Protein requirements in children by age

The article was professionally consulted with Master, Doctor Truong Thanh Tam - Pediatrician - Department of Pediatrics - Neonatology - Vinmec Danang International General Hospital.
Protein deficiency can make young children vulnerable to malnutrition, but consuming too much protein can also have negative effects on children's health status. Therefore, parents should learn about protein needs in children by age to build the most suitable diet for their children.

1. What is protein?

Protein is also known as protein, these are the basic substances to maintain the life of every cell in our body. Moreover, protein is also a component of structural tissues, plays a role in protecting the human body and soft cells in many organs.
For each different stage and age, the protein requirements for the human body are also different, so mothers should set up different protein supplement plans for children in each respective period.
Một số thực phẩm giàu chất đạm và chất béo cho bà bầu
Một số thực phẩm bổ sung chất đạm cho cơ thể

2. What is the role of protein?

Protein supplementation plays an extremely important role in the development of young children, especially those who are in the weaning period. Protein will be responsible for maintaining weight, and developing the body and brain of young children.
If the child's body is deficient in protein, the immune system will quickly be weakened, causing serious consequences such as: lack of resistance, frequent illness, and negative effects. to the comprehensive development of the brain in children.
Each amino acid of the protein will carry a separate task in the human body, so one cannot be used to replace the other. Therefore, the child's diet needs to be varied and balanced with different foods to help them absorb the best.
In general, amino acids from proteins will have the following basic functions:
Rebuild new cell tissues: by repairing damaged cell tissues. This is an important component to restructure hemoglobin, hormones and hormones. Provides the necessary energy for the body's activities. In addition, amino acids also play a role in regulating the balance of fluid content in the body, can reconcile the concentration of acids and alkalis, and support maximum metabolism. substance between blood vessels and cells. The amino acids in proteins are also the building blocks of chromosomes and genes. In it, some amino acids will be responsible for conducting nerve signals from nerves to other parts of the body.
thần kinh
Amino acid giúp dẫn truyền tín hiệu từ dây thần kinh tới các bộ phận trên cơ thể

3. Protein requirements in children by age

In the human body, the liver makes about 80% of amino acids from the proteins we eat, and about 20% from food sources.
Protein requirements will change with each age of the person with each stage of growth as well as the good or bad condition of the whole body.
In the age of 1-3 years, protein greatly affects the development of young children, especially brain cells.
For the diet of young children, parents can prioritize animal proteins such as eggs, milk, meat, fish, shrimp, ... because they possess very high value with all the necessary substances. for the growth and development of young children. Not only that, the nutrients taken from animal protein also help the child's body stay healthy, increase the ability to resist many diseases.
The amount of animal protein contained in the diet of young children should be in the range of 50-60%, should be combined with plant proteins such as red beans, peanuts, sesame,... to get a good balance. help the process of absorption and use of protein become better.
According to statistics, the need for protein intake in children from 1-3 years old is about 28g/day.
Trẻ 1 tuổi ăn vào là nôn
Chất đạm rất cần thiết cho sự tăng trưởng và phát triển của trẻ nhỏ
If the child's diet is lacking in protein, the child will not only be slow to grow but also have less intelligence and poor thinking development. However, if children tolerate too much protein in the body, it is not good because it will create a heavy burden on the liver and kidneys.
On the other hand, in the process of digestion, protein also creates many decaying and toxic products for the body. Therefore, in the diet of young children, protein will work when there is enough energy. If a child's meal is provided with an adequate amount of essential protein but lacks energy, the child will still be malnourished.
Attention: Parents should note that, when cooked to the right meat, the meat is not only tender but also very easy to digest because the heat has broken the binding of amino acids. But if we cook meat for too long, the amino acids will mix together, so it is difficult to digest and also lose about 25% of good energy.
The need for protein in children according to age is different, parents should consult more scientific diets from leading nutrition experts to build the best diet for overall development. face of young children.
In addition to dietary supplements, parents can give their children support foods containing essential vitamins and micro-minerals such as zinc, lysine, chromium, selenium, vitamin B... to help meet their full needs. meet the nutritional needs of children. At the same time, these essential vitamins also support digestion, enhance nutrient absorption, help improve anorexia, and help children eat well.
Please regularly visit website and update useful information to take care of your baby and family.

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