Cancer treatment: Make sure you drink enough water

When you are undergoing cancer treatment, the most important thing is not to become dehydrated. Dehydration occurs when the amount of body fluid lost (through urine, feces, breath, sweat, ...) is more than the amount absorbed (drinking water, soup, ...). When you don't drink enough water, your body's systems don't function properly and can lead to consequences ranging from mild to severe, even shocking. Therefore, drinking enough water during cancer treatment plays a very important role. Let's learn about the role of water and measures to drink enough water with Vinmec.

1. The role of fluids in the body

In the human body, water can make up 80% of body weight and water plays an important role in maintaining life functions. For healthy people, drinking enough water helps maintain good health, refreshing spirit to perform activities of work, study, entertainment, ... and for patients undergoing cancer treatment, drink Enough water is even more important. Here are the roles of water in the human body:
Controls heart rate and blood pressure: water can naturally lower blood pressure by increasing sodium excretion Keep your body temperature stable: through through the mechanism of sweating and cooling the body Eliminate toxins and waste: water is the solvent that dissolves a variety of organic and inorganic substances in the body, on the other hand, drinking enough water promotes excretion better kidney function, waste products are excreted in the urine, and at the same time reduce the risk of kidney stone formation. Carry nutrients and oxygen around your body: water is the solvent that dissolves some of the vitamins and minerals found in food, and then these nutrients follow the bloodstream to other parts of the body and are used. Protects organs, tissues and joints: through the mechanism of lubrication of joints as well as support when joints move. As a result, you can move freely and have less pain when you have arthritis. When treating cancer, drinking enough water helps reduce the toxic effects of drugs as well as reduce some unwanted effects caused by cancer treatments (chemotherapy, radiation therapy, surgery, ...) causes such as dry mouth , mouth sores , nausea and vomiting... So always remember to drink enough water during cancer treatment.

2. How to drink enough water during cancer treatment?

Always make sure to drink enough water before and after cancer treatment. Here are some useful tips to help you do this, let's find out now.
Drink water all day: dehydration may have occurred before the feeling of thirst appeared. Health professionals recommend drinking at least 8 glasses of water a day, spread throughout the day, even more if you have diarrhea or vomiting. Try liquids other than water: if you can't drink enough water, you can try other liquids like milk, yogurt, fruit juices, smoothies, tea... Occasionally, iced drinks will be easier to drink, especially in the summer when the weather is hot. Water in foods also counts: some foods have a high liquid content like soups, jellies, fruits, vegetables, etc. Choose foods with a high water content, like watermelon. , lettuce or broccoli, ... Swallow shaved ice: if you don't want to drink or eat, try sucking on shaved ice. A little at a time will give you a little more liquid. These simple tips will help you drink enough water in a scientific and natural way. However, how do you know if you are drinking enough water during cancer treatment? It's hard to know how much fluid goes in and out every day unless you measure it. Keep a record of how many liters of water you drink each day and record the number of times you have vomiting or diarrhea, as well as the amount of urine. This will be helpful to give your doctor when symptoms of dehydration occur.

3. Signs of dehydration

When the body is dehydrated, the following clinical symptoms may appear: dry mouth, tongue or lips, dizziness, feeling weak or tired, nausea, constipation, dry skin, swollen tongue, dry, cracked chapped, rapid weight loss, headache, dark yellow urine or little urine, irritability. These symptoms can progress in many levels, from mild to severe, you need to detect these symptoms early for timely treatment, to avoid serious consequences when not drinking enough water.

4. When to call the doctor

Dehydration can become serious if you don't get it under control. Contact your doctor right away if you have any of the following symptoms:
Extreme thirst that doesn't go away when you drink Irritability or confusion You cannot sweat or urinate little Fever Fast heartbeat Urine Dark Low blood pressure With the benefits that water brings to the body during cancer treatment, you should pay attention to drinking enough water in many different ways, this helps the body stay healthy.

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Reference source:
Bài viết này được viết cho người đọc tại Sài Gòn, Hà Nội, Hồ Chí Minh, Phú Quốc, Nha Trang, Hạ Long, Hải Phòng, Đà Nẵng.

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