symptoms than those with full-blown bipolar disorder.
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2. Who is more likely to get cyclical bipolar disorder?

Statistics show that as many as 0.4% to 1% of the US population has a cyclothymia disorder. Accordingly, the prevalence of the disease is equal between men and women. Symptoms often begin in adolescence or young adulthood and the onset of cyclothymia can be difficult to recognize.
MORE: Tips for living with bipolar disorder

3. What are the symptoms of Cyclothymia?

People with bipolar disorder have moods that range from mild depression to euphoria and vice versa. In most people, the form of the disease is variable and unpredictable. Mania or depression can last for days or weeks. In addition to mood swings and lows, patients can remain in a normal mood for more than a month. But in other cases, the cycle of illness can go from mania to depression with no normal intervals in between.
Compared with more severe mood disorders, the mood disorder symptoms of cyclothymia are classified as mild. The depressive symptoms of cyclothymic disorder never did qualify for major depression, and the high mood levels of the illness never met the criteria for manic states.
Cyclothymia can be a dividing line between mental illness and normal variations in mood and personality. Some people with mild symptoms are often very successful in life because they are driven to show off their personal talents. On the contrary, chronic depression and irritability can destroy marriages and professional relationships.
MORE: Recognizing Bipolar Disorder
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4. What Causes Cyclic Bipolar Disorder?

Many experts say cyclothymic disorder is a very mild form of bipolar disorder. It is difficult to determine for sure what causes this disease. Genetic factors play a role in the formation and development of the disease. People with cyclothymia are more likely to have a relative with bipolar disorder, and vice versa.
Besides genetics, environmental factors can also contribute to cyclical bipolar disorder. People who are chronically stressed, who have been through traumatic experiences of loss, and who have underlying medical conditions are more likely to develop cyclical bipolar disorder than others. .
MORE: Bipolar Disorder Treatment

5. Treatments for Cyclothymia

Cyclic bipolar disorder is often underdiagnosed and undertreated. Most people's symptoms are so mild that they don't need mental health treatment. In fact, some people are against the idea of ​​a treatment for this disease. Typically, depressive symptoms of cyclothymic disorder are more frequent, unpleasant, and destructive than manic symptoms. Feelings of depression or instability is often the reason people with cyclothymia need to seek help. Currently, there are no medications specifically approved to treat cyclothymia, although mood stabilizers such as lithium or lamotrigine are sometimes recommended as a possible strategy to reduce mood fluctuations.
Antidepressants such as Prozac, Paxil, or Zoloft are generally not recommended unless the patient develops a major depressive episode. Because antidepressants may cause or worsen manic symptoms in a subset of patients. Antidepressants alone have not been shown to improve the swings in mood that are hallmarks of cyclothymic disorders. Technically, when the mood is high or the depression is severe then they already have bipolar disorder with the potential for more severe symptoms to require treatment.
Irregular cycle bipolar disorder is also considered one of the mental illnesses, so psychological interventions through cognitive-behavioral therapy, psycho-educational therapy combined with behavioral change The patient's habits and lifestyle can also help the person feel better and have better control over mood swings.
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6. Living with Cyclothymia

Cyclothymia can wreak havoc on the personal lives of people with this disorder. Frequent mood swings disrupt personal and professional relationships. Patients may have difficulty developing a steady job or personal relationships. Impulsive behavior can also be self-destructive and lead to legal problems. Patients with cyclothymic disorders are also more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol. Up to 50% of people with cyclothymia may also have problems with substance abuse. Over time, people with cyclothymia are at risk of developing full-blown bipolar disorder and possibly suicidal thoughts. Some doctors suggest that mood stabilizers may help reduce this risk, although more research is needed to determine their effectiveness.

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