Female age-related decline in fertility

A woman's fertility is affected by many different factors, and age is one of them. So how does female fertility decline over time?

1. General overview of the relationship between female fertility and age

Women's fertility will gradually decrease over time, starting from the age of 32 will notice a clear decline and will decrease very quickly after the age of 37. It is for that reason, women who want to get pregnant need to be consulted and understand the effect of age on your fertility.
For women over 35 years of age, if they are unable to conceive despite wanting to become pregnant and have not used any contraception for 6 consecutive months (this period may be shorter in some cases). ) should be examined, evaluated, and treated, if indicated, because of their age-related decline in fertility and a high risk of developing disorders affecting fertility. fertility as well as a higher risk of miscarriage. For women over 40 years of age, evaluation and treatment interventions become even more necessary.
phụ nữ 40 tuổi
Phụ nữ lớn tuổi nên thăm khám đánh giá kịp thời trước khi mang thai

2. Why does fertility in women decline over time?

The number of oocytes in a woman's ovaries will naturally decrease gradually and at an accelerated rate. The number of oocytes reaches a peak of about 6-7 million in a 20-week-old female fetus, decreases to about 1-2 million cells when born, by puberty it is only 300000 - 50000, At 37 years old there are only 25,000, finally at 51 years old (the average age of menopause in the US) there are only about 1000 oocytes left.
Female fertility declines over time, declines markedly starting at age 32 and declines rapidly after age 37, reflecting a fundamental relationship between the decline in egg quality and the increase in serum concentrations. FSH and decreased levels of AMH and inhibin B during the menstrual cycle. The mechanism of this problem is not well understood, but it seems to be related to multiple factors regulated by the X and autosomes.
Age alone has an effect on fertility. Statistical data suggest that in communities that do not use contraception, female fertility declines over time, but sexual activity also declines with age, making it difficult to separate separate to evaluate these two factors separately.
Although difficult, a classic French study did this by studying healthy married women who had no sperm in their semen and had to use donor semen. The final study results showed that pregnancy rates dropped dramatically as a woman's age increased. The cumulative pregnancy rate observed over a period of up to 12 menstrual cycles was 74% for women under 31 years of age, decreased to 62% in women 31-35 years of age, and only 54% among women. over 35 years old.
tỉ lệ mang thai
Tuổi càng cao thì tỷ lệ mang thai càng thấp
A similar trend was observed from the analysis of data from the IVF embryo transfer program in the United States. The live birth rate of IVF is 41.5% for women under 35 years old, 31.9% in women 35-37 years old, 22.1% in women 38-40 years old, 12.4% In women 41 - 42 years old, 5% in women 43 - 44 years old and only 1% in women over 44 years old. On the other hand, women who used donated eggs from healthy young donors for artificial insemination had a live birth rate of up to 51%, regardless of the age of the recipient. As a woman ages, her risk of fertility problems increases, which can be uterine fibroids, fallopian tube problems, or endometriosis. Women who have had ovarian surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, severe endometriosis, smoker, a pelvic infection, or a family history of multiple menopause will face with the risk of decreased fertility. A woman's fertility declines over time, mainly due to a decrease in the number and quality of eggs, and it becomes more complicated later on when menstrual cycles become irregular in the pre-pregnancy period. Menopause . Therefore, the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists and the American Society for Reproductive Medicine have made the following recommendations:
Women who intend to Pregnant women need to be counseled and understand the effect of age on their fertility. Women over 35 years old who want to become pregnant, if they cannot conceive within 6 months (or earlier depending on the case), should be examined and treated if appropriate with clinical indications. For women over 40 years of age, evaluation and therapeutic intervention are a must. Vinmec International General Hospital is one of the hospitals that not only ensures professional quality with a team of leading doctors, modern equipment and technology, but also stands out for its examination and consulting services. and comprehensive, professional medical treatment; civilized, polite, safe and sterile medical examination and treatment space.

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Articles refer to the source: acog.org

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