What is thick endometrium, what does it signify?

The endometrium plays a very important role in conception and pregnancy in women. Every month, under the influence of female sex hormones, the endometrium thickens to be ready to receive the fertilized egg for implantation. Without fertilization, the endometrium will shed on its own, causing menstruation. However, in some cases, due to insufficient hormones or other causes, the endometrium thickens and vice versa, making it difficult for the embryo to attach, leading to miscarriage. Let's learn more about what thick endometrium is right in the following article.

1. What is the endometrium?

The endometrium is the soft, spongy lining that covers the entire inner surface of the uterus. Depending on the time of the month, the endometrium thickens. The endometrium works by the action of the hormone estrogen in the female body. The endometrium (the lining of the uterus) plays an important role in providing nutrients, conception, and protecting the fetus during pregnancy.
Every month, what is the thickening of the uterine lining? Thickening of the endometrium is a sign of preparation for the implantation of a fertilized egg during each menstrual cycle. On the other hand, if the egg is not fertilized, this lining will be shed and pushed out of the body, called menstruation.
The endometrium consists of 2 parts:
The basal endometrial layer (the basal layer): consists of columnar epithelial cells, stroma and is not affected by the menstrual cycle. Endothelial layer (shallow layer): Affected by changes in the menstrual cycle. Normally, the endometrium will normally be 3 to 4 mm thick in the postmenstrual phase and will be 8 to 12 mm near ovulation.

2. What factors cause the endometrium to thicken?

What is endometrial thickening ? What factors cause the endometrium to thicken? Here are the factors that cause the endometrium to thicken abnormally:
Levels of the hormone estrogen are too high or too low. Unscientific lifestyle. Sedentary, sports. A history of curettage, abortion, or surgery to the uterus. Having diseases related to the ovaries such as: polycystic ovaries, uterine polyps, gynecological infections, ovarian cysts, ... People with anemia, obesity, overweight Use drugs with high concentrations Continuous estrogen for a long time causes an imbalance of the hormone estrogen.

3. Does the thickened endometrium of the uterus affect fertility?

The endometrium under the influence of female hormones will change thickness according to the menstrual cycle, age and pregnancy. During the entire menstrual cycle, under the hormone estrogen, the endometrium proliferates. By mid-menstrual cycle, the endometrium is about 8-12mm thick. If conception occurs, the body will produce a large amount of female hormones, causing the lining to proliferate to help the egg fertilize and implant. However, if the amount of hormone is not enough, the endometrium is thinner than 8mm, making it difficult for the embryo to attach to the uterine cavity, easily leading to miscarriage. Or if the endometrium is too thick > 20mm, it will make conception more difficult and delay pregnancy.
At the end of the menstrual cycle, there is no fertilization, the mucosa is shed and pushed out, forming the phenomenon of menstruation.

4. What is the normal thickness of the endometrium?

Below is the change of the endometrium according to the monthly menstrual cycle:
The period just ended the menstrual cycle: the endometrium is about 3-4mm thick. Near ovulation: The endometrium is about 8-12mm thick. Near the end of the menstrual cycle: The endometrial layer can be about 12-16mm thick.

5. How to improve the thickness of the endometrium?

Women with thick uterine lining (endometrium) often have problems such as menorrhagia, amenorrhea, polycystic ovaries, ovulation disorders,... This will cause a lot of problems. difficulty conceiving. In order to improve and treat thickened endometrium, it is usually treated with hormones. This is to balance the hormones estrogen and progesterone in a woman's body. Helps to increase fertility.
When there are signs of thickening of the uterine lining, you should go to reputable and quality medical facilities to promptly check for detection and have an appropriate treatment plan. Besides, if you are planning to become pregnant, a pre-marital medical examination is extremely necessary. This will help you have the best preparation for pregnancy, as well as detect abnormal signs of the body. The thickness of the endometrium is affected by many factors. Therefore, depending on the cause, the doctor will have the best treatment.
What is thick endometrium? What does thickened endometrium indicate? Surely through the above article, you can answer these questions. Hopefully, the selected information Vinmec will provide you with more information about the condition of thick endometrium for timely treatment and examination.

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