Signs of back pain, headache, bitter mouth, intermittent fever, rash all over the body warn of what disease?

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The doctor told me, the first day of fever, there were signs of back pain a lot even though there was no history of back pain, muscles, bitter mouth, headache, body fatigue, fever in waves, day by day On the second day, on the skin, there were tiny red spots all over the body that were red like blood until Monday afternoon and on the third day today, the fever was gone but still had more red spots. Doctor let me ask the signs of back pain, headache, bitter mouth, intermittent fever, rash all over the body, warning what disease? Is it dangerous?
Anonymous customer
Hello! My red spot is not clear whether it is purpura or maculopapular, what is the pattern of the rash and the order of the rash, is it itchy or not? Because I didn't specify it, it was difficult to diagnose the disease for me. I need to see an infectious disease doctor Thank you for trusting and sending the question "What are the signs of back pain, headache, bitter mouth, intermittent fever, rash all over the body?" to Vinmec. Best regards!

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Answered by Master, Doctor Nguyen Thi Nhat - Department of Examination & Internal Medicine - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital

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