Some good soups for pregnant women

The article is professionally consulted by Specialist Doctor II Nguyen Thi Phuong Loan - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology - Vinmec Hai Phong International General Hospital.
Diet for pregnant women is extremely important for the development of both mother and baby. However, when building a menu for pregnant women, many people are still wondering which vegetables are good for pregnant women, or what soup is good for pregnant women to eat. Here is some information you can refer to about nutrition for pregnant women.

1. What factors must the food for pregnant women ensure?

At the beginning of pregnancy, pregnant women should choose frugal and nutritious foods, which can be based on taste, eat slightly sour foods to stimulate the secretion of digestive system acid, increase appetite. Pregnant women with vomiting due to severe morning sickness should eat alkaline foods such as vegetables, bananas, figs, potatoes, spinach... which contain a lot of vitamin B. Cantaloupe, strawberries, cauliflower, green peppers. .. contains a lot of vitamin C to help reduce discomfort for pregnant women. In addition, pregnant women need to eat more dark colored vegetables rich in minerals.
In the middle and late pregnancy, it is necessary to choose foods rich in protein, calcium, vitamins such as fish, meat, eggs, legumes, seafood, seaweed, bone broth and fresh vegetables.
Pregnant women should eat a variety of vegetables to provide adequate nutrients for the body. So among the vegetables, what vegetables are best for pregnant women to eat for the health of both mother and baby? As recommended by many nutritionists, the vegetables that pregnant women should eat include leafy vegetables, flowers and tubers.
Group of leafy vegetables, eat flowers include: Broccoli, spinach (spinach), artichoke, centella asiatica, water spinach, collard greens, collard greens, celery, spinach, jute, amaranth, sweet potatoes. The group of root vegetables includes: sweet potato, lotus root, carrot.
Phụ nữ mang thai nên ăn đa dạng các loại rau củ để cung cấp đầy đủ dưỡng chất thiết yếu cho cơ thể

2. What soup is good for pregnant women?

2.1. Beef Bone Soup Beef bone soup can be cooked with onions, tomatoes or potatoes. Beef bones are the top food to supplement calcium for pregnant women. Tomatoes are a vegetable rich in vitamin C and iron. Pregnant women should regularly add tomatoes to their diet to reduce stress and anti-aging.
2.2. Bitter melon soup cooked perch Bitter gourd soup is not only nutritious for pregnant women but also good for pregnant women. It is a food to reduce pregnancy and promote milk for pregnant women after giving birth. Tuna perch strengthens the body, eats a lot and is not obese.
2.3. Goji berry soup with chicken Goji berry is considered an extremely healthy food. Goji berries contain high levels of carotenes, vitamins, essential proteins, crude fats, iron and many other nutrients, which are especially easy to absorb and very good for pregnant women. In addition, goji berry is also effective in the treatment of liver and kidney failure in women after pregnancy.
However, people who have a cold body, have a fever, and are showing symptoms of an infection are not allowed to use goji berries.
2.4. Zucchini soup is used to cook ginseng water as a type of water to clear heat and detoxify.
In the last 3 months, pregnant women often have leg edema due to compression of the veins of the lower extremities, reduced blood circulation. According to Oriental medicine, zucchini is cold, sweet, and full of water, which can fight thirst and diuretic. Therefore, squash soup cooked with lean meat or carp can help pregnant women reduce leg swelling during pregnancy.
2.5. Pumpkin soup
Bí giúp thanh nhiệt, nhuận tràng, ngăn ngừa táo bón

Pumpkin helps clear heat, laxative, prevent constipation. The nutrients in pumpkin are very useful for pregnant women, helping to promote the development of fetal nerve cells, and enhance brain cell activity.
Stir-fry, boil young pumpkin buds, pumpkin flowers with garlic or beef are all delicious. Pumpkin cooked in soup, porridge is beneficial for the liver and kidneys, and has the effect of restoring physical strength and appetite for pregnant women.
2.6. Seaweed soup Seaweed contains many vitamins C, B2, B3, DHA, minerals. This is a soup that helps pregnant women feel healthy, provides nutrients for the fetus, because of its cooling properties.
2.7. Lotus seed soup, lotus root Lotus seed helps to calm down, sweet and cool lotus root is a remedy for pregnancy, suitable for pregnant women. Can be combined with chicken, pork ribs or minced meat.
2.8. Fig porridge contains a lot of malic acid, lipase, protese, hydrolase... to help support the body to digest food, increase appetite, laxative, convenient, especially good for pregnant women who suffer from constipation during pregnancy. pregnancy period. From figs, you can also cook stewed figs with pork feet, and stewed figs with lean meat are very good for health.
2.9. Cooked fish papaya soup Cooked fish papaya soup helps prevent seizures and edema during pregnancy.

2.10. Stir-fried Celery with Chicken Vegetables need to contain a lot of nutrients such as carotene, nicotinic acid, vitamins B, C, calcium, phosphorus, iron, rich in fiber... These substances have the effect of clearing heat, cooling the blood, and benefiting the blood. urine, sedation and blood pressure reduction...
According to Oriental medicine, water celery also has effects such as reducing cough, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, lowering blood pressure, antifungal, reducing sugar, blood fat...
As a vegetable rich in fiber, vegetables should act as a broom to "sweep" all waste out of the digestive system effectively. In addition, the aroma of celery also has the effect of stimulating sweat glands to work, reducing blood pressure.
2.11. Pork liver mixed with spinach Spinach contains a lot of carotene, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron, vitamin E... Pork liver is also a food rich in iron, so it can support the treatment of iron deficiency anemia. pretty good. Pork liver also contains a lot of iron, the nutritional content of pig liver is 10 times higher than that of pork, which can regulate and improve the physiological function of the hematopoietic system of patients with anemia.
2.12. Stir-fried pineapple with chicken gizzard
Dứa xào mề gà
Đây là món ăn ngon trong giai đoạn nghén.
Pineapple contains proteolytic agents, improves local blood circulation, avoids thrombosis, eliminates inflammation and edema. Stir-fried chicken gizzard with pineapple has a sweet and sour taste that helps increase appetite. It is a delicious food during pregnancy.
People with rash, scabies, ulcer disease, kidney disease, impeded blood clotting function, allergy to pineapple should not eat because it may be poisoned.
Above are some notes in choosing green vegetables and good soups for pregnant women recommended by many nutritionists. In addition to a reasonable diet, pregnant women also need to actively go for regular antenatal check-ups to closely monitor the development of the fetus, detect problems of both mother and child at the earliest to take intervention measures. timely. That is the most comprehensive way to ensure reproductive health.
Maternity service package of Vinmec International General Hospital, including many different packages depending on the stage of pregnancy, has long become a reliable choice of many pregnant women. At Vinmec, the medical team is well-trained and highly specialized, always dedicated to patients; Modern facilities, advanced machinery systems of international standards and professional service quality help pregnant women experience pregnancy in the safest and most comfortable way.

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