How long should osteoporosis medication be taken?

Researchers at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) looked at the long-term benefits of bisphosphonates, a widely prescribed osteoporosis drug. According to the review, some patients can discontinue bisphosphonates after 3 to 5 years and continue to benefit.

1. Osteoporosis what drug?

Bone undergoes a continuous process of remodeling, in the form of bone resorption and bone formation. Osteoporosis-associated bone loss occurs when bone breakdown is greater than bone formation. According to statistics, 44 million Americans are at risk of osteoporosis, a disease that causes bones to become weak and fragile.
Bisphosphonates work to reduce bone resorption, thereby slowing bone loss. During treatment, the bisphosphonate becomes part of the newly formed bone and can stay there for years, through multiple cycles of breakdown and formation.
The osteoporosis drug class bisphosphonates have been used successfully since 1995 to slow or inhibit bone mass loss. Doctors often prescribe brand-name drugs such as Actonel, Atelvia, Boniva, Fosamax and several others to treat osteoporosis. From 2005 to 2009, more than 150 million prescriptions for osteoporosis were dispensed to patients.
Patients may continue to experience the effects of the drug after stopping use, even for a very long time. The FDA reviewed studies of bone mineral density and fractures in patients who had taken bisphosphonates for at least 3 years and up to 10 years. According to clinical trials lasting 3 to 4 years, bisphosphonates have been shown to be very effective against fractures. But the longer-term benefit in reducing fracture risk remains unclear.
Loãng xương
Mất xương liên quan đến loãng xương, xảy ra khi quá trình phân hủy xương lớn hơn quá trình hình thành xương

2. How long should I take osteoporosis medication?

Bisphosphonates clearly work, but it's unclear the optimal length of time each patient should take them to both maximize effectiveness and minimize potential risks.
Studies have shown that patients with low fracture risk (eg, young adults with no history of fractures and near-normal bone mineral density) can discontinue bisphosphonate therapy after 3 - 5 five. In contrast, patients at higher fracture risk (eg, older adults with a history of fracture and bone mineral density within the warning range) may benefit from continued bisphosphonate therapy. . On the other hand, health care professionals should also review the length of time patients take their osteoporosis medication for the following reasons:
Bisphosphonate labels have issued a safety warning about severe osteonecrosis of the jaw. importance since 2002. In October 2010, the FDA warned patients and healthcare professionals about the risk of unusual femoral fractures and directed manufacturers to include warnings in information labels and instructions that come with the prescription medication. In addition, the FDA continues to evaluate the possible association of bisphosphonates with esophageal cancer. The FDA says more investigation is needed into the long-term risks and benefits of these classes of osteoporosis drugs.
Ung thư thực quản
FDA cũng tiếp tục đánh giá mối liên quan có thể có của bisphosphonates với ung thư thực quản

3. What should the patient do?

In general, the decision to continue treatment should be based on an individual assessment of the risks and benefits, as well as the wishes and aspirations of the patient.
Here are some tips if you are taking bisphosphonates:
Ask your doctor whether to continue this therapy. Periodically re-evaluate the decision. When you decide to stop taking your osteoporosis medication, talk to your doctor before stopping treatment. Tell your doctor if you suddenly have hip or thigh pain (usually a dull ache or pain) or have any questions about any medications you're taking. Report unusual side effects of the osteoporosis drug bisphosphonate to the relevant medical facility. In addition to the benefits and risks mentioned above, more research is needed on the fracture risk of patients after discontinuing bisphosphonates and whether reintroduction of the osteoporosis drug after a period of discontinuation may result in adverse effects. the same benefits as before. In summary, patients should talk to their doctor about their individual need for continued treatment.
Khám bệnh
Khi quyết định không dùng thuốc điều trị loãng xương nữa, hãy nói chuyện với bác sĩ trước khi ngừng điều trị
Currently, Vinmec International General Hospital is applying bone density assessment method in diagnosing osteoporosis or fracture risk. In order to be able to give the most accurate test results, the hospital used the DEXA osteoporosis meter to help detect and evaluate the specific condition of the disease, using a lower dose of X-rays than x-rays, because It's safer for customers. The examination is always performed by a team of qualified doctors with many years of experience in the profession.

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